The BFG Ending |
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The BFG Ending

Instructor Jenny Homer

Jenny has masters' degrees in public health and public administration.

In this lesson, we'll discuss the ending of Roald Dahl's ''The BFG,'' where we get to find out what happens to Sophie, the BFG, and the nine mean giants!

When we started reading Roald Dahl's The BFG, we met Sophie, a little girl living in an orphanage. It's late at night and Sophie can't sleep. She gets up to close the curtains on the window and sees something incredible - a giant walking down the street and stopping at the neighbors' windows.

The giant spots Sophie. Even though she goes to hide, he snatches her out of bed and carries her away. Sophie is terrified, thinking that she might become the giant's breakfast.

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Indian elephant

Leaders from all over the world send presents and messages thanking the BFG and Sophie for getting rid of the giants. The BFG had once said he'd ''love to have a jumbly big elefunt.'' The head of India sends him one as a gift.

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The giants were brought back to England and placed in an enormous pit in the ground. That is where they stay forever. The Queen did not want to kill them, even though they ate many people around the world. ''There is no reason why we should follow their example,'' she says.

The giants now only get to eat snozzcumbers, ''the filthiest-tasting vegetable on earth.'' One day, the giants eat three men after they climbed the fence around their pit and fell in. But after that, things remained peaceful.

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Throughout the book, the BFG has a very funny way of speaking and writing. He never went to school, so he mixes up words, which he felt bad about. Sophie, ''who loved him as she would a father,'' works with him and teaches him. He reads thousands of books and starts writing about his life. One day, Sophie suggests he write about their adventure together.

The BFG begins working on just that book. After she reads it, the Queen gets it published for children everywhere. Because the BFG is modest, he puts another person's name on the book instead of his own. The book is what we just read!

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Roald Dahl's The BFG ends on a happy note for Sophie and the BFG, who live comfortably next door to each other and near the Queen. The modest BFG keeps busy delivering phizzwizards to sleeping children, reading, and writing - even publishing the book we have just finished reading! The giants, on the other hand, spend the rest of their lives at the bottom of a huge pit, eating only snozzcumbers!

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