Saxophonist Nick Roth Unites Music and Science | CanopyMeg

Nick Roth Music

Nick Roth photo by Denis Melnick
Saxophonist, composer, producer and educator Nick Roth, has created an outstanding dendro-chronographic film — “Crann” — which explores the world of the tree in literature. The film premiered in late December 2020 and is a perfect union of music and science! “I was lucky enough to grow up with old growth forest – the laurel, oak, beech and birch were amongst my closest childhood friends. Later, as a composer, I understood that music offers an embodied way through which to ‘come to know’ our living planet. In collaboration with some of the world’s leading scientists, I worked first with water, then with bird flocking. It was my studies of forest canopy ecology, ‘Woodland Heights’ for orchestra and ‘Little Woodland Heights’ for children’s ensemble, that led to the privilege of collaborating with visionary ecologists Meg Lowman, Thomas Lovejoy and Henry Horn, from whom I realised that science treads the same sylvan path as the arts in seeking to inspire ‘a sense of the vast and the infinite and to promote our sense of wonder.’” — Nick Roth

Please watch — and listen — to this thrilling piece of work.

If you’d like to learn more about the artist Nick Roth, visit his website at Nick Roth Music.

About “Crann”

Richard Berengarten’s poem Tree is a symphonic hymn to the arboreal in every register; each line of its three hundred and sixty five drawn from the tree’s sacred and central place in world mythology, history and religion.

Crann (2020) is a dendro-chronographic film for three voices, oak tree (Quercus petraea), raku-fired vessel and Boyne currachán.

The work was commissioned by IMRAM Féile Litríochta Gaeilge on a setting of Gabriel Rosenstock’s Irish translation of the poem, directed by Laura Hilliard, featuring performers Michelle O’Rourke, Caitríona O’Leary and Olesya Zdorovetska.