The Meaning Behind The Song: Cold Hearted by Paula Abdul - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Cold Hearted by Paula Abdul

Title: The Hidden Story Behind Paula Abdul’s “Cold Hearted”

A Hollywood Icon: Paula Abdul

Paula Abdul is an acclaimed artist who has been entertaining the entertainment industry for over three decades. Her talent as a dancer, choreographer, singer, and songwriter has earned her many accolades and awards, including a Grammy and seven MTV Music Video Awards.

As an American pop icon, Paula Abdul has had several chart-topping hits throughout her career. Among her popular songs is “Cold Hearted,” a track that held the number one spot on the Billboard Hot 100 for two weeks in 1989. The song’s catchy tune and memorable choreography captured the hearts of music lovers worldwide. Yet, beyond the mesmerizing rhythm lies the tale of a young woman’s struggle for success and recognition.

The Message and Meaning Behind “Cold Hearted”

At first glance, “Cold Hearted” appears to be a catchy dance tune about a woman who is heartbroken and desperately seeking love. The lyrics, “It’s a shame to waste my heart on you,” convey a sense of disappointment and frustration with a partner who is not appreciated.

However, the deeper significance of this song is its portrayal of Paula Abdul’s personal experiences in the entertainment industry. Paula Abdul poured her heart and soul into her work, dedicating hours to perfecting her dance routines and songs. Despite her passion for her craft, she faced numerous setbacks and rejection from record labels and producers. They often criticized her appearance and style, commenting that she was too “ethnic” for mainstream audiences. In interviews, Abdul has shared that this rejection broke her spirit and left her feeling like she was “cold-hearted” for pursuing her dreams.

The lyrics “Once you were smooth and once you were sincere,” refer to an individual who had lost their way and chose to use and manipulate Paula Abdul. This metaphor points towards Abdul’s early experiences in the music industry, where she had to learn to navigate the murky waters of record labels and producers. The line “What you did to love was a crime” further emphasizes the importance of treating others with kindness and respect, especially in the entertainment industry.

The chorus “Cold-hearted, ooh, she’s such a cold-hearted snake” became iconic in the 1980s and a common phrase to use when talking about someone deceitful and unreliable. The use of these phrases in the song sends a clear message about the kind of people Abdul encountered in the music industry who were only looking out for themselves.

Breaking with Tradition through Choreography

As celebrated as the song “Cold-Hearted” has been over the years, it’s impossible to talk about the song without touching on the dance routine that accompanies it. The choreography in the song is one of the most memorable and groundbreaking in the history of music videos.

Abdul had a background in dance, having trained in classical ballet, jazz, and modern dance. She brought her knowledge of varied dance techniques into the making of the “Cold Hearted” video. The choreography was new to mainstream audiences and broke down the traditional roles of men and women in music videos. The video featured male dancers wearing minimal clothing, which scandalized many audiences at the time. The routine became a hallmark of Abdul’s career and inspired many other artists to continue pushing boundaries when creating their own videos.

Feminist Interpretations of the Song

Since the release of “Cold Hearted” in 1989, it has been interpreted in various ways by different people. While some perceive the song as a wistful tune about heartbreak and lost love, others see it as a feminist anthem.

The main character in the song is a strong woman who refuses to be held down by any man or society. She is unwilling to settle for less than she deserves, and she makes this known through the lyrics. This interpretation of the song flips traditional gender roles, often highlighting men as the ones with a strong will, and women as the more emotional gender.

Through “Cold Hearted,” Paula Abdul encourages women to be strong and pursue their dreams, no matter what obstacles they may face. In a sense, she became a role model for women in a society where gender roles are still heavily enforced.


Today, many of Paula Abdul’s fans can hear the 1989 hit “Cold Hearted” and immediately recall the song’s infectious beat as well as her memorable dance moves. However, the real significance of the song lies in its hidden story of Paula Abdul’s personal struggle in the entertainment industry. Despite the many trials and tribulations she faced, Abdul persevered, ultimately becoming one of the most celebrated artists in popular music.

Today, her message continues to resonate, serving as a source of inspiration for those persevering through life’s obstacles and working to achieve their dreams. The song serves as a reminder that everyone can overcome adversity with perseverance, dedication, and a little bit of heart.

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