Cainer Horoscopes - Sunday, 9 June 2024
5 Star
Jemima Cainer
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Tarot/I Ching

Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

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Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

Sun, 9th Jun
by Oscar Cainer

Daily Illustration
New / Full Moons:
Full 22nd Jun in Capricorn
New 5th Jul in Cancer
Full 21st Jul in Capricorn
As energetic Mars leaves its celestial home and moves into luxury-loving Taurus, we'll be tempted to spend and accumulate. But that doesn't mean getting greedy! As long as we have the means to pay for the treats that take our fancy, there's nothing wrong with going for what we desire... this is a cosmic invitation to spoil ourselves a little! Fortunately the red planet's links with Pluto and Mercury point to hidden resources becoming available. And if we share our delights, we'll spread smiles.

A daily or weekly zodiac forecast can only give you a general picture of what's happening in the sky. For an in-depth, up close and personal look at your life, you need a full horoscope based on your date, time and place of birth. To find out tomorrow's secrets today, click here.

Daily Planets (09 06 24):
Mars Enters Taurus at 04:34 UTC
Moon Enters Leo at 19:28 UTC
Moon in Cancer
Mercury ( 11° Gemini) Quintile Neptune (29° Pisces ) at 00:58 UTC
Sun ( 19° Gemini) Square Saturn (19° Pisces ) at 10:35 UTC
Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent

New! A Cosmic Jigsaw Puzzle

New! Moon Signs 9th June

New! New Moon in Gemini

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Aries Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 9 June 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: An aspect of your world is worrying you. But you can't work out what's going on; or why you're feeling what you're feeling. Or maybe you can. But it seems too insignificant to be able to have such an impact. Is something trivial triggering a challenging memory? Are you being alerted to an upcoming problem? As your ruler moves into Taurus (which is ruled by the planet of love) you'll see why you can set your misgivings aside. Then, you can focus on what's going on in your relationship world. Good things are on their way. Discover your inner light, the one that shines regardless of the weather in your 'Guide to the Future'.

Taurus Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 9 June 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Sunshine always follows rain. And day always follows night. But why? Because the cosmos is changeable. So are our lives. We carry on in the same way for a while. Then change comes along. Since this is how everything works, the same principle applies to your relationship world. This week, dynamic Mars in your sign brings a boost of positivity that you can use with great effect. If you've been lacking emotional support, you can find it. And if you're looking for love... here comes the energy to get out there and find it. Learn the hidden secrets of the planets and how they affect your life and shape your future. Start your journey of self-discovery here!

Gemini Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 9 June 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Who can you share honestly with? Who can you talk to about your innermost feelings? These are the questions arising for you this week. You're making important discoveries about yourself and the key people in your world. Some of these insights might surprise you. But they're valuable. The knowledge you gain will empower you to build a future based on something that's truly meaningful. If you're clear, and open-hearted, this week brings the potential for a relationship to deepen in a loving, and honest way. Now, do you want to know more about what's going to happen to you, when it's going to happen and why? Get yourself a full, 'spookily accurate' horoscope birth-chart report, and you'll find out. Download your Birth Chart report here!

Cancer Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 9 June 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We seem to be fascinated by photos of celebs doing their shopping. For some reason, we're surprised to see them doing 'normal' things like we do. Yet, unless they've got hugely inflated egos, their fame is just one aspect of their lives; the rest of the time, they don't think they're more (or less) special than us. So... how special are you feeling? You might not think of yourself as being amazing and worthy of attention. But you are. This week brings recognition of your generous nature. If it boosts your ego, good. You deserve it. There are powerful changes in store for you soon. What are they? How can you best prepare for them? Find out in a full horoscope birth-chart. It's full of amazing predictions about you and your future. Get yours now.

Leo Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 9 June 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: When we find ourselves in the middle of a drama, we tend to be dramatic. Our level of response reflects the intensity of the situation. Which isn't always great. If we're not careful we can add fuel to fire. In the heat of the moment, we can say things we'll regret. You're a passionate Leo, trying to deal with a delicate situation. This week, don't let your passion stop you from seeing the truth of what's actually unfolding. If you stand back, and assess before reacting, you can sort this out, in a way that works for everyone. Wish you could fulfil more of your potential? A Personal Profile, based on your exact date of birth, reveals your secret gifts and blessings. Click here!

