1. CrackBerry Question's Avatar
    I don't have wifi access and am trying to set up a BlackBerry Classic. I can't find anything that tells me how to do that.
    02-14-15 01:32 PM
  2. diegonei's Avatar
    Skip the WiFi step and proceed over carrier network.
    02-14-15 01:45 PM
  3. 19631V's Avatar
    I can't skip the wifi step, so how do I use a fixed line router instead of wifi for the BlackBerry Classic setup?
    02-14-15 02:00 PM
  4. MobileMadness002's Avatar
    I can't skip the wifi step, so how do I use a fixed line router instead of wifi for the BlackBerry Classic setup?
    You don't use fixed lined. Either WiFI or cellular. The WiFI portion can be skipped.
    02-14-15 02:07 PM
  5. 19631V's Avatar
    But how do I skip the wifi portion? There isn't anything onscreen that allows for that.
    02-14-15 02:21 PM
  6. diegonei's Avatar
    Did you try swiping right to left?

    Trust me, you can skip and the way to do it is somewhere in there.
    02-14-15 02:42 PM
  7. guygardner73's Avatar
    Tru dat. A right to left swipe along the bottom of the screen usually does the trick.

    PassportSQW100-1/ O2 UK
    02-16-15 01:44 AM

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