Happy Diwali: Poem for Students - Kids Portal For Parents
Happy Diwali

Happy Diwali: Poem for Students

Happy Diwali: Poem for Students and Children – Diwali, the “Festival of lights” is here again upon us. Mainly a Hindu occasion, the festival is now celebrated the world over in all regions where the Hindu community has a presence. With fireworks, sweets, gifts, apparels, prayers and other such beautiful traditions, it is one mind-boggling occasion that cuts across all boundaries – economic, cultural, racial and otherwise. It is one festival that every Indian looks forward to.

To enhance your Diwali celebrations, here we bring for you a collection of beautiful poems related to the occasion. Go over our splendid Diwali poems and gear up for the oncoming festivities. If you like to share these with your friends and loved ones. Enjoy a happy Diwali with our pretty little collection of Diwali poems. May fortune smile on you and all your loved ones! Happy Diwali!

Happy Diwali: Short English Poetry

It’s the “Festival of Lights” today,
It’s again the day of Diwali,
It’s time to dress up folks,
It’s time to adorn the thali.

It’s the occasion to throng the temples,
Pray to the Gods and give them offerings,
It’s an opportunity to entreat the deities,
To bless us all and rid us of sufferings.

It’s the day to light the diyas,
Ignite the rockets and burst crackers,
But it’s also the time to be safe,
From the fireworks and all the sparklers.

It’s the season to pay a visit,
To all our friends and relations,
To hand them over sweets and presents,
Diwali is our splendid chance.

But while you spend a time of joy,
Don’t think it’s merriment all the way,
Out there wait many of those,
For whom it’s no time to be gay.

Denied of laughter and smiles for days,
They know not what it is to enjoy,
Can you not share something you have,
Can you not bring them a little joy?

When you can make someone else smile
When you can be someone’s ally
That’s when you can yourself be glad
That’s when you’ll have a HAPPY DIWALI!

10 Lines On / Sentences About Diwali in English for School Kids

  • Diwali, also called as Diwali is a Hindu festival of lights.
  • It is celebrated in spring season which falls between October and November.
  • Diwali signifies victory of light over darkness.People decorate their homes with lights, diyas, and rangolis.
  • They wear new clothes, greet and wish each other.
  • People go to various temples, mostly Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Rama temples.
  • Diwali is a 5-day festival which starts from Dhanteras and ends with Bhaidooj.
  • Diwali is celebrated to honor the day Lord Rama returned from 14 years of Vanvasa (exile).
  • Diwali signifies the win of good over evil.
  • Some also celebrate Diwali to honor the return of Pandavas from exile.
  • Diwali is one of the most awaited festivals in India.
  • For a week people forget their problems and enjoy the life.

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