Global Top Page | Toshiba

Business Strategy

We firmly believe in contributing to society through our business activities.
Through constant change, Toshiba and its people evolve with the times, ensuring our continuing ability to solve ever-changing social issues.

Business Strategy

We firmly believe in contributing to society through our business actitivies.
Through constant change, Toshiba and its people evolve with the times, ensuring our continuing abilty to solve ever-changing social issues.

Featured Content

Toshiba’s IoT and AI technologies enhance geothermal power plants, contributing to a sustainable future.

Exploring Toshiba’s commitment to human rights, this article delves into the company’s efforts to promote sustainability and respect for human rights in its global operations.

Revolutionizing Video Analysis: Discover how Toshiba's SATLYS Video Analytics AI is transforming the way we use security camera footage.

Business Domains

We envision a future where the people of the world lead better lives, and provide solutions for its realization. 
We aim to realize carbon neutrality and create resilient infrastructure by combining manufacturing know-how with digital technology.

Research and Development

We envision the future with our customers and partner companies,
and with our creativity and technological capabilities, we create unprecedented value.

Research and Development

We envision the future with our customers and partner companies, and with our creativity and technological capabilities, we create unprecedented value.