Turnaround: Crisis, Leadership, and the Olympic Games by Mitt Romney | Goodreads
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Turnaround: Crisis, Leadership, and the Olympic Games

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The head of the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics organizing committee describes how he assumed the leadership of the troubled organization and turned it around to present one of the most successful Olympic Games ever.

416 pages, Hardcover

First published June 15, 2004

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About the author

Mitt Romney

14 books35 followers
Mitt Romney is an American businessman and Republican party politician, who served as the 70th Governor of Massachusetts from 2003-2007. He is also the son of George W Romney (former Governor of Michigan) and Lenore Romney.

Romney earned an undergraduate degree at Stanford University and BYU where he was Valedictorian. He then earned a joint MBA/J.D. from Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School, graduating cum laude from law school and in the top 5% of his MBA class. Romney shortly began working for Bain & Company where he rose to become the CEO. He then co-founded Bain Capitol, a private equity investment firm, which became one of the largest such firms in the nation during his time there.

Romney organized and steered the 2002 Winter Olympics as President and CEO of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee, and helped turn the troubled games into a financial success.

He was a candidate for the Republican nomination for the 2008 United States presidential election and later the Republican nominee for the 2012 United States presidential election.

Romney has received honorary degrees from the University of Utah (1999), Bentley College (2002), Suffolk University Law School (2004), and Hillsdale College (2007).

In 2008, he shared with his wife Ann the Canterbury Medal from The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, for "refus[ing] to compromise their principles and faith" during the Presidential campaign."

Romney is married to Ann Romney and has five sons, five daughters in law and 15 grandkids.

For further details, see the author's Wikipedia page.


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Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews
33 reviews2 followers
April 20, 2011
The perfect book on business and politics. If you need find out who Mitt Romney is read this book. I'm not saying he'll be a great president, but he is a great manager and leader.
Profile Image for Kyle Harrison.
93 reviews1 follower
December 30, 2018
I’ve always respected Mitt Romney for as long as I’ve had the opportunity to know who he was. I had the great privilege to work at Solamere Capital, which is managed by Tagg Romney, Mitt’s son, and had the chance to sit in several meetings where Mitt was involved as well. I’ll never forget one particular conversation; we were discussing a company we could purchase, and the cost synergies that could be realized. Mitt Romney spoke up and said, “Never speak lightly of those potential cost cutting areas. A lot of times, the costs to cut represent people’s jobs, and we never want to treat that lightly.” Many thanks to Pioneer Book in Provo, Utah for exposing me to this book.

Profile Image for Tyler.
707 reviews11 followers
July 13, 2017
I decided to read this book and No Apology in order to gain a better understanding of Mitt Romney the man and the leader so that I can make an informed decision when voting for the 2012 primaries (and probably general election). I was very surprised to learn so much detail about the leadership and preparation of SLOC for the 2002 Games, it paints a very interesting picture that both contrasts and wonderfully complements what I remember as a nine-year-old kid when my parents and aunts volunteered and the Olympics were right on our doorstep.

I was impressed by how much of the book was spent documenting team members and others who Mr. Romney worked with and listing their contributions. The amount of work required to successfully see the Games brought from scandal to being the most successful Winter Olympics of all time was simply staggering, and even now its amazing that the job was pulled off. I guess in the long run I learned quite a bit about Mitt Romney's leadership. He takes a very practical, disciplined approach to solving problems and this book demonstrates his firm resolve in making hard decisions that have a far reaching effect. He is also quick to give credit where credit is due.

I was also impressed with his ability to work successfully with so many groups of people including a wide range of businesses and business leaders, the IOC, the USOC, Utah government, Utah media, Utah Law enforcement, the federal government, national media, national agencies, the military, congress and washington, the athletes and other international organizations, and of course the public; including admirable efforts to specifically include minority groups within the public. I think this book debunks the media complaint of Mitt Romney's "inability to connect with common people."

