Payday by Celia Walden | Goodreads
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Late one night, three women share secrets.

They barely know each other, but they all know Jamie Lawrence. They know what he's guilty of. And they agree something must be done.

But as their plan spirals out of control, they begin to doubt themselves . . . and each other. Then Jamie is found dead. And suddenly everything is at stake. As lies are unravelled and truths exposed, two urgent questions emerge:

Who is really guilty?

And who will have to pay?

368 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 2, 2021

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Celia Walden

8 books28 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 187 reviews
Profile Image for Ceecee.
2,328 reviews1,933 followers
August 19, 2021
When ‘golden boy’ Jamie Lawrence is found dying in the most dramatic way, there are plenty of potential suspects if this proves to be foul play. There’s Àlex his ex-PA, Jill is work partner at BWL and colleague Nicole who all have every reason to loathe him.

This is a really good, compelling, well paced novel which keeps me engaged throughout. Right from the gasp inducing start and ending that shocks, you watch Jamie’s ‘antics’ in fist clenching horror. Let’s not waste too much time on this ruthless alpha male. I love the premise of the book which asks the question of whether the victim is actually the guilty one who maybe richly deserves his payday. The characterisation is very well done with the main characters all having flaws though Jill less so than the others, as she proves to be the most likeable. The book conveys a whole range of emotions from love to lust, humiliation to the bile of bitter resentment and the desire for just desserts and revenge. The relationships here are complex as most are, not just between the females but also with their partners, one in particular is very messed up. There’s major game playing on several fronts, clever manipulation, a bucketload of lying and deceitful behaviour. The novel builds well with plenty of tension, suspense and some shocking, dramatic twists and turns. The final twist I definitely do not see coming - kudos Ms Walden!

Overall, a well written psychological thriller which is very convincing.

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Little Brown Book Group/Sphere for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.

October 24, 2021
The shortest adult fairy tale ever. Once upon a time three wronged and aggrieved women hatched a plan to get revenge on an unsuspecting guy, and then some time later they all live happily ever after. It was payday.


But we should not forget, “An eye for an eye leaves everybody blind” Martin Luther King / Ghandi


This is a fascinating book involving three very different women, each with their own stories and leading very different lives, but they share one thing in common, they all despise the misogynistic Jamie Lawrence, a partner at BWL. Jill is a company founder of BWL, who hires and promotes Jamie, but as the golden boy ascends the hierarchy in the business, his once personal relationship with Jill is cast to the side, as his relentless hunger for power and lack of principles comes to the fore. Nicole is a manager in the company, but despite being married she was once fascinated by the handsome Jamie and engaged in endless flirting, that is until she is sexually assaulted by him. Alex, Jamie’s personal assistant is fired whilst on maternity leave, his reasons are undisclosed, but the HR letter later refers to gross misconduct for something Jamie himself was actually guilty off. Nice guy Huh !!!

You get the picture. Jamie is a singular confluence of talent and arrogance, who possessed an effortless capacity to make his presence known and invade everyone’s space like a posturing peacock. He lacked empathy, compassion, and "every time he got away with something, he knew he could push things a little further the next time". His ability to manipulate left him seemingly untouchable.

At a drunken office party, the three women confer notes only to discover that all of them have been mistreated, humiliated, and wronged by Jamie. Nothing bonds quite like hate, and so they hatch a vengeful plan to bring him down. However, when faced with allegations brought to him by the company, Jaime was genuinely shocked, creating doubt as to his guilt among some of the three women. Was he innocent after all? And if “… any of the details they had shared with each were untrue or exaggerated then the punishment they had planned for him was much worse than the crime”

This was an wonderful book with so much suspense, treachery, and intrigue, with a deliciously wicked male character, yet the characterisation of the women was what made it for me. The plot was superb, even though the twist was not a surprise and a bit predictable.

Overall, I loved this book, it was believable and compelling and touched on many themes that the author dealt with so sensitively and I loved the writing style. So, a good 4.5 stars.
Profile Image for Javier.
926 reviews244 followers
September 26, 2022
3,5 ⭐️

¿Historia en la que un grupo de mujeres busca vengarse del capullo que les ha arruinado la vida? Yes, please!! Este es uno de mis subgéneros favoritos, por lo que “Hora de pagar” llevaba mi nombre escrito. 😄

Jill, Alex y Nicole son tres mujeres completamente diferentes entre sí, pero tienen algo en común: Jamie Lawrence, uno de los socios de la compañía en la que trabajan. Durante una fiesta de empresa, una conversación entre las tres mujeres pondrá de manifiesto cómo todas ellas han sido maltratadas y humilladas por Jamie, lo que les llevará a trazar un plan para acabar con él. A fin de cuentas ¿qué une más que el odio compartido?

