Beware of Turning a Good Desire into a Need

Beware of Turning a Good Desire into a Need

  “Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts” (1Jn 5:21). “My beloved, flee from idolatry” (1Cor.10:14). “Give me your heart and let your eyes delight in my ways” (Prov.23:26).


Lord Jesus, none of us on this “prayer-train”—bound for the wedding feast of the Lamb and life in the new heaven and new earth—none of us will tempted to melt down whatever precious metals we own and make an idol of it. But idolatry remains a real danger for us, and is often more subtle in its forms.

Help us, Lord… make clear to us the people, things, and scenarios to which we give preoccupation, trust, and affection that rightfully belong to you. What vies for your place in my/our hearts? One of the most shocking things I first heard you say in the Scriptures is this: “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter, (spouse, siblings, or friends), more than me is not worthy of me” Matt.10:37.

I “get it” now, but that used to disturb me. The truth is, we will only love anyone well when we love you most. Loving you preeminently, Jesus, with our mind, heart, soul, and strength is our greatest privilege, reason for being, and primary calling—now and forever.

What else can we “over-need” or “love” disproportionally—to the point we obsess, get angry, default to shame, or stay anxious? To name a few: What people think of us. Our physical health and appearance. The salvation of our kids. The fear of more pain and being forgotten. The drive to be enough and have enough … Jesus, help us, free us. Only your love is better than life. Only you are enough. Only you are worthy of everything we have and are. So Very Amen.

