Admissions | About Us | Stockport Academy



For more information on the application process, please visit Stockport Council's website. 

Year 7 admissions are dealt with by Stockport MBC Admissions Team, you can find out further details about the admissions process and how to apply by visiting their website.

Stockport Academy offers free education for over 1,000 students.  Our current PAN (Pupil Admission Number) is 210 for each year group.

Every place is free of charge and open to students of all abililties.  At Stockport Academy, we welcome students from all areas of Stockport and Greater Manchester and any child is eligible to apply for a place at our Academy.

The Academy admissions policy places emphasis upon family values and equality.  Children with siblings at the academy are guaranteed a place, followed by other children based on distance between their home and the academy.  There is no selection by either ability or aptitude.

The only students who would merit absolute priority are children in public care (looked after children), those with a Statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN) naming Stockport Academy and children for whom it is essential they be admitted because of special circumstances relating to medical and social needs.


Please take your time to watch all the videos (below), explore our virtual tour and read through our prospectus (below) and newsletters, which offer a glimpse into a day in the life of Stockport Academy.

We are incredibly proud of our school and our students, and believe this is an incredibly exciting time to be part of this vibrant community, which has won a number of national awards over the last few years in recognition of our journey to becoming an Outstanding education provider.




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