“Hora de pagar” es, por encima de todo, una historia de personajes, estando la trama al servicio de éstos y no a la inversa como ocurre en ocasiones en las novelas de este género. La caracterización de los cuatro personajes principales está muy bien lograda. Jamie resulta absolutamente odioso desde el principio. Es el típico hombre que en apariencia resulta súper carismático pero que, en cuanto empiezas a escarbar un poco en la superficie, sale toda la mierda que esconde dentro. Aún así, la autora consigue que uno se plantee hasta qué punto merece “pagar” por sus actos.

Uno de los grandes aciertos de la novela es el no plantearla como una historia de buenos y malos. Las tres mujeres también tiene sus sombras lo que hace que, tanto los personajes en sí como la relaciones que se establecen entre ellos, resulten mucho más complejas, al tiempo que hace que el lector también se pregunte si los actos que están llevando a cabo están realmente justificados o no.

El libro arranca con una escena muy impactante para posteriormente hacer una presentación de personajes que, en mi opinión, resultó un poco larga e hizo que el ritmo se resintiese. No obstante, la lectura es ágil en todo momento y una vez que empieza a resolverse todo hay un par de giros de esos que no te esperas y te dejan con cara de tonto.

Aunque en líneas generales lo disfruté, me faltó un poco más de sororidad entre las protagonistas, ya que en ocasiones parecía que el enemigo eran ellas mismas, pero quizás sea culpa de las expectativas que llevaba en mi cabeza acerca de lo que iba a encontrar.

Historia de suspense psicológico que trata temas como la misoginia y los abusos de poder en el trabajo y que plantea interesantes cuestiones morales como hasta qué punto la víctima es realmente el culpable y merecía ese castigo o hasta dónde estaría uno dispuesto llegar para conseguir justicia.
Profile Image for Barby chapterbychapter_books.
432 reviews241 followers
June 16, 2022
Si alguna vez trabajaron en una oficina seguramente se encontraron con algún Jamie, esa persona que busca quedar siempre bien, escalar lo más alto y rápido posible sin importar cuantas cabezas tiene que pisar en el camino. Super carismático y capaz de envolver a todos con discursos de muchas palabras que no dicen nada, en este caso le han conseguido llegar a ser uno de los socios de la compañía, pero ¿Qué pasa cuando la verdadera personalidad sale a la luz? Cuando un grupo de mujeres comienzan a charlar en una reunión se dan cuenta que no solo son cuestiones laborales sino que también pudo haberse excedido más de una vez insinuándose a sus empleadas.

A medida que la noche (y los tragos) avanzan comienza a surgir un plan para que todos conozcan al verdadero Jamie, solo que algunas fueron solo verdades a medias y de pronto es muy tarde para parar todo.

Mi opinión:
Cuando apenas arranqué la historia me sentí atrapada al instante porque muchísimas de las situaciones me sonaban familiares. Los after-office hablando de alguien en particular, los chismes en los pasillos, los favoritismos y secretos que saben todos (pero no se dicen) que circulan día a día. Supongo que es algo normal de cualquier oficina y, aunque este libro lo lleva más allá con un crimen, el resto no es nada alejado de la realidad.

Jamie es el típico personaje detestable y la autora busca generar esa idea de moral turbia y si merece “pagar” por lo que hace o no y responsabilidad de quien es. Pero acá las protagonistas son 3 mujeres que tienen distintas relaciones con él. Jill, la fundadora de la compañía que fue quien tuvo siempre bajo su ala a Jamie, hasta que el decide que quiere tener el control de todo; Alex su asistente personal quien es despedida para cubrir un descuido de su jefe; y Nicole quien dice haber sido acosada sexualmente por él. Las conexiones entre ellas y las mentiras y verdades que vamos a ir descubriendo al leer son lo que lleva el ritmo de la historia y definitivamente hacen que uno se enganche con la trama y quiera conocer un poco más acerca de sus vidas fuera de la oficina y sus problemas.

