31 Facts about the movie Jumanji - Facts.net
Arabela Lehr

Written by Arabela Lehr

Modified & Updated: 28 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Amazon.com

Are you ready to embark on an adventure like no other? Well, get your dice ready because we’re about to dive into the world of Jumanji! Released in 1995 and later rebooted in 2017, Jumanji has captured the hearts of audiences around the globe with its thrilling storyline and incredible characters.

In this article, we will explore 31 fascinating facts about the movie Jumanji that will leave you feeling amazed and entertained. From trivia about the film’s production to behind-the-scenes secrets, we’ve got it all covered. So, whether you’re a fan of the original Jumanji or the reboot, get ready to learn some exciting tidbits about this beloved adventure film.

Key Takeaways:

  • Jumanji is a classic movie released in 1995, based on a children’s book, and features a star-studded cast. It’s a thrilling adventure that emphasizes the power of imagination and the importance of perseverance.
  • The movie’s success led to a resurgence in board game popularity and inspired video game adaptations. Jumanji continues to grow its legacy, proving that ordinary things can lead to extraordinary adventures with a touch of imagination.
Table of Contents

Jumanji was released in 1995.

Jumanji, directed by Joe Johnston, hit the theaters in 1995 and became an instant classic.

The movie Jumanji is based on a children’s book.

The film is loosely based on the 1981 children’s book of the same name written by Chris Van Allsburg.

The role of Alan Parrish was played by Robin Williams.

Robin Williams brought the character of Alan Parrish to life with his incredible acting skills.

The board game comes to life in the movie.

In Jumanji, the board game magically brings the dangers and adventures depicted on its board into the real world.

The movie features a star-studded cast.

Alongside Robin Williams, Jumanji also stars Kirsten Dunst, Bradley Pierce, Bonnie Hunt, and David Alan Grier.

Jumanji grossed over $260 million worldwide.

The movie was a commercial success, earning over $260 million at the box office.

The film received mixed reviews from critics.

While some praised its creative concept and visual effects, others felt it lacked depth in its storytelling.

Jumanji has inspired video game adaptations.

The popularity of the movie led to the creation of video game adaptations, including the popular Jumanji video game series.

The iconic line “What year is it?” became popular from Jumanji.

In the movie, the character played by Robin Williams utters the memorable line “What year is it?” after being trapped in the game for years.

Jumanji has a sequel titled “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle.”

The success of the original film led to a sequel, released in 2017, starring Dwayne Johnson, Jack Black, Kevin Hart, and Karen Gillan.

The movie showcases various dangerous creatures.

Jumanji features a wide range of creatures, including hungry lions, stampeding rhinos, and mischievous monkeys.

The special effects in Jumanji were groundbreaking for its time.

The movie used advanced CGI and animatronics to bring the fantastical elements of the game to life.

Jumanji has a unique and captivating soundtrack.

The film’s score, composed by James Horner, perfectly complements the adventurous and thrilling nature of the story.

The characters in Jumanji must complete the game to escape.

In order to stop the chaos unleashed by the game, the characters must navigate through various challenges and complete the game.

Jumanji explores themes of family and friendship.

Beyond the thrilling adventure, the movie emphasizes the importance of unity, trust, and loyalty among its characters.

Jumanji has become a beloved family movie.

With its timeless appeal and family-friendly storyline, Jumanji has cemented its place as a beloved film for audiences of all ages.

The movie has spawned a successful franchise.

Following the 2017 sequel, Jumanji has continued to expand with additional sequels, including “Jumanji: The Next Level” in 2019.

The movie was partly filmed in Keene, New Hampshire.

Several scenes of Jumanji were filmed in the picturesque town of Keene, adding to the charm and authenticity of the movie.

Jumanji showcases the power of imagination.

The film encourages viewers to embrace their imagination and embark on extraordinary adventures, even if only in their minds.

The board game in Jumanji has intricate details.

From its beautifully crafted pieces to the intricate illustrations on the board, the Jumanji board game is a work of art.

Jumanji has spawned an animated TV series.

In addition to the movies, Jumanji became an animated series that further expanded the world and adventures of the game.

The movie showcases the unpredictability of the game.

Jumanji keeps its players on their toes with its unpredictable turns and unexpected challenges.

Jumanji is a blend of adventure, fantasy, and comedy.

The movie seamlessly combines thrilling adventure elements with fantastical creatures and moments of lighthearted humor.

The movie’s success led to a resurgence in popularity for board games.

Following the release of Jumanji, there was a renewed interest in playing traditional board games among both children and adults.

Jumanji showcases the importance of perseverance.

Despite the challenges they face, the characters in Jumanji never give up and continue to push forward until they reach their goal.

The film delivers important life lessons.

Through its story, Jumanji imparts valuable lessons about the power of teamwork, facing fears, and learning from past mistakes.

Jumanji has a captivating opening sequence.

The movie begins with a mesmerizing sequence that sets the tone for the adventure-filled journey that lies ahead.

The movie has a thrilling climax.

Jumanji builds up to an exciting and suspenseful climax, keeping audiences at the edge of their seats.

Jumanji is a perfect blend of nostalgia and excitement.

The film appeals to both nostalgic fans who grew up with the original and new audiences who are drawn to its thrilling storyline.

The legacy of Jumanji continues to grow.

With its enduring popularity, Jumanji’s influence can be seen in various forms of media, including video games, merchandise, and spin-offs.

Jumanji proves that a simple board game can lead to extraordinary adventures.

The movie reinforces the idea that even the ordinary can become extraordinary with a touch of imagination and a dash of courage.


In conclusion, Jumanji is a timeless movie that has captivated audiences for decades. With its thrilling storyline, captivating characters, and impressive visual effects, it’s no wonder that this film has become a classic in the world of cinema. Whether you’re a fan of adventure, fantasy, or simply love a good family-friendly movie, Jumanji is a must-watch. So grab your popcorn, sit back, and get ready to embark on a wild journey with Jumanji!


Q: Who directed the movie Jumanji?

A: The movie Jumanji was directed by Joe Johnston.

Q: When was the movie Jumanji released?

A: Jumanji was released on December 15, 1995.

Q: Is Jumanji based on a book?

A: Yes, Jumanji is based on the children’s book of the same name, written by Chris Van Allsburg.

Q: Who starred in the movie Jumanji?

A: The movie Jumanji starred Robin Williams, Bonnie Hunt, Kirsten Dunst, and Bradley Pierce.

Q: Where was the movie Jumanji filmed?

A: The movie Jumanji was primarily filmed in Keene, New Hampshire, and Vancouver, British Columbia.

Q: Is Jumanji a sequel or a reboot?

A: Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle and Jumanji: The Next Level can be considered sequels to the original Jumanji movie.

Q: What is the premise of the movie Jumanji?

A: Jumanji tells the story of a magical board game that unleashes a world of adventure and danger when played.

Q: What is the rating of the movie Jumanji?

A: Jumanji has a rating of 6.9/10 on IMDb.

Q: Did Jumanji win any awards?

A: Yes, Jumanji won the 1996 MTV Movie Award for Best Breakthrough Performance (Kirsten Dunst) and was nominated for several other awards.

Q: Are there any sequels to Jumanji?

A: Yes, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) and Jumanji: The Next Level (2019) are sequels to the original Jumanji movie.

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