This book is pretty crunchy in terms of data and is more topic-based than simply a historical account of his time as head of the SLOC. It wasn't what I was expecting, but I did enjoy it.
Profile Image for Fred D.
196 reviews6 followers
January 9, 2012
A very good book. I was expecting it to be more of a straightforward chronology of his involvement with the games, but not really. The book was rather broken up by subject, and he focused more on how he applied leadership & management skills to solve the problems he encountered.

Nevertheless, I am very impressed with Mitt: his integrity, his work ethic, his problem-solving skills, his management skills. He did an amazing job turning the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics around. He was the perfect person to do it. I am awed by his skills.

I knew a lot of this already of course. It was my great privilege to serve under him as a volunteer for the 2002 Olympics. I saw relatively close-up how he turned things around. It was amazing. I actually met him very briefly once, when he came to greet crowds of volunteers arriving for an Opening Ceremonies dress rehearsal. I shook his hand, and we expressed thanks to each other. It took me off guard, I didn't expect to see him there. When Mitt first took over the Olympics, I remember people calling for Salt Lake to give up the Games. By the end, it was hailed as one of the most successful Olympic Games ever. From starting out close to bankrupt, the Games actually finished with a surplus. Wow. Thank you Mitt, for all you did. For me it was the experience of a lifetime.

This guy is exactly what this country needs right now. We need a big turnaround, and he is uniquely qualified to do it. It's fitting that I finished the book on the day he won the New Hampshire Primary. Go Mitt go!
Profile Image for Joe Meservy.
77 reviews6 followers
July 9, 2014
Excellent play by play explanation of running the olympics and organizing its leadership amidst the initial tumultuous circumstances. Romney is appreciative of his staff and major players, he politely marvels at the levels of volunteer aid and American spirit displayed in its operation, and he paints a very united world view of the olympics. Fantastic read--especially on leadership.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It reflected the patriotic spirit of the nation after 9/11 and the grandeur of the olympic games (and the 2002 champions). Mitt Romney and his team's actions are detailed each step of the way and they paint a worthy portrait of excellent leadership. I would recommend this as a book on how to lead from behind.
Profile Image for Holly.
453 reviews
July 30, 2012
I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. Even though on the surface it can seem dry, with lots of numbers and statistics and names thrown around, I found myself anxious to come back to it every time I put it down. I found myself getting excited whenever his team was able to cut something unnecessary out of the budget!
It was very enlightening as far as the financials of the games, especially in terms of Olympic sponsorships.
Romney mentions at the outset, the the first drafts of the book came from dictations, and it reads like it. The editing/writing is not overly polished and there is a fair amount of redundancy.
A worthwhile read if you are interested in the behind the scenes of the Olympics.
Profile Image for Melanie.
262 reviews
August 19, 2009
I originally thought this would have more anecdotes and experiences from the Olympics. I was surprised that it turned out to be more of a business management case study and found it very applicable to public relations case studies approach I learned as an undergrad. I enjoyed reading this just to see how Romney managed various challenges and put into place strategic planning. A great read for anyone wanting an in-depth look at an actual case study for strategic planning. LDS author, LDS subject
7 reviews8 followers
August 4, 2009
This book was lying around the office and since we had just moved and didn't have much of a book collection to speak of I picked it and gave it a read. It gives an account of the administrative efforts behind the Salt Lake 2002 Winter Olympics. I loved following the story because I was living in Utah during the time of the story and I worked for NBC during the games. Without a connection you could easily get bored with the book. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes the Olympics and Mitt Romney.
1,275 reviews12 followers
August 8, 2012
I read this one for a work project focused on Salt Lake City. It was helpful and informative for the project - but not exactly scintillating prose. The version I read needed better proofing - it was full of typos. It was an interesting book to be reading while Romney was in London commenting on the current Olympics. The 3 stars is because it was helpful - but unless I were fascinated with what went in to pulling out the Salt Lake city Olympics after the bidding scandal, I wounldn't put it at the top of my list.
Profile Image for Merinda.
27 reviews4 followers
July 25, 2008
I found this to be a page turner. As a Salt Lake Olympic volunteer, I was fascinated by the insights into all the politics and management headaches of cleaning up after a scandal and putting on an event with the magnitude and expense of the Olympics. I was a fan of Mitt Romney, and this only bolstered that opinion. As far as the technical aspects of the book; well, perhaps the editors could have spent a little more time pre-press on making sure it was clean.
Nevertheless a good book.
Profile Image for Gil Bradshaw.
410 reviews3 followers
August 20, 2007
Wow, I gained a huge respect for Mitt Romney while reading this book. I became tired of his description of his 'team' and stuff, but even that was impressive. He was able to articulate why he was grateful for the people he worked with--which isn't always done by people at the top.

