23 Intriguing Facts About Eddie Levert - Facts.net
Nanette Arnett

Written by Nanette Arnett

Modified & Updated: 16 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Ebony.com

Eddie Levert is an iconic figure in the world of music, a talented singer, songwriter, and producer who has been captivating audiences for decades. With a powerful voice and undeniable charisma, he has become a household name and left an indelible mark on the industry. From his early years as the lead vocalist of The O’Jays to his successful solo career, Eddie Levert has consistently delivered soulful performances and unforgettable melodies.

In this article, we will explore 23 intriguing facts about Eddie Levert that shed light on the man behind the music. From his musical inspirations and achievements to his personal life and noteworthy collaborations, we will take a deep dive into the fascinating world of this celebrated artist. So sit back, relax, and prepare to be amazed as we uncover some surprising and little-known details about Eddie Levert.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eddie Levert, the lead vocalist of The O’Jays, has had an electrifying career in music, captivating audiences with his powerful voice and timeless hits like “Love Train” and “Back Stabbers.”
  • Eddie Levert’s passion for music and unwavering dedication to his craft have solidified his status as a beloved music icon, inspiring generations of musicians and leaving an indelible mark on the world of soul and R&B music.
Table of Contents

23 Intriguing Facts About Eddie Levert

Eddie Levert has had an incredible career in the entertainment industry. From his chart-topping hits to his mesmerizing stage presence, he has captivated audiences around the world. Here are 23 intriguing facts about Eddie Levert that showcase his talent and legacy.

Eddie Levert was born on June 16, 1942, in Bessemer, Alabama.

Originally from Alabama, Eddie Levert began his journey in the music industry at a young age. His passion for singing and performing was evident from the start.

Eddie Levert is best known as the lead vocalist of the legendary soul group, The O’Jays.

With his powerful and soulful voice, Eddie Levert helped shape the sound of The O’Jays. Their songs, such as “Love Train” and “Back Stabbers,” became iconic anthems of the 1970s.

The O’Jays were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2005.

Recognized for their immense contribution to the music industry, The O’Jays received this prestigious honor for their groundbreaking music and lasting impact.

Aside from his success with The O’Jays, Eddie Levert has also released solo albums.

Eddie Levert’s solo work showcases his versatility as an artist. His solo albums, such as “I Still Have It” and “Did I Make You Go Ooh,” exhibit his unique talent and musical artistry.

Eddie Levert’s son, Gerald Levert, followed in his father’s musical footsteps.

Gerald Levert achieved great success as an R&B singer and songwriter. He collaborated with his father on several projects and they formed a strong musical bond.

Eddie Levert and Gerald Levert released a collaborative album titled “Father & Son” in 1995.

This heartfelt album showcased the incredible talent of both Eddie and Gerald Levert. The album was well-received by fans and critics alike.

Eddie Levert has been recognized for his contribution to music with numerous awards.

Throughout his career, Eddie Levert has been honored with awards such as the BET Lifetime Achievement Award and the Rhythm and Blues Foundation Pioneer Award.

He has collaborated with various artists across different genres.

Eddie Levert’s versatility as a vocalist has led him to collaborate with artists from different musical backgrounds, including Patti LaBelle, Kanye West, and Queen Latifah.

Eddie Levert has made appearances in films and television shows.

Aside from his music career, Eddie Levert has also ventured into acting. He has appeared in films like “Hair Show” and television series like “The Parkers.

Eddie Levert’s performances are known for their energy and passion.

When Eddie Levert takes the stage, he captivates the audience with his dynamic presence and powerful vocals. His live performances are a testament to his unrivaled talent.

Eddie Levert remains dedicated to his craft, even after decades in the industry.

Despite his long and successful career, Eddie Levert continues to create music and perform live. His unwavering dedication to his craft is truly inspiring.

Eddie Levert has a charismatic personality that fans adore.

Not only does Eddie Levert possess immense talent, but he also has a charm that endears him to his fans. His down-to-earth nature and warm demeanor have made him a beloved figure in the industry.

