
  • Castlevania on Netflix sets a new standard for video game adaptations, combining dark fantasy with action and character development.
  • The best episodes of Castlevania deliver a visually stunning and immersive experience, showcasing strong storytelling and character arcs.
  • Castlevania's success paved the way for more adaptations of video game content on TV, thanks to its dedication to art and animation.

Running for four seasons on Netflix, Castlevania revolutionized TV series based on video games and proved the quality of the show through the best episodes across the seasons. The video game series has many iterations, and its dark fantasy thematic tone greatly influenced the violence and tone of the TV show. Following the story of a group of characters trying to stop Dracula from ending the world, Castlevania incorporates fantasy, horror, and action throughout the fast-paced and beautifully designed story.

The series’ best episodes provide excellent character development and strong visual choices, immersing the audience in the world.

Since Castlevania: Nocturne had a great ending in season 1, fans are all the more excited for the upcoming season 2 of the spin-off series. However, the success of the series has Castlevania to thank for paving the way for TV adaptations of the source material. Adapting a video game to the screen is always difficult, but Castlevania pulled it off flawlessly, especially in its dedication to art and animation. The series’ best episodes provide excellent character development and strong visual choices, immersing the audience in the world.

10 Castlevania TV Shows Netflix Should Make After Nocturne

With Castlevania’s success and the excitement surrounding Nocturne, Netflix should consider bringing even more of the franchise’s stories to life.

10 Witchbottle

Season 1, Episode 1

Castlevania can’t be discussed without mentioning the episode that started it all. "Witchbottle" serves as the show’s pilot, perfectly executing character introduction, exposition, and world-building. Throughout this, the viewer is engaged and pulled into a world of magic and monsters that's impossible to turn away from. In "Witchbottle," the audience gets the backstory for why Dracula is so determined to wipe out humanity and establishes empathy for him, so he's not a one-dimensional villain. It’s revealed that his hate stems from his wife’s murder at the hands of a corrupt Bishop who believes she’s a witch.

9 Monument

Season 1, Episode 4

Shirtless Alucard in Castlevania season 1

Castlevania season 1 only had four episodes, making "Monument" the finale. It's a turning point for the series because the core group, Adrian/Alucard, Trevor, and Sypha, come together for the first time, united in their cause to stop Dracula. Alucard is one of the saddest characters in Castlevania, and this is illustrated from the moment Trevor and Sypha meet him. He's locked himself away to end his bloodline because he hates being half-human and half-vampire. Although joining their quest to defeat Dracula gives him a purpose, it's only the beginning of his story.

8 Abandon All Hope

Season 3, Episode 10

The season 3 finale, "Abandon All Hope," sees a lot of changes for the central characters in Castlevania. Season 3 wasn't as action-packed as other seasons of the show, but "Abandon All Hope" goes out on a high note of gore, violence, and tremendous setup for the upcoming season. Trevor, Sypha, and Saint Germain close a portal to Hell, battling unique creatures and showcasing the skills they've developed since season 1. However, it's Alucard's story that makes "Abandon All Hope" significant because he's forced to kill Sumi and Taka when they turn on him, changing the trajectory of his character.

7 Old Homes

Season 2, Episode 2

Adrian in Castlevania season 2 episode Old Home

This earlier episode in season 2, "Old Homes," is easily overlooked, but it provides vital information about each character and builds the history between Alucard and Dracula. Carmilla, the vampire general, is also introduced in this episode, and she becomes a prominent antagonist in the series, frequently challenging Dracula and looking for a way to install herself as the conqueror of humanity. As Trevor, Sypha, and Alucard make a pilgrimage back to Trevor's family home, the Belmont estate, the trio learn more about each other, and their vital bonds are strengthened.

6 You Must Sacrifice

Season 4, Episode 4