Virgo Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 9 June 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We find you feeling worn down by all the duties and responsibilities you feel obliged to deal with. You're carrying a lot. So, this week, as power planet Mars changes signs, there's good news. It brings the insight to see not only that you're not as responsible as you think; but that it's because you seem so capable and strong that other people have handed you the weight they were carrying. So, what are you supposed to do to relieve yourself of this burden? Just put it down! You'll gain respect, understanding... and emotional support. Give me your date of birth and I will tell you something wonderful about your future. Download your personal horoscope here.

Libra Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 9 June 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: 'If at first you don't succeed...' Well, we know what we're supposed to do. But suppose we don't feel like doing it? Suppose we want to sulk and feel as if nothing's going to go right for us ever again? It's an option of course! This week, if you're not making as much progress as you'd like, keep trying. With Mars settling into a new sector of the sky, by making a minor adjustment to your plans, and continuing to strive for a goal that means a lot, you'll make progress. And if it's an emotional goal, the gain will be well worth your efforts. Find out what the planets have in store for you. Instantly download your Year Ahead chart. Now! Click here!

Scorpio Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 9 June 2024

Your long to-do list includes several promises you've made to yourself. You've got plans, and lots of changes you want to instigate, but you're secretly doubting your ability to make them happen. Yet with dynamic Mars moving into your opposite sign this week, you'll find you've got more energy. Don't dismiss the opportunities that come your way. They might not seem significant, but if you own your intentions, and prioritise doing things that make you happy, you'll find ways to work towards realising your goals with surprising ease. Yay! Now is the right time for you to take an in-depth, up close and personal look at your life. To get your full horoscope based on your date, time and place of birth, click here.

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 9 June 2024

It's easy to think that trouble is waiting for us around the corner. Yet today doesn't need to be difficult. Neither do any of the days this week brings your way. Being a naturally optimistic Sagittarian, you're less bothered by 'trouble' than most of us. Yet you've been dealing with some difficulties. And they've affected your outlook. So, here's some reassurance. Trouble isn't heading your way. Neither are you heading towards trouble. Quite the opposite. When it comes to success in your relationship world, that's going to be hard to avoid! Reveal the astrological secrets of the coming year, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions download 'Your Guide to the Future'.

Capricorn Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 9 June 2024

Reliable and dependable. That's what you're meant to be. But it's only part of the story. You can be exuberant and spontaneous when you choose (and sometimes, when you don't choose!). This week, Mars' change of signs, and its link to your ruler, Pluto, suggest that you'll be getting up to all sorts of stuff and having a good time in the process. Your current source of tension? You're not as responsible for sorting it as you think. If you step back, someone else will step forwards. And working together... that could be fun!

Aquarius Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 9 June 2024

You know what you want. And you're trying to get it. You're doing your best to achieve a specific outcome to a process. Hmmm... the issue is that your situation is changing. And as a result, what you want is likely to alter. As Mars settles into a new sign, it creates an energy shift that brings a development which highlights your new reality. This obliges you to reassess your plans. Which might sound scary. But it's not. The truth is that there's something much more satisfying to focus on. Here comes the help you need to get it. To find out what the planets have in store for you over the coming, critical next few months, download your Guide to the Future, now.

Pisces Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 9 June 2024

We think of bad things and good things as being separate from one another. But everything has positives and negatives. Of course, we struggle to remember this. We think winning the jackpot is good - and forget about the disruption/jealousy etc this kind of win brings. Life is bitter/sweet. If you're currently dealing with a situation that feels challenging, this week, if you're open-minded enough to look for it, you'll see the positives it brings. One of them is a deepening understanding with someone special. There's nothing bad about that! Want to know what the coming year has in store? Let me calculate your full personal horoscope from your exact date, time and place of birth. Click here!

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