Who Was William Haines, The First Openly Gay Hollywood Star? What Happened To His Career?
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    Who Was William Haines, The First Openly Gay Hollywood Star? What Happened To His Career?

    All the fellow pop culture buffs, buckle up, because we’re diving into the glittering canals of Hollywood history to uncover the fascinating tale of William Haines – the OG trailblazer who danced, charmed, and sashayed his way into Tinseltown’s heart. So, who was this fabulous Hollywood maven, and what on earth happened to his dazzling career?

    The brightest star of Hollywood’s golden age whose one look sold more tickets than the talkies ever could at the time. William was the pioneer in the field of self-confidence and paved the way for all these woke celebrities we see all over the news today.

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    Who Was William Haines?

    William Haines (Image: Getty)
    William Haines (Image: Getty)

    Let’s rewind to the Roaring Twenties when flapper dresses were all the rage, and jazz tunes filled the air of every gathering. That was the time of  William Haines, a man with the glitz, the glamour, and a charm that could make your grandmother swoon, all while he was also dropping the sass bombs like confetti.

    Haines wasn’t just an actor, he was a personality, a mood, and a walking, talking meme before memes were even a thing. Starting as a bit player in silent films, he quickly twirled his way into the spotlight, landing lead roles and stealing scenes with a charisma that screamed, “Move over, Clark Gable – Billy’s in town!

    The Unapologetic Gay Icon

    William Haines (Image: Hulton Archive)
    William Haines (Image: Hulton Archive)

    Now, let’s talk about the real showstopper of this silent actor’s stardom. William’s unapologetic openness about his sexuality during an era that preferred Hollywood stars to keep their private lives, well, private. If Lady Gaga had a time machine, she’d be high-fiving Haines for his DGAF attitude. In an industry where discretion was the norm, our ‘The Midnight Express’ star sashayed onto the scene, living his truth and giving a big, fabulous middle finger to the make-believe status police.

    It wasn’t an easy battle to pick but Haines faced the rumor mill head-on. Instead of shying away from speculation about his love life, he made headlines by attending events with his partner, Jimmy Shields. They weren’t hiding in the shadows, they were jazzing through Hollywood’s golden gates, hand in hand. 

    Now about Haines’s infamous Holmby Hills mansion which was a glittering epicentre of Hollywood’s who and who. Movie nights at Billy’s Bloomingdale House, with a guest list that included Joan Crawford and Clark Gable, must have been what Californian dreams were made of. 

    Haines turned his mansion into the ultimate hotspot, attracting the crème de la crème of Hollywood. His legendary parties weren’t just gatherings, they were soirees whispered about in hallowed tones, where gossip flowed as freely as champagne. 

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    Fall From Grace

    William Haines (Image: Pinterest @Tim Sommer)
    William Haines (Image: Pinterest @Tim Sommer)

    Ah, but as we all know, even the brightest stars have their moments of dimming. Despite his undeniable talent and unapologetic fabulousness, Haines’s career hit a rocky patch in the 1930s. When the MGM studio heads decided they didn’t want an openly gay leading man, Haines made a choice that we only see on movie screens, not movie makers’ lives.

    Haines chose love over career, giving Hollywood a sassy two-finger salute as he left the acting scene for good in 1935. The ‘West Point’ star transitioned his supposed doom into a successful career as an interior designer, proving that when life hands you lemons, you turn them into a chic, lemon-inspired décor.

    Legacy Of An Unforgettable Hollywood Star

    William Haines (Image: John Kobal Foundation)
    William Haines (Image: John Kobal Foundation)

    As we wrap up the tale of this Hollywood hail master who chose what mattered to him at the time when society had power over it all, let’s raise a metaphorical martini glass to William Haines. He was the man who broke barriers, shattered stereotypes, and left an indelible mark on the industry that calls itself woke now. He was the man who paved the way for future LGBTQ+ stars to sashay freely across the silver screen. The trailblazer died at the age of 73 in the summer of 1973. Haines was suffering from lung cancer and was taken from the world by a sudden cardiac arrest. 

    William Haines was celebrated not just for his on-screen charisma but also for his off-screen audacity. Hollywood might have lost him as a leading man, but Haines’s legacy as an unapologetically fabulous personality is forever etched in the glittering narrative of Tinseltown’s golden age.

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    Akshita Singh
    Akshita Singhhttps://firstcuriosity.com/
    Akshita Singh is a Senior Content Writer at First Curiosity. She has been churning out content for 2 years. She's an avid reader and writer, fascinated by the works of Sylvia Plath, Franz Kafka, and Charles Bukowski. Akshita is also a poet herself, having written two poetry books titled ‘Made By Misery’ and ‘Deathbed’. Apart from goth literature, another thing that she enjoys is the real and fictional stories of Hollywood. She loves cinema and admires all works of art, be they delivered by actors or directors. So, keeping up with celebrity life comes as basic nature to her, something she loves knowing and informing others.

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