Watch Casey Affleck’s parody of a ‘real’ Dunkin’ Donuts customer on Saturday Night Live

"This is the face of Dunkin' Donuts right here."

Casey Affleck might be resistant to playing local stereotypes, but it certainly didn’t show last night as the host of Saturday Night Live.

In what must be one of the most New England sketches in recent SNL history, the Falmouth-born actor donned a Bruins hat, work jacket, and his best Boston accent as the real—if not somewhat crude—face of Dunkin’ Donuts.

“I f—in’ love Dunkin’, guy,” Affleck says, taking a sip from one of their holiday cups.

“I’m like the mayor of Dunkin’s,” he continues, shortly before being accosted by an employee for smoking inside the restaurant. “This is the face of the Dunkin’ Donuts right here.”


Affleck’s character says his everyday Dunkin’ routine includes a cruller, an extra large coffee, and, well, a trip to the chain’s bathroom. And, of course, the skit wouldn’t be complete without an appearance from his buddy Dewey.


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