Home | Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

Energy Transition Research Initiative

New OIES Research Paper – Carbon capture from energy-from-waste (EfW): A low-hanging fruit for CCS deployment in the UK?

Gas Research Programme

New OIES Podcast – The IGU gas price survey

Electricity Research Programme

Reforming Capacity Markets: How to Incorporate the Flexibility of Residential Consumers?

Oil Research Programme

New OIES Oil Monthly – Issue 34

China Energy Research Programme

New OIES Energy Comment – US efforts to decarbonize and de-risk the battery supply chains: Are they fundamentally incompatible?

The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies is a world leading independent energy research institute specialising in advanced research into the economics and geopolitics of the energy transition and international energy across oil, gas and electricity markets

  • Energy Transition Research

    Energy Transition Research at OIES focuses on the trends shaping energy systems, transformations in behaviours and business models, and the implications of shifting from the existing hydrocarbon-dominated energy economy to a system in which renewables, low-carbon energy sources and abated use of hydrocarbons will play a much greater role.

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  • Gas Research Programme

    The Gas Programme, launched in 2003, has become one of the foremost sources of independent academic research on gaseous fuels and their role in the energy economy. The programme has historically focused on natural gas, and while this remains a core strength it is increasingly also turning its attention to...

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  • Electricity Research Programme

    The Electricity Research Programme focuses on fundamental issues including re-design of electricity markets to integrate zero marginal cost renewables, regulation of electricity networks to accommodate variable supply/demand and incentivizing efficient investment and identifying conditions for efficient growth of distributed energy resources (DERs), activating demand side flexibility and consumer participation in...

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  • Oil Research Programme

    The Oil Research Programme, established in 2009, has cemented its reputation as a leading source of academic research on oil market issues. The Programme’s research group continues to produce high-quality empirical oil market research of international significance based on its core understanding of oil market dynamics and price cycles, the...

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  • China Energy Research Programme

    Launched in 2019 the OIES China Energy Research Programme, is a center of analytical excellence offering insights into the factors that inform China’s energy policies and choices and their pivotal role in global energy markets. China is the world’s second largest economy, biggest importer of crude oil, the fastest growing...

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Latest Research Papers

This paper analyses capacity markets and proposes an approach to incorporate the flexibility of residential consumers in these markets considering reliability as a differentiated product. We introduce and assess the potential of non-linear pricing schemes, specifically priority pricing contracts, as mechanisms to enhance implicit residential demand response. We suggest a model to integrate priority pricing contracts via an aggregator as...

Latest Energy Insights

How the geopolitics of the East Med will appear once current hostilities have ended, whenever and however that might be, is impossible to judge.  But outside the geopolitics there is a substantial functioning gas industry and important flows of gas within this region.  Israel and Egypt are both substantial gas producers and consumers, Cyprus is trying to plot a gas...

Latest Energy Comments

This paper looks at the challenges of de-risking U.S. supply chains while also incentivizing decarbonizaton. It asks whether effective emissions reduction-related initiatives are fundamentally incompatible with efforts to limit U.S. dependencies on China. It unpacks this question by examining the Biden administration’s policy on lithium-ion battery (Li-ion battery) supply chains, and looks specifically at how the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)...

Latest Oxford Energy Forum

Energy storage, encompassing not only the storage of electricity but also the storage of energy in various forms such as heat and chemicals, is a linchpin in the movement toward a decarbonized energy sector, due to its myriad roles in fortifying grid reliability, facilitating the integration of renewables, and advocating for energy efficiency and equity. Furthermore, energy storage facilitates the...

Latest Podcasts

In this podcast, Hasan Muslemani speaks to Peter Webb about the key role that shipping of CO2 plays in enabling a carbon capture and storage (CCS) market, especially for industrial emitters who are not in proximity to a pipeline network. The podcast highlights the technical challenges involved in CO2 shipping and how it compares to other forms of CO2 transport...

Latest Oil Monthly

The new issue of OIES Oil Monthly, including our latest short-term oil market outlook to 2025, is now available. – We have reduced our Brent forecast $1/b to $84.5/b in 2024 and $2/b to $79/b in 2025, from $85.4/b and $81.0/b forecast last month. We have revised lower our Q2 price forecast by $2.4/b to $87.6/b, from $90.1/b previously, mainly...

Latest Quarterly Gas Review

In this first edition of the Gas Quarterly for 2024 we review the developments during winter 2023/24 on the European gas market and global LNG market and draw conclusions about the outlook for prices and the supply-demand balance in summer 2024. In pricing terms, the winter of 2023/24 was notable insofar as the price peak arrived in October, driven by...

OIES Energy Transition Event 2024

In June 2024 OIES will hold it's 3rd Energy Transition Event over 2 days.

The event will cover the following issues:

3 June

• Green Industrial Policy and the Geopolitics of the Transition.
• What is next for Battery Supply Chains?
• Inflation, Macroeconomics and Financing Renewables.
• Carbon Offsetting, Removals and Net Zero Targets.

4 June

• Navigating Challenges and Seizing Opportunities in Offshore Wind.
• Grids and Clean Energy Transitions.
• Energy Storage’s Crucial Role in a Sustainable Future.

The Guide to Chinese Climate Policy 2022

China is the world’s leading emitter of heat-trapping gases by a wide margin. Its policies for limiting emissions will have a significant impact on the global climate for decades to come.

This Guide to Chinese Climate Policy provides information on China’s emissions, the impacts of climate change in China, the history of China’s climate change policies and China’s response to climate change today.

Visit the website to download the Guide