Producers & Consumers in Biology | Overview & Examples - Lesson |
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Producers & Consumers in Biology | Overview & Examples

Tanya Hausman, Amanda Robb, Amanda Robb
  • Author
    Tanya Hausman

    Tanya has taught for 21 years, anywhere from 1st through 9th grades, as well as STEM. She has a bachelor's in elementary education with a middle school math endorsement from Oklahoma Wesleyan University. She has a current professional teaching license and years of experience creating interesting, engaging lessons for her students.

  • Instructor
    Amanda Robb

    Amanda has taught high school science for over 10 years. She has a Master's Degree in Cellular and Molecular Physiology from Tufts Medical School and a Master's of Teaching from Simmons College. She is also certified in secondary special education, biology, and physics in Massachusetts.

  • Expert Contributor
    Amanda Robb

    Amanda has taught high school science for over 10 years. She has a Master's Degree in Cellular and Molecular Physiology from Tufts Medical School and a Master's of Teaching from Simmons College. She is also certified in secondary special education, biology, and physics in Massachusetts.

Learn the producer and consumer definitions in biology. Study examples of producers in an ecosystem, as well as consumers, and explore how ecosystems are connected. Updated: 11/21/2023
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Create Your Own Ecosystem Activity

In this lesson, students learned about different examples of producers and consumers here on Earth. In this activity, they will stretch their knowledge by coming up with a new alien ecosystem of their own. You could have students work on this individually or in pairs or groups.


Imagine you are a space explorer and have found life on another planet. Like Earth, these organisms are divided into producers and consumers. Your job is to describe in words or draw the environment, as well as three producers and three consumers that are found there. Your final product can be a drawing, an essay or a combination of both writing and drawing. However, whatever product you choose to make should include:

Criteria for Success:

  • A description of the environment including imagery of what it looks like, weather patterns, climate, and water availability
  • A description of three different producers including what they look like, how they get energy, and which method they use to make their own food
  • A description of three different consumers including what they look like, what they eat, what eats them and how they contribute to the ecosystem
  • A comparison of how this ecosystem is different from Earth and how it is similar

What are producers in an ecosystem?

Producers are organisms that make their own food or energy. In an ecosystem, the producers are organisms such as trees, grasses, other plants, algae, and some bacteria.

What is a consumer in biology?

In biology, a consumer is any organism that does not make its own energy. Instead, it eats other plants and/or animals to get the energy it needs.

What are 5 examples of producers?

Any plant is a producer - trees, grasses, flowers, bushes, or any other plant. Algae, found in aquatic areas, is also a producer.

As with many words in the English language, the terms producer and consumer have multiple meanings. The general definition of a producer is one who creates or makes something, such as a factory that makes clothing or a farm that grows crops. The general definition of a consumer is one who buys or uses a product, such as a person who buys those clothes or food from the grocery store. When it comes to science, there are specific definitions these words are referring to. Producers and consumers work closely together in the world of science to support an ecosystem. In biology, producers and consumers make up the organisms in food chains and food webs.

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  • 0:00 Producers vs. Consumers
  • 0:35 What Are Producers in Biology?
  • 2:00 What Are Consumers in Biology?
  • 3:00 Example of an Ecosystem
  • 3:55 Lesson Summary

What is a producer in science? The producer definition in biology is an organism that makes its own food. An organism is any living thing, whether plant, animal, bacteria, fungi, etc. While plants are definitely producers, algae and even some bacteria are also producers. Producers are also known as autotrophs.

The most well-known producer in biology is a plant. Plants get energy from the sun and make their own food in a process called photosynthesis. With the help of water, plants convert the sun's energy into food, a type of sugar called glucose. There is a wide variety of plant producers on land, but they can also exist in the water, as long as there is enough sunlight filtering through.

Another producer, algae, is technically protists. Though similar to plants, algae lack the complex tissue structure that plants have. However, algae use energy from the sun to make food, making them producers. Algae are mainly found in aquatic environments, that is, areas with water.

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A deer is a primary consumer, eating plants or producers.