Debo admitir que las ideas que la autora quiere transmitir a veces están demasiado marcadas y se hacen un poco repetitivas. Su opinión sobre que las mujeres SIEMPRE están en desventaja laboral ante los hombres (con lo que no estoy 100% de acuerdo) queda repetida una y otra vez, y sus conceptos sobre la maternidad a veces me resultaban un poco ridículos e incorrectos (pero bueno, esto es SUPER objetivo porque cada persona es un mundo) pero si había algunas cosas que me resultaban al menos raras.

En general es un libro que me atrapó muchísimo, lo leí en menos de 2 días y ni yo se como hice para encontrar el tiempo, pero es que no lo podía soltar. El plot-twist del final para mi hizo que sumara muchos puntos porque cuando pensé que el libro me iba a decepcionar completamente tuvo una sorpresa que valió la pena.
Profile Image for 8stitches 9lives.
2,856 reviews1,657 followers
September 5, 2021
Payday is a fiercely intelligent, character-driven feminist thriller that follows three women as they attempt to bring the misogynistic partner of their firm to justice and asks the question: how far would you go to settle the score? Late at a drunken office party, three women employees exchange secrets. Jill, Nicole and Alex all work for prominent property development company BWL, and although before this evening they had not talked to each other about seemingly charming yet extremely problematic star broker Jamie Lawrence before, they all know about or have been subjected to his behaviour. They exchange words in hushed voices about the co-partner and golden boy of the firm. About what he does to women, and they all agree something must be done. Jill, in her 60s, is the company founder, current owner and senior partner; she learns that despite her altruistically mentoring Jamie he has been cruelly mocking her behind her back. Nicole, in her early 40s, is the Special Projects Manager and Jamie's colleague who has been sexually harassed by him despite being married with a family. Alex, in her 20s, is Jamie’s former Personal Assistant.

She's a struggling single mother with a young infant and had been fired after being made the scapegoat to cover up corner-cutting and the inadequate work Jamie had completed. Although they barely know each other, now they have a common cause. If the system is against you, you have to take justice into your own hands. It's time these women took him down a peg or two. The next day, though, feelings change. After all, these situations are complicated, easily misinterpreted. Could there be another side to the stories these women have told? Were their stories quite as black and white as they claimed? When their plan spirals out of all control, they realise things are far more complicated than they first thought. As they stand to lose everything - their careers, their relationships and their integrity - they begin to doubt themselves and each other. After all, there are two sides to every story. Should they have trusted each other? Or is one of them harbouring a secret darker than any of them could have imagined? Unfortunately, when 46-year-old Jamie is found impaled the women discover themselves at the centre of a police investigation where their stories and motives are brought into question.

