Utrecht University on The Conversation
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Utrecht University

Utrecht University is an internationally renowned top research university conducting fundamental and applied research covering a wide variety of scientific disciplines; from infectious diseases and human rights to climate research and cultural history.

This diversity has inspired multi-disciplinary research collaborations with partners both from inside and outside the University. Regionally, as well as nationally and internationally, Utrecht University collaborates with universities, knowledge institutions and industry. These partnerships foster innovative research and contribute to economic development and the solution of social problems.

As a large and multifaceted international knowledge centre of academic and scientific excellence, the University’s core mission is to:

  • educate young people
  • train new generations of researchers
  • produce academics who have both specialist knowledge and professional skills
  • conduct groundbreaking research
  • address social issues and work towards solving them

Commitment, inspiration, ambition and independence are Utrecht University’s core values. The University fosters its academic community through investment in staff and students.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 118 articles

The damage done: the aftermath of an airstrike on the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza, November 2023. EPA-EFE/Mohammed Saber

Gaza war: artificial intelligence is changing the speed of targeting and scale of civilian harm in unprecedented ways

AI is enabling a huge number of decisions about who to target. They are not always the right ones.
Entretenir des relations dans le monde politique, une bonne chose pour des femmes d'affaires ? Shutterstock

Entretenir des relations politiques, vraiment un avantage pour une dirigeante d’entreprise ?

Pour une entrepreneuse, entretenir des relations politiques, c’est avoir un accès privilégié à l’information et donc aussi potentiellement prendre connaissance de discriminations décourageantes.
Un exceso de agua dulce procedente de la capa de hielo de Groenlandia puede ralentizar la circulación del océano Atlántico. Paul Souders/Stone via Getty Images

El océano Atlántico se dirige a un punto de inflexión que puede desencadenar un cambio climático extremo en cuestión de décadas

Los científicos comprenden ahora mejor los riesgos que se avecinan y disponen de una nueva señal de alerta temprana a la que prestar atención.
Excesso de água doce vinda do derretimento das geleiras da Groenlândia pode desacelerar e até interromper a circulação do Atlântico Norte, em cenário que foi explorado no filme-catástrofe “O Dia Depois de Amanhã”, de 2004. Paul Souders/Stone via Getty Images

Corrente do Atlântico Norte se aproxima de ponto de inflexão, e isto é uma má notícia para o clima

Cientistas agora têm uma melhor compreensão das dinâmicas das correntes marinhas do Atlântico Norte e descobriram até um alarme de seu “desligamento”
Too much fresh water from Greenland’s ice sheet can slow the Atlantic Ocean’s circulation. Paul Souders/Stone via Getty Images

Atlantic Ocean is headed for a tipping point − once melting glaciers shut down the Gulf Stream, we would see extreme climate change within decades, study shows

Scientists now have a better understanding of the risks ahead and a new early warning signal to watch for.


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