BlackBerry PlayBook 101: How to setup Video Chat on your BlackBerry PlayBook

BlackBerry PlayBook Video Chat

The BlackBerry PlayBook brings some awesome new features that we as BlackBerry users have never used on the platform before. Perhaps one of the biggest is video chat. While we haven't actually been able to play with it at all, we have briefly seen it on devices. Kevin came across it during CTIA and nearly had it fired up before getting denied use. so while we hope it's on there at launch, we're not too positive that we'll see video chat right off the bat. In any case, when we do get access to it, this brief tutorial will help get you up and running with video chat on your BlackBerry PlayBook. It is super easy to setup and once you're done you'll be able to quickly chat with other PlayBook users. Let's get going!

BlackBerry PlayBook Video Chat

Accept Video Chat Terms

BlackBerry PlayBook Video Chat

The first time you start Video Chat you'll need to accept the terms of use. 

Enter an email address

BlackBerry PlayBook Video Chat

Enter the email address of the person with which you'd like to chat. The email address must be associated with a BlackBerry ID. 

Add contact

BlackBerry PlayBook Video Chat

Add a video chat contact. Choose New Contact. Enter the BlackBerry ID email and username. Click submit.

Choose your call

BlackBerry PlayBook Video Chat

Choose to initiate a Video Chat or Audio Call


BlackBerry PlayBook Video Chat

In the options screen you may choose the following:

  • Turn on Do Not Disturb
  • Video Image Resolution
  • Contact View
  • Call History View

That's it! You're up an running with Video Chat on your BlackBerry PlayBook. So now make a few calls and have some fun! Check out more on using the PlayBook in our BlackBerry PlayBook 101 articles.

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