Color image of a deer, a primary consumer in biology, standing in a forest.

Now that producers in science have been clarified, it is time to look at what is a consumer in science. A consumer, according to the definition in biology, is an organism that cannot produce its own food and must eat other plants and/or animals to get energy. Consumers are also known as heterotrophs. Animals come to mind when thinking of consumers - lions, wolves, deer, birds, rabbits - but consumers also include fungi, amoeba, and bacteria.

There are three levels of consumers in a food chain - primary consumers, secondary consumers, and tertiary consumers. Primary consumers are organisms that eat the producers. They are also known as herbivores or plant-eaters. Organisms such as deer, rabbits, insects, or squirrels are examples of primary consumers that are found in a forest ecosystem.

Secondary consumers eat the primary consumers. In a forest ecosystem, lizards, birds, and snakes are examples of secondary consumers.

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Producers and consumers are closely linked in an ecosystem. As stated previously, producers provide the foundation for any food web. Producers such as grasses, algae, and plants provide food for the other organisms in the ecosystem. Primary consumers feed off the producers. Examples of these creatures are chipmunks, small fish, insects, and deer.

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An organism is any living thing, whether a plant, animal or single-celled creature. A producer is an organism that creates its own food or energy. A consumer is an organism that gets its energy by eating plants or animals.

Producers, also called autotrophs, include plants, bacteria, and algae. Plants get energy from the sun and turn it into food, a sugar called glucose. This process is called photosynthesis. Algae are a type of protist that also uses the sun's energy to create their own food. Chemosynthetic bacteria are found in the soil or deep in the ocean, so they can not use sunlight to make energy. Instead, they break down chemicals to get their energy.

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Producers vs. Consumers

You may have heard the word 'consumer' in everyday life. Chances are good that you think of shoppers as consumers, people who buy goods. Producers might come to mind as factories and people who make the goods.

Although the specifics are slightly different, in biology the same general idea applies. Since biology concerns life, producers and consumers are living things, or organisms. Producers make the food for the rest of us, and since we consume that food, we're called consumers. Let's look more closely at each of these types of organisms.

What Are Producers in Biology?

Producers are organisms that make their own food; they are also known as autotrophs. They get energy from chemicals or the sun, and with the help of water, convert that energy into useable energy in the form of sugar, or food. The most common example of a producer are plants. Through a process called photosynthesis, green plants use sunlight and water and make a type of sugar called glucose. Green plants such as trees are found on land, but they can also exist underwater as long as there is enough sunlight.

Although algae look like plants, they're actually a special kind of single-celled organism called a protist. A protist's cellular structure is different from a plant's, but it can still make its own food and, therefore, it is a producer. Algae and its relatives can be found in aquatic ecosystems.

Surprisingly, single-celled bacteria can also be producers. Located deep below the ocean surface are areas that get little to no sunlight. Green plants can't survive there, since they are unable make food without sunlight. But, single-celled bacteria use a process to make food called chemiosynthesis, which involves taking chemicals expelled from hydrothermal vents deep in the ocean and converting them into the same type of food that plants make.

The food producers create food for themselves in order to grow and reproduce. However, plants also serve as food for the rest of the ecosystem, the consumers.

What Are Consumers in Biology?

Consumers are organisms that need to eat (i.e. consume) food to obtain their energy. These organisms are called heterotrophs, meaning they must eat something else (hetero) as food. When we think of things eating for energy, our minds probably drift to animals, like birds, cats, or insects. These are all examples of consumers, but there are other lesser-known ones as well.

Fungi, or mushrooms, may look like plants, but they are actually heterotrophs. They extend tiny tubes into other living or dead organisms and literally suck the nutrients right out of them! The mold that you see on strawberries is actually a fungus. It's eating the strawberries as they rest on your counter.

Single-celled organisms can also be consumers. The amoeba is just a single cell, but it chases after other microscopic prey, engulfing it for food. Bacteria in the soil act as decomposers, consuming dead material and breaking it down to be recycled back into the food chain.

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