Phrygian | Definition, History & Culture |
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Phrygian | Definition, History & Culture

Cheryl Roberts, Christopher Muscato
  • Author
    Cheryl Roberts

    Cheryl Roberts has master's degrees in English and history and taught taught college composition, literature, and history for over 20 years.

  • Instructor
    Christopher Muscato

    Chris has a master's degree in history and teaches at the University of Northern Colorado.

Learn about the ancient kingdom Phrygia. Understand Phrygia's origins and history as well as its culture and language. Explore the legendary story of King Midas. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What is Phrygia called now?

Phrygia is now a part of Turkey. Phrygia was a part of Asia Minor, or Anatolia, which is located in the western part of Turkey.

What happened to Phrygia?

The capital of Phrygia, Gordion, was destroyed by the Cimmerians in 696 BCE. Subsequently, the kingdom dissolved, and its people were absorbed by its neighbors. The area was later occupied by the Persians and was then conquered by Alexander the Great. It became part of the Byzantine Empire and remained so until the late 11th century CE. Today, it is part of the country of Turkey.

What race were the Phrygians?

The Phrygians were part of a migration of nomadic people from the Balkans in southeastern Europe who arrived in Anatolia, or Asia Minor, around 1200 BCE. They may be descendants of the Thracians, and there is evidence that they were closely allied with the Trojans.

The Phrygians were an ancient civilization in the Near East. They are believed to be descendants of the Balkan people of southeastern Europe. They were also related to the Thracians from the same area. They flourished as an independent kingdom during the 8th and 7th centuries BCE.

Where was Phrygia?

The kingdom of Phrygia was located in what today is Turkey. The area is also known as Anatolia or Asia Minor. On a map, it is a large peninsula in western Turkey bound to the north by the Black Sea and to the south by the Mediterranean Sea.

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The early Phrygians arrived in Anatolia, or Asia Minor, around 1200 BCE. They were part of a large migration of nomadic people from Europe and were among the earliest known inhabitants of Anatolia. While not much is known about their early history, the Phrygians may have been associated with the Thracians. They were also closely associated with the Trojans; Homer mentions them frequently as Trojan allies in the Iliad.

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Phrygia was an ancient kingdom that existed between the 12th to 7th centuries BCE. Before the demise of the kingdom of Phrygia, the Anatolian kingdom had strong rules and conquests. Although many facts are not known about the kingdom, legendary figures such as King Midas. King Midas is said to have had supernatural powers, such as turning anything he touched into hold. The demise of the kingdom of the Phrygians saw its rule taken by Lyndian, Persian, Seleucid, and finally, Roman control. Emerging from the ashes of the Hittite Empire around 1200 BCE, the Phrygian kingdom arose in Anatolia, modern-day Turkey. Due to insufficient data and information, some scholars propose a compelling migration theory, suggesting a link between the Phrygians and the enigmatic "Sea Peoples" mentioned in Egyptian chronicles. These mysterious raiders' role in the Hittite decline adds tantalizing intrigue to the narrative. The existence of a connection of shared linguistic threads between Phrygian and Thracian adds more weight to this as they both belong to the Indo-European linguistic family. Moreover, archaeological clues unearthed in the Balkans hint at Phrygian origins in that region. Thus, the theory paints a picture of a people on the move, weaving their tapestry into the rich tapestry of Anatolian history.

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The site of the ancient Phrygian capital of Gordion has been extensively excavated. In addition to the Midas Mound, many burial mounds in the area have also been excavated. These excavations have revealed evidence of a wealthy and accomplished society.

Phrygia was a very wealthy kingdom, partly because of Gordion's location on an ancient east-west trading route. This route was later restored by the Persians and named the Royal Road, stretching from Anatolia to today's Iran. There is evidence of Phrygian trade with countries as far away as Syria.

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The Phrygian kingdom endured more to sustain itself, it also achieved much in terms of self-gain and influence. These are explained below.

Enduring Legacy

The historical thrive and struggle to inspire much. some include the following;

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The Phrygians were an ancient people located in western Turkey on a present-day map. The Phrygians were part of a group of nomadic people who migrated from southeastern Europe to Anatolia, or Asia Minor, around 1200 BCE. They may have descended from the Thracians, and they were closely aligned with the Trojans. The Phrygian kingdom flourished during the 8th to 7th centuries BCE with a capital at Gordion, located on an ancient east-west trading route. Phrygia was a wealthy country based on agriculture, trade, and mining. The kingdom came under attack in 696 BCE, and the capital was destroyed by fire. After that, the kingdom's influence in the area diminished, and its people were assimilated into other groups in Anatolia. The area was conquered later by the Persians and then by Alexander the Great. Asia Minor was part of the Byzantine Empire until the late 11th century, and today it is part of Turkey.

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Additional Info

The Phrygians

There are some pretty wild characters in Greek mythology. One of the figures to evoke a constant sense of envy in Western societies is King Midas, the man said to turn everything he touched into gold. While this is a very popular story, there are a few things you may not realize about King Midas. First, he may have actually been a real person, so that's cool. Secondly, he wasn't actually Greek.

Midas was the king of the Phrygians, a kingdom located in Anatolia (today the nation of Turkey). Located just across the Aegean Sea, Greece and Anatolia were often in contact with each other. The Phrygians in particular had a lot of contact with Greece. They borrowed the Greek alphabet for their language, and in return the Greeks borrowed their stories of kings who filled the Mediterranean region with gold.

The Phrygians were a people of Anatolia, modern-day Turkey

History of the Phrygians

Despite some really good archaeological evidence of their main cities, there's a lot that we actually don't know about the Phrygians. In fact, we don't even know what they called themselves. The name Phrygian was the Greek word for their kingdom. The Assyrian Empire to the south called them the Muski.

These mysterious people appeared in historic records with little notice or background, establishing themselves as a major power in the 8th century BCE. But where'd they come from? Ancient texts are inconsistent on this matter, but many historians believe they may have descended from the Balkans of Eastern Europe following the breakup of the Hittite Empire around 1200 BCE.

What we know for sure is that they built some major cities in the 8th century BCE and rose amazingly quickly to become the dominant power of Anatolia. Their capital city was Gordion, located about 60 miles southwest of Turkey's modern capital Anakara (also built on a former Phrygian city). Their civilization reached the height of their dominance around 750 BCE, after which Gordion was raided by a nomadic tribe called the Cimmerians (according to ancient sources). The Phrygian culture survived, even if their former power did not, and was later incorporated into the Persian Empire and that of Alexander the Great.

Phrygian Culture and King Midas

The Phrygian Kingdom is really interesting because it emerged in historic records very suddenly, and rose to be extremely wealthy and powerful very quickly. The Phrygians built large, fortified cities that showed architectural influence from both Greece and West Asia, and they established themselves as master craftsmen and artisans. Their bronze, ivory, and woodworking skills seem to have been particularly respected, and we find a lot of unique artifacts from Phrygian cities and tombs made of these materials. Considering the historical importance of Anatolia, it seems likely the Phrygia actually made a lot of its wealth from controlling trade routes connecting the Mediterranean to West Asia and Eastern Europe.

Inlaid wooden furniture seems to have been a speciality of Phrygian artisans

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