'The Upside' Trailer: Kevin Hart Joins Bryan Cranston, Nicole Kidman
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‘The Upside’ Trailer: Kevin Hart Goes Indie With Help From Bryan Cranston and Nicole Kidman

"The Illusionist" director Neil Burger is behind the camera for this English-language remake of the French hit "The Intouchables."
"The Upside"
"The Upside"

Kevin Hart has conquered the box office with mainstream studio comedies like “Ride Along,” “Get Hard,” and “Night School,” which just topped the box office with $27 million. However, the comedian is shaking things up in 2019 with a detour to indies and more dramatic fare with “The Upside.” The film is the English-language remake of the popular French hit “The Intouchables.”

“The Upside” centers around the growing friendship between a wealthy paraplegic man (Cranston) and the ex-criminal assigned to be his caretaker (Hart). The movie was originally set to be released by The Weinstein Company and premiered at the 2017 Toronto International Film Festival, but it was sold to STX Entertainment earlier this year in the midst of TWC filing for bankruptcy.

The film marks the latest directorial effort from Neil Burger, best known for directing “Limitless” and “Divergent.” The Weinstein Company was behind the U.S. distribution for “The Intouchables” in 2012. The film was a foreign smash hit and grossed over $400 million worldwide, which is one of the reasons an English-language remake was put into development.

STX Entertainment will release “The Upside” in theaters January 11, 2019. Watch the official trailer below.

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