Custard Moon Cake 奶皇月餅

甜甜的奶皇餡加上帶咸香的咸蛋黃, 是人間美味!
但千萬不能小看這小小的月餅, 他可以眾所周知的高卡路里食物
千萬不要吃太多, 每次吃一點點就好了
配荼是很搭的~~ 哈哈

Custard Moon Cake is one of the products which become very famous in Hong Kong these years.
The sweetness of custard and the savory of salted egg yolks, which make a very beautiful taste.
But never look down of these little moon cake. It is all known as high calories food.
Don't eat much at once, enjoy it little by little.
It is also good with tea. hahahaha

Ingredients of  Custard Moon Cake 奶皇月餅

Ingredients for Custard Filling 奶皇食譜
Part 1:
Coconut milk 100g 椰漿 100克
Evaporated Milk 15g 花奶 15克
Cake Flour 15g 低筋麵粉 15克
Custard Powder 13g 吉士粉 13克
Sugar 25g 糖 25克
Egg 15g 蛋液 15克
Butter 15g 牛油 15克

Part 2:
Salted Egg Yolk 3 pieces 咸蛋黃 3個
Meigui lujiu (rose essence wine) 1/2tsp 玫瑰露酒1/2茶匙

Ingredients for Moon Cake Pastry 餅皮食譜
Cake Flour 115g 低筋麵粉 115克
Butter 60g 牛油60克
Custard Powder 10g 吉士粉10克
Egg 32g 蛋液 32克
Icing Sugar 25g 糖霜 25克

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