Eddie Levert’s music has stood the test of time.

The songs of Eddie Levert, both as a solo artist and with The O’Jays, have resonated with audiences for generations. His timeless music continues to impact listeners today.

Eddie Levert has a dedicated fan following.

Throughout the years, Eddie Levert has garnered a loyal fan base who admire his artistry and appreciate his contributions to the world of music.

Eddie Levert has served as a mentor to aspiring singers and musicians.

With his vast knowledge and experience, Eddie Levert has mentored and inspired many aspiring artists. He has shared his wisdom and helped shape the careers of numerous talents.

Eddie Levert’s stage presence is electrifying.

When Eddie Levert is on stage, he commands attention. His magnetic presence and showmanship make each performance a memorable experience.

Eddie Levert has collaborated with his O’Jays bandmate, Walter Williams, on various projects.

Eddie Levert and Walter Williams have a musical connection that spans decades. Their collaborations have resulted in timeless music that has left an indelible mark on the industry.

Eddie Levert’s voice has been described as both powerful and soulful.

When Eddie Levert sings, his voice resonates with emotion and authenticity. His unique vocal tone has become one of his trademarks.

Eddie Levert continues to tour and perform live.

Despite the passage of time, Eddie Levert continues to wow audiences with his live performances. His passion for music remains as strong as ever.

Eddie Levert has been an influential figure in the world of soul and R&B music.

His contributions to the genre have left an indelible impact, inspiring generations of musicians and shaping the landscape of soul and R&B music.

Eddie Levert’s legacy as a music icon is undeniable.

Eddie Levert’s influence and contributions to the music industry have solidified his status as a true music icon. His legacy will continue to live on for years to come.

Eddie Levert’s passion for music is unmatched.

Throughout his career, Eddie Levert’s love for music has been evident in every performance and every song. His passion and dedication shine through in his incredible body of work.


Eddie Levert is truly a legend in the music industry, with a career spanning several decades. From his early days as the lead vocalist of The O’Jays to his successful solo career, Levert has captivated audiences with his powerful voice and charismatic stage presence. With a unique blend of soul, R&B, and funk, he has left an indelible mark on the world of music.

Through his talent and perseverance, Eddie Levert has achieved great success, earning numerous accolades and a dedicated fanbase. Whether you’re a long-time fan or just discovering his music, there’s no denying the impact that Eddie Levert has had on the industry. His music continues to inspire and entertain, and his influence on future generations of artists cannot be overstated. Eddie Levert’s legacy is a testament to the power of passion, dedication, and undeniable talent.


1. What is Eddie Levert known for?

Eddie Levert is renowned for his impressive vocal abilities and being a founding member and lead singer of the R&B group The O’Jays.

2. How long has Eddie Levert been in the music industry?

Eddie Levert’s career in the music industry spans over six decades, starting in the early 1960s.

3. Has Eddie Levert released any solo albums?

Yes, Eddie Levert has released several solo albums, showcasing his talent outside of The O’Jays, including his critically acclaimed debut “I Still Have It” in 2005.

4. What are some of Eddie Levert’s notable hits?

Eddie Levert has contributed to numerous hit songs with The O’Jays, including “Love Train,” “Back Stabbers,” and “For the Love of Money.” As a solo artist, he has had success with tracks like “Already Missing You” and “Last Man Standing.”

5. Has Eddie Levert received any awards for his contributions to music?

Yes, Eddie Levert has been honored with multiple awards throughout his career, including induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and the Songwriters Hall of Fame with The O’Jays.

Eddie Levert's incredible career and personal life have captivated fans for decades. His musical legacy continues through his son Gerald Levert, whose own fascinating story is worth exploring. Levert's iconic group, The O'Jays, also boasts a rich history filled with intriguing facts that music enthusiasts will appreciate. Delving into the lives and careers of these influential figures promises to be an enlightening journey for anyone passionate about soul and R&B music.

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