Charges Dropped Against Pogue, Wife -

Monday, May 20, 2024


Charges Dropped Against Pogue, Wife

By James Lomuscio

The state today dropped disorderly conduct charges against New York Times tech columnist David Pogue and his wife Jennifer in Norwalk Superior Image
David Pogue addresses an overflow Westport Public Library audience last November. Larry Untermeyer for

The charges stemmed from a May 16 confrontation at their Westport home that left Pogue, 48, with a bite on his left forearm and his marks on his wife’s head. (See WestportNow May 19, 2011)

Appearing before Judge Jack Grogins, prosecutor Donna Krusinski decided to drop the charges against both and the case was nollied.

“David is very relieved that this is behind him,” said Mark Sherman, a Stamford criminal attorney. “He looks forward to getting back to work without this distraction.”

Jennifer Pogue, 47, had been represented by attorney Wayne Keeney.

News of Pogue’s arrest made national, even international news.

In addition to his work at the Times, Pogue is also an Emmy-winning tech correspondent for CBS News “Sunday Morning,” and weekly tech correspondent for CNBC.  He has written or co-written seven books in the “For Dummies” series.

At the time of the arrest, Westport Police Capt. Sam Arciola said the confrontation stemmed from a dispute over whose night it was to stay with the children. The estranged couple, reportedly going through a divorce, has an agreement over visitation with their three children.

“He claimed it was his night and that she had shown up at the house,” Arciola said about the fight’s cause.

According to the report Pogue gave the police, an argument began and Jennifer began videoing Pogue’s comments with an iPhone.

“He said that when he reached for the iPhone, Jennifer, he alleges, bit his left arm,” said Arciola.

The wife’s report was different, stating that she had shown up to see her children “because the kids had been away and she wanted to see them,” said Arciola.

“An argument ensued, and she alleges that she went to the bedroom and was lying down and reading a book when David came in and jumped on top of her to grab the phone and began hitting her on the head with it,” said Arciola.

“She said that she bit him in self defense and then went to call the police,” he said.

Arciola added that when officers arrived on the scene, both parties were injured, Pogue with an arm bite and Jennifer with marks on her head.

One thought on “Charges Dropped Against Pogue, Wife

  1. Thanks to all my friends for bearing with me on this latest batch of news that has been so ugly and awful. I would like to state the following truths to correct the misinformation that was put in the paper and on WestportNow regarding the published domestic abuse case: I had been living in the home with my children for 3 months and had legal rights to be in the house and to see my children. I was assaulted with my own iphone while I was lying on my bed reading a book.  I fought to get my iphone back because I had an audiophile from earlier that evening of David treating me horribly in front of the kids. I called 911. He lied to the police, telling them that I was not supposed to be in the house and that he was acting in self-defense

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