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Soyny 1 month ago#1
NaclynE 1 month ago#2
Saw 2 and 3. Never saw 1. Liked 3 the most.
PS3, PS4 handle: NaclynE102. YouTube channel: Naclyn Erick II
In the UK this is Van dames most popular film. Being shown far more often than Bloodsport.. Still need too watch Kick Boxer 2
Player_10 1 month ago#4
NaclynE posted...
Saw 2 and 3. Never saw 1. Liked 3 the most.

joeofthedragon posted...
In the UK this is Van dames most popular film. Being shown far more often than Bloodsport.. Still need too watch Kick Boxer 2

  • Kickboxer
  • Kickboxer 2
  • Kickboxer 3
  • Kickboxer 4
  • Kickboxer 5
  • Kickboxer Vengeance
  • Kickboxer Retaliation
MatrixAndrAIa 1 month ago#5
I’ve only seen the first movie and while it’s major B grade material, I still love it to death. Tong Po!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ and that dance scene ❀ πŸ˜‚
You told me once/Gardens, yes, they know/Death is not the end/and flowers burn to gold
Tori Amos - Flowers Burn to Gold
NaclynE 1 month ago#6
@Player_10 posted...
* Kickboxer
* Kickboxer 2
* Kickboxer 3
* Kickboxer 4
* Kickboxer 5
* Kickboxer Vengeance
* Kickboxer Retaliation

If this is the case think it is the bottom two? Van Damme wasn't the MC in either. Also Iko Uwes was the final opponent in one of these. Van Damne was in think the second or both of the two that I watched.

Swore they were numbered but I think I remember them having titles more. Only saw the second one twice while the previous one once. Were on Netflix streaming. Dunno if they're gone. Alot got removed it seems.
PS3, PS4 handle: NaclynE102. YouTube channel: Naclyn Erick II
PeteyParker 4 weeks ago#7
I haven't seen Kickboxer Vengeance or Retaliation but I've seen the other ones.

The original Van Damme one is obviously the best but I enjoy the Sasha Mitchell ones as well. I have them all digitally except for Kickboxer 3 (It never goes on sale and I'm not paying $18 for it, even if I would watch it). Kickboxer 5 pulls a Kickboxer 2 but this time it's Sasha Mitchell who is killed off screen. It all goes downhill from there in the rest of the film.
"How can.. the Prime minister.. support a law.. that makes it illegal for people.. who....What I'm trying to say is.. Oasis rules!"
Player_10 4 weeks ago#8
5 & Retaliation are the only ones I haven't seen yet, because I only discovered their existence last week.
PeteyParker posted...
I haven't seen Kickboxer Vengeance or Retaliation but I've seen the other ones.

The original Van Damme one is obviously the best but I enjoy the Sasha Mitchell ones as well. I have them all digitally except for Kickboxer 3 (It never goes on sale and I'm not paying $18 for it, even if I would watch it). Kickboxer 5 pulls a Kickboxer 2 but this time it's Sasha Mitchell who is killed off screen. It all goes downhill from there in the rest of the film.

3 is always on Tubi and its free

PeteyParker 4 weeks ago#10
LeadPipeCinche posted...
3 is always on Tubi and its free

It's also on FreeVee but both services have ads (and more often than not, stuff on Tubi is not in HD). I wasn't implying that I haven't been able to watch it. I want to own it digitally because I have all of the rest. For some reason Kickboxer 3 is $18 in the Apple Store despite the entire rest of the series being much cheaper (and part 3 itself is cheaper to buy on other services like Amazon).
"How can.. the Prime minister.. support a law.. that makes it illegal for people.. who....What I'm trying to say is.. Oasis rules!"