They're calling Jamie 'the victim', but that's all wrong. Jamie is the guilty one. Isn't he? This compulsive and absorbing page-turner is as much about sexual politics in the workplace as it is a tense thriller. The novel alternates between three strong female characters each with grievances, all potential suspects. It’s modern, intelligent and totally gripping. Full of secrets, lies, duplicity and toxic behaviour, I was pleasantly surprised by quite how relevant to our times and enthralling this really was and I struggled to put it down. Walden pulls the wool over your eyes and manages to do so exceptionally well for the majority of the novel and the twists, turns and constant game playing between the characters meant it was thoroughly unpredictable. It's a cleverly woven slow-burning thriller ripe with mystery, murder, creeping dread and palpable suspense, but the characterisation and the evolving dynamic between the characters is what made this book so great. They are all well developed, flawed and realistic, and I loved getting to know the three women especially as it had you rooting for them even when eventually things do not turn out exactly how they first appeared. The plot simmers away as we are introduced to vile antagonist Jamie and concludes in an explosive and wholly unexpected fashion. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Laratitadelibros.
460 reviews32 followers
February 19, 2023
Viajamos a Londres para conocer a nuestras protagonistas Alex, Nicole y Jill.
Todas ellas trabajan en la empresa inmobiliaria de BWL donde Jamie es el gerente y también el objetivo de estas mujeres.
Por una serie de motivos que conocemos a lo largo de la lectura, cada una de ellas tiene sus motivos para acabar con la carrera profesional de Jamie.
En la fiesta de despedida de Joyce, nuestras protagonistas comienzan a hablar, entablar confianza y compartir intereses. Trazarán un plan para destruir al gerente pero... ¿A cualquier precio?
El personaje que más me ha gustado ha sido Alex. Después de una baja por maternidad se encuentra con un despido por un error que ella no cometió pero no pierde su objetivo de que este acto quede impune para poder darle lo mejor a su pequeña.
Ha sido una lectura rápida, bien hilada aún con todos los problemas que se presentan no queda nada suelto.
Una novela diferente a lo que suelo leer pero que sin duda me ha gustado y sorprendido a partes iguales.
¡Muy recomendable!
Profile Image for Kerri.
100 reviews
September 26, 2021
It gets one star cause I finished it. I found it tedious, I didn't warm to any of the characters and found it all highly unbelievable, not my cup of tea at all
Profile Image for Beryl Weller.
104 reviews2 followers
November 6, 2021
I enjoyed this book, it was different to how I imagined it to be. Good characters and held my attention throughout. An enjoyable read.
Author 2 books9 followers
September 4, 2021
I wasn't real sure about this one when I first started reading it, but I'm so glad I stuck with it.
Three women work at a high-end property development company in London. Alex is the boss's personal assistant and has been on maternity leave for three months. Jill is one of the founders of the company, now able to devote much less time to the job because of her husband's cancer. Nicole is the star salesperson, a hard-as-nails, take-no-prisoners kind of person.
But then Alex is fired and made the scapegoat for a mistake she didn't commit, Jill is hearing rumblings of her needing to retire, and at a company party, the three of them, never having really talked before, get drunk and air their grievances. Nicole lets slip that the boss, Jamie, has made unwanted advances toward her.
Alex, already furious over her unfair dismissal and the fact that the promised job lead proffered by Jamie doesn't exist, is even angrier when she hears Nicole's story, and she proposes revenge. (Yes, this is probably a scene inspired by the Dolly Parton comedy "9 to 5" but believe me, this stuff ain't funny at all.)

Jill and Nicole sober up the next day and are no longer much interested in vengeance, but Alex, bitter and angry over her predicament and bored and stressed with life as a single mother, still wants her pound of flesh, and she sets about formulating ways to embarrass Jamie and cause him to lose face at work.
And as the humiliations mount, it becomes clear that things are not always what they seem ... people lie; not just by stating untruths, but more insidiously, by stating one tiny kernel of truth and leaving out the rest, and not correcting others when they make the logical assumption.
The lines between hero and villain are first blurred and then nearly erased.
Loyalties are tested, strained and dissolved.
And when Jamie is found fatally injured on one of the historic properties his company was trying to sell, after the accusations became more serious and so did the consequences, after the liars are revealed and the tears are shed, there is one final, horrible and totally unexpected twist on the very last page that I for one did not see coming.
At first glance, this book seemed a Me-Too revenge fantasy, but as the plot thickened and curdled and threatened to explode, it became so much more. This is a story about obsession, about anger, about greed, about monstrous selfishness and self-absorption, and about the limitless ways we humans can think of to destroy one another
Profile Image for Helena.
131 reviews
January 11, 2023
Sitting in-between 3 and 4 stars and still can't decide!

Three strong women with their own sub-storyline throughout but all connected through Jamie Lawrence. A believable manipulating character.

The story follows a good pace, with a twist and turn I didn't see but overall a very predictable read. After all, it's titled Payday!
Profile Image for Camila Lobianco.
203 reviews7 followers
March 28, 2022
A feminist driven thriller book that made me become voracious to finish this. This book gave me so much to think, so much to get pissed as a STEM woman. This book made me so insane that my boyfriend saw me punching some pillows after a chapter. Insane, really great, untill now if not the best, the second best thriller I read this year.
Profile Image for Ciara.
65 reviews3 followers
September 8, 2021
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Jamie has it all a great career, looks, money and a gorgeous wife. However when allegations about misconduct, scapegoating and attempts to remove other partners in the property firm it seems there is a darker side to Jamie. Is it all true or could Jamie be the victim?.

The story is told from the POV of three women Alex Jamie’s former p.a, Jill Jamie’s business partner and Nicole Jamie’s employee.

Initially I was gripped I thought this was going to be a story of the me too movement and revenge on the patriarchy. However this was not the case.

