The Meaning Behind The Song: She's Just My Style by Gary Lewis - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: She’s Just My Style by Gary Lewis

The Meaning Behind The Song: She’s Just My Style by Gary Lewis

Gary Lewis’s “She’s Just My Style” is a classic pop-rock song released in 1965. The melody is upbeat and catchy, and the lyrics are easy to sing along to. The song features a simple arrangement of guitar, drums, and piano, but what really makes it stand out is Gary Lewis’s unique vocal style.

On the surface, the song seems like a simple love song. The lyrics describe how the narrator is attracted to a particular girl and how she makes him feel. However, when you take a closer look at the lyrics, you can tell that there’s more going on beneath the surface.

The first verse sets the tone for the rest of the song. The narrator describes the girl’s physical appearance, saying that she’s “a-heart-stopping sight to see.” He’s clearly attracted to her, but he goes on to say that she’s “not the kind that you want to hold on tight.” This line is intriguing because it suggests that there’s something about the girl that makes her hard to keep.

The chorus is where the song really shines. Gary Lewis’s voice soars as he sings about how the girl is “just his style.” He repeats the phrase “she’s just my style” several times, driving home the point that there’s something about her that he can’t resist.

The second verse gives us a little more insight into the girl’s personality. The narrator describes her as “cool and calm and collected,” suggesting that she’s not the type to get emotional. However, he also says that she’s “got something that you can’t ignore,” implying that there’s more to her than meets the eye.

Overall, “She’s Just My Style” is a fun and catchy pop-rock song with a bit of hidden depth. It’s a song about attraction and how sometimes you just can’t help who you’re drawn to.

Frequently Asked Questions about “She’s Just My Style”

1. Who wrote the song “She’s Just My Style”?

The song was written by Gary Lewis’s father, Jerry Lewis, and producer Snuff Garrett.

2. When was “She’s Just My Style” released?

The song was released in 1965 as a single.

3. Did “She’s Just My Style” chart?

Yes, the song reached #3 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart.

4. What other songs did Gary Lewis and the Playboys release?

Some of their other hits include “This Diamond Ring,” “Count Me In,” and “Save Your Heart For Me.”

5. What is Gary Lewis’s vocal style like?

Gary Lewis’s voice is unique and has been described as “earnest” and “heartfelt.” He’s known for his high-pitched vocals and his ability to convey emotion.

6. What genre is “She’s Just My Style”?

The song is a pop-rock song with elements of doo-wop.

7. Was “She’s Just My Style” featured in any movies or TV shows?

Yes, the song has been featured in several movies and TV shows over the years, including “The Simpsons” and “Forrest Gump.”

8. Is Gary Lewis still performing?

Yes, Gary Lewis continues to perform and tour.

9. What inspired the lyrics of “She’s Just My Style”?

There’s no definitive answer to this, but it’s likely that the lyrics were inspired by Jerry Lewis’s experiences with love and attraction.

10. What makes “She’s Just My Style” a classic song?

The song is a classic because it’s catchy, easy to sing along to, and has an infectious energy that makes you want to dance.

11. What do fans love about “She’s Just My Style”?

Fans love the song’s upbeat melody, catchy lyrics, and Gary Lewis’s unique vocal style.

12. What impact did “She’s Just My Style” have on popular music?

The song helped establish Gary Lewis as a major force in pop music in the mid-1960s and helped popularize the pop-rock genre. It also paved the way for other artists to experiment with new sounds and styles.

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