Definitely better than "Square Peg Round Hole" by Orrin Hatch.

Profile Image for Rae.
3,706 reviews
August 30, 2008
Mitt Romney took over the scandal-ridden 2002 Salt Lake Olympic Committee and eventually pulled off a successful Olympic Games. In this "memoir" he tells how he did it and shares a lot of management tips on how to run a high-profile organization. The best thing about this book is that it introduced me to Barenaked Ladies!
Profile Image for Brandon.
49 reviews1 follower
August 12, 2008
I must admit, I became a HUGE Mitt fan after reading this book. The guy is a great leader and example. He gives a detailed account of his experience taking the helm of the 2002 Winter Olympics. He doesn't hold back, and I love it. He should be the republican nominee for President, but I won't go there...
2,079 reviews5 followers
April 28, 2012
I read this as part of a challenge from my boss to read a book on leadership. Having lived in Utah during the SL Olympics and experiencing the frustration of the scandal to the triumph of the games, it was fascinating to read how Mitt Romney was able to turn the games around. Even more relevant now with his bid for the presidency to get a glimpse of what he'd do as president.
Profile Image for Erin L..
154 reviews11 followers
December 27, 2007
This was a really interesting book. I didn't realize all that goes into the Olympics. It was interesting reading it from the perspective of knowing Mitt Romney is running for president. It highlights the leadership skills and turn-around skills he could bring to the presidency.
Profile Image for Liza Starr.
8 reviews
November 27, 2007
I really enjoyed this book. Having attended the Opening Ceremony as well as a number of other 2002 Olympic events, it was interesting to see what it took to pull off this incredible Olympics. After reading this, I felt that Mitt Romney definitely has the goods to be president.
Profile Image for Chad.
199 reviews20 followers
September 10, 2008
My introduction to Mitt Romney -- I came away very impressed with his leadership skills in a challenging situation. Interesting behind-the-scenes look at what it took to organize the Salt Lake Winter Olympics in 2002.
Profile Image for James.
23 reviews
July 18, 2010
I wasn't sure if this book would seem like old news knowing the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics happened 8 years ago. However, I had a vested interest since I was a volunteer during the games. It was a worthwhile read and I recommend it to anyone who has ties to these games in any way.
8 reviews3 followers
June 14, 2007
I thought this was an excellent book on general leadership principles. It was a great tell of Olympic stories.
Profile Image for Debbie.
118 reviews
August 2, 2009
Packing a lunch saved them thousands (or maybe even millions) of dollars.
75 reviews
March 14, 2008
An illustration of what can be done with great leadership, work ethic, and a desire to overcome seemingly impossible odds. I highly recommend this!!!
57 reviews1 follower
May 30, 2008
Great book. I really enjoyed the chapter about not wasting time trying to change people but on focusing on their strengths.
210 reviews7 followers
October 1, 2009
Fun to read bc it was Mitt. Saw him at Ali's birthday before boy's weekend when i was half way through.
Profile Image for Lowell.
192 reviews9 followers
March 6, 2012
Solid. This man is a beast of operational and managerial efficacy.
Profile Image for Becky Mitchell.
31 reviews1 follower
August 10, 2012
I enjoyed reading this book. As a volunteer for the Salt Lake Olympics it was interesting to see how it all played out.
Profile Image for Hom Sack.
518 reviews12 followers
August 5, 2012
Insightful account of his leadership abilities. Highly recommended.
Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews

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