It was an interesting plot but just a few too many holes and unanswered questions for my liking. A lot of subjects were touched on but never fully explained i.e Alex’s father? And the conclusion seemed rushed in order to facilitate the reader finding out what happens to the women’s lives after.

Overall a good enough read I would imagine fans of Harriet Trice’s novel blood orange would really enjoy payday.
Profile Image for Kim Ebner.
Author 1 book80 followers
April 13, 2022
Oh yes, this one was fun. I had a great time reading and listening to this story. I specifically loved the scenes that depicted the relationship between Nicole and Jamie. Their love-hate relationship was fascinating to me. As for Alex, another great character to try and understand.

There was one twist that I wasn't too keen on, and that seemed a little bizarre, but the main twist at the end was pretty good, although possibly not all that twisty. I sort of had an inkling as to how things were going to play out. It's often that way with psychological thrillers and especially those that have a few peripheral characters that don't seem to add that much to the story...until they do.

Anyway, overall an enjoyable, fun time.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
675 reviews9 followers
September 15, 2021
I would like to thank the author, the publisher and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read an ARC of this book. I certainly drew me in and although a number of the characters were not particularly likeable, I couldn’t put it down. A definite must read.
Profile Image for Abbie Jade Purnell.
80 reviews1 follower
October 5, 2022
Not a bad book but also not a great book! The chapters were SOOOO long, like 25 minutes for each chapter. The characters weren’t much likeable but there were a few good little twists that rescued this book from 2 stars.
Profile Image for Melisa Broadbent.
176 reviews14 followers
September 24, 2021
I was lucky enough to receive an early copy of Payday at Harrogate Crime Writing Festival and think this was a little gem!

Written by journalist Celia Walden, we follow 3 women, Alex, Jill and Nicole who work together at the same company and have varying opinions on Jill's fellow company partner Jamie. Alex has recently lost her job as Jamie's PA and this becomes the catalyst of the novel and the actions of what follow on from a office leaving do.

Jamie is found dead and we are left wondering how much the women were pushed. You query past events as we follow the months leading up to the death and realise that Jamie, although the office golden boy, wasn't quite as golden as he made himself out to be.

I really enjoyed Payday and was immediately hooked on trying to figure out what really happened. The three main characters are all completely different and written brilliantly.

Once I started I couldn't stop reading, which is just how books should be written.

Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Tábata Kotowiski.
185 reviews4 followers
November 6, 2023
O livro tem seus altos e baixos. No lado positivo, a história tem um certo de mistério e reviravolta que mantêm você curioso. A trama envolve segredos e um pouco de glamour da alta sociedade, o que adiciona um toque interessante.

Por outro lado, os personagens podem parecer um pouco rasos e previsíveis em suas ações. Alguns diálogos também soam forçados e pouco naturais, o que prejudica o envolvimento emocional com a história.

A escrita de Walden é fluida e fácil de seguir, mas às vezes a narrativa pode se tornar arrastada, tornando a leitura cansativa em alguns trechos. No meu caso, a história realmente engrenou lá pela metade do livro.

No geral, Acerto de Contas é um livro que oferece entretenimento razoável, mas não se destaca como um thriller de primeira linha. Pode valer a pena dar uma chance.
Profile Image for Sambooka23.
495 reviews27 followers
October 8, 2022
I received this book from @tandemcollectiveuk - so thank you for that - and a huge thanks to @celia.walden and @littlebrowngroup_uk for allowing me a copy of this book.

I thought this book to be a slow burning thriller and despite not guessing who killed Jamie (it really was a surprise!) I felt myself wanting more drama and for it to be more of a thriller.

Jamie did seem like a really awful man, taking control of everything he does and everyone around him, I’m not surprised someone wanted to take his life - he wasn’t a nice man at all.

I found the women to be quite strong characters and despite what they had dealt with through Jamie was awful but they came together and done what they had to.

It was a good, easy slow burning thriller but I’d have liked a little more!
194 reviews23 followers
September 27, 2021
Thank you to Netgalley and Little, Brown for the advance read of this book which was published 2nd September.

First off, it took me a while to get into this book. I enjoyed the way it is written from the viewpoint of three female colleagues working with Jamie. The story is told both from before and after Jamie's death .i really disliked Jamie's charachter and couldn't wait to see how the story unfolded and who had actually killed Jamie.

