When are the Lost Ark daily and weekly reset times?
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When are the Lost Ark daily and weekly reset times?

Everything we know about the Lost Ark reset times, and what in-game content resets daily and weekly

Wondering about the Lost Ark reset times? Resets – whether daily or weekly – are a staple of MMO life. Some games reset their whole servers every day, although you’ll find the most common occurrence are things like quests or instances resetting instead. Lost Ark is a hit new MMO game with western players and knowing details such as when game content resets is important.

That’s where we come in. There’s plenty of information now about when things go through a reset cycle, but different content resets at different times, and the time will differ depending on your local region’s timezone relative to UTC – the official Lost Ark timezone. We’ve gathered everything into one handy guide so you don’t have to search too hard for the timings in your local region.

This information is especially important once you hit level 50 and are having to grind through the endgame content to get those valuable materials to improve your gear score and Lost Ark engravings. Here’s everything we know about Lost Ark daily and weekly server reset times.

Lost Ark reset times

In-game content in Lost Ark is split between daily and weekly reset cadences, however the reset time is the same regardless as Lost Ark servers reset at 10am UTC, regardless as to whether it’s weekly or daily.

The daily Lost Ark reset time is:

  • For the North America East servers, it’s 5AM EST
  • For the North America West servers, it’s 2AM PT
  • For the EU Central and EU West servers, it’s 10AM GMT / 11AM CET
  • For the South American servers, it’s 7AM BRT

We’ve outlined below what content resets to what timetable.

Lost Ark weekly resets

The weekly Lost Ark reset time is Thursday, 10am UTC. Region specific times are outlined above. The following in-game content resets on a weekly basis:

  • Weekly Una’s tasks
  • Abyssal dungeons
  • Chaos exchanges
  • Guardian raids
  • Cube dungeons
  • PvP weekly quests
  • Chaos dungeons
  • Ghost ships
  • Some merchants also refresh stock on a weekly basis

According to YouTuber Kibbles, store items that are listed as ‘weekly’ do not reset during the same window. Guild weekly tasks also seem to reset at a different time on Thursdays.

LOST ARK Daily resets

The following in-game content resets on a daily basis:

  • Daily Una’s Tasks
  • Chaos gates
  • World bosses
  • Guardian raids (you can do two per day)
  • Chaos dungeons (You can do two per day)
  • Voyage cooperative missions

If you’re a member of a guild, you can also donate 6,000 silver once per day via the guild menu in exchange for bloodstones. Rapport actions are also something you can consider doing on a daily basis.

Aside from that, there are the Adventure islands. These appear on timers through-out the day, and you can easily look up when the next one is coming. You can only complete one per day on a weekday, and two per day on a weekend.

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That’s everything we know about Lost Ark reset times. If you’re looking for more tips check out our guide to Lost Ark pirate coins, and how to level up quickly. We also have opinions on what the best Lost Ark class is.