This debut novel is written by Celia Walden who is Piers Morgans wife.
I was unsure what to expect from this author being who she is but I think I was pleasantly surprised. I give this book 4 stars
Profile Image for Vfc.
1,517 reviews
September 2, 2021
Written by Piers Morgan’s wife - a novel depicted as a “fiercely feminist” thriller. Three women.
Profile Image for Eileen.
107 reviews
January 13, 2023
A slow start and almost gave up but eventually the story picked up and in the end quite a good psychological thriller.
Profile Image for romy.
10 reviews1 follower
June 11, 2023
never has a book had so many unlikeable protagonists. the tiny twist at the end redeems the story slightly, still not good though
Profile Image for Daniela Danova.
78 reviews1 follower
May 9, 2024
Три жени попаднали в капана на един алчен, арогантен и самовлюбен мъж…И въпреки, че още по средата предусещах финала, книгата се оказа изключително добра и интригуваща !!
109 reviews1 follower
July 22, 2023
Really enjoyed this and read it in a couple of days. Boss dies and 3 women all possible suspects.
Profile Image for Roberta Newman.
24 reviews1 follower
May 10, 2023
Didn't read this book very regularly, lost the plot was it murder?
Profile Image for Pao_silverbook7 .
111 reviews4 followers
June 27, 2022
"𝐏𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐚 𝐜𝐚í𝐝𝐚 𝐝𝐞 𝐮𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐞 𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐣𝐚 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐨 𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫"

Este fue mi primer thriller del año y debo decir que me sorprendió demasiado.
En esta historia seguimos a tres mujeres: Jill, Alex y Nicole, quienes de una u otra manera han sido testigos de la verdadera personalidad de Jamie.
Un hombre que aparenta ser perfecto. Es guapo, tiene una carrera exitosa en la empresa BWL, es una persona que puede caramelizar sus palabras y hacerte sentir especial e imnotisado. Tiene una gran familia y en sí, una muy buena reputación.

Es una historia de venganza puesto que nuestras protagonistas tratarán de hacer ver al mundo, la verdadera personalidad de Jamie. Dejar en claro que, él es una persona manipuladora y que hará lo que sea para salirse con la suya.
Aunque claramente, los planes no salen como lo esperan.
Es una historia que da coraje por el hecho de las actividades de abuso de poder, confianza y acoso sexual.

Creo que a pesar de que el libro nos muestra muchas situaciones en las que se ven involucrados todos los personajes, no había mucho que pensarle respecto a la persona que estaba tras la mayor parte de la venganza.
El final no me agradó para nada, sentí que todas esas malas decisiones que al final tomaron las protagonistas, hicieron ver que no iban a pagar por esos descuidos. Principalmente Nicole, que todo terminó como un final feliz cuando yo siento que en realidad el rumbo de su historia debió quedar de una manera diferente para no hacer ver al personaje que, ya que su primera opción se arruinó, ahora se iba a quedar con la segunda.
Jill tampoco enfrentó las consecuencias de sus acciones, todo quedó en el olvido después de "ese" día.

En sí fue una lectura bastante adictiva por toda la trama y el desglose de los acontecimientos, sin embargo, no me convenció mucho.

Profile Image for Cheryl.
Author 4 books22 followers
June 10, 2021
When three women who work at the same firm have a few drinks at a company party and get to discussing their charismatic - and problematic - colleague Jamie, it seems that each woman has a different axe to grind, and a reason to bring Jamie down. Jill is being professionally undermined by him, Alex was fired and used as a scapegoat to cover his corner-cutting, and Nicole confesses he has been sexually harassing her. But when Jamie turns up dead, it seems none of the three women have been telling the full truth....are they really the victims? Or is Jamie?

I really enjoyed it this book The story is well developed, with flawed and realistic characters (with the exception of Jamie, who was a bit too caricature-of-a-villain for me - how on earth he got one woman to fall for him, let alone two,was the biggest mystery in the book!). It was very much the women and their interconnections that carried the story along, and I loved that despite - or maybe because of - their mistakes, the author makes us care for each of them, and root for them. I found myself wanting to know more about them, even after I finished the book. AND I didn't see the last twist coming, so bonus points for finishing up with something that genuinely blindsided me! Already looking forward to reading more from this author.

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for providing me with a free ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 187 reviews

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