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To make fun of British people

r/therewasanattempt - To make fun of British people
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I'm glad they reposted it. I'd never seen it before and I thought it was really funny.


just go to top

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u/beany_juice_ avatar

That's all this sub is tbh

u/MrMeets42 avatar

Hello I was your 69th upvotes on this comment


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Really? It's actually really fucking good, from 1 Brit to another.

u/observer47567 avatar

I would give it a try, but then I realised I don't eat Christmas cake at all.

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u/alamaias avatar

As a british person who grew up in lancashire(right next to yorkshire for the colonials) is this really a thing? I have never seen nor heard of this weirdness.

u/Heyzee124 avatar

Big up Lancashire boys

u/Papi__Stalin avatar

As a man who's lived in Yorkshire most of my life I have never seen this. And I don't want to ever see this.

u/JohnGoatti avatar

Born and bred in Yorkshire, and I only heard of this a couple of years ago thanks to the internet.


Might be just local to Batley (West Yorkshire) but at Christmas everyone in my family likes warm pastry-topped mince pies, warmed in the oven, then take the pastry 'lid' off, put in a slice of cheese (Cheshire or Wensleydale), pop the lid back on, and let the cheese soften and melt before tucking in. I don't think anyone's made it past 70 yet, before heart failure...

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As a British person, I agree.


As an American person, i never eat big macs anyways

It looks like some kind of spice cake. What makes it so bad?


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"most weird stuff comes from Yorkshire"? Wtf are you smoking?

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People eat ass and yet get all weirded out by cake and cheese.

considering food can seriously compromise your immune system, which we are seeing evidence of daily, they have a point, but not just America. worldwide issue.

u/Vocaloid5 avatar

Not eating food can do much worse...

Yeh.. I think I'll keep eating, personally.

That's fine. Just you'll have to pay for it later with health insurance.

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Not eating can make you younger.

Thanks YouTube algorithm.

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u/WilliamEyelash_ avatar

Didnt the Brits literally create the U.S


Like the nazis created East and West Germany

I lol'd

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The africans basically created the whole world


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Should we tell him?

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u/MrMeets42 avatar

Oh wow a British person making fun of Americans using obesity

Oh wow an American making fun of a different culture

u/bigmeatyclaws123 avatar

It’s honestly not just an American thing to make fun of another culture

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Should we instead make fun of how you can make a joke but not take one?

u/MrMeets42 avatar

Penis that’s why bro

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I laughed. That was a nice comeback.

u/RoboShay avatar

Why do other countries only way of making fun on Americans something so unfunny. Haha guns haha no free healthcare! Haha eagles! Like be original.

Yeah cause Americans never harp on about British teeth or anything.

We haven't needed to harp on your teeth since the aughts. Get with it you fog goblin.

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Most are just jealous of the greatest county on Earth. The United States of America.

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At least we have good food 🤐

u/Deviori avatar

Both countries have shitty cuisine

I have literally never seen anyone eat that fucking cake.


It’s really delicious! Just don’t eat it with cheese, not sure what those writers are on...

I always pair it with ranch flavored gummy bears, you should try it sometime

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It looks like some kind of spice cake. What makes it so bad?


its Christmas fruitcake with marzipan and icing, it's really tasty but eating it with cheese is a controversial thing people do up in Yorkshire

Ah, ok. Thanks.

Eating it at all is controversial, I can get the same taste without having to ferment a cake by simply licking the inside of my shoe.

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It's like a stodgy fruit cake mess, my understanding is you soak the fucker in brandy to make it palatable.

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u/try_____another avatar

It looks like a cheap shop cake sold as Christmas cake. A proper one, IMO, would be fruitier, darker, and would have royal icing rather than soft icing.

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u/ShoeAss69 avatar

as an american i eat like i have free healthcare

Me too, I’m fat

u/ShoeAss69 avatar

i have a fast metabolism and im a teen so i’m not fat, but you’re probably just big boned


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Because 90 percent of the country has health care. It’s the small percentage that refuses to pay. Poverty gets it free from the states. Wealthy can afford it. Middle Class has it subsidized through employers. That leaves people like my mother in law who think it’s ridiculous to have to pay to take care of your self, so they go without.

Free healthcare is for weak British people. Y’all so weak and poor you can’t even afford to maintain your health.


Why does it say 2days at the top and 7 December 2018 at the bottom?


Note: I'm not American but I don't think so

just destroyed america right then and there

Im an americsn and do not find this offensive. Thank you for your 2 seconds.


Christmas cake (a rich fruitcake to you americans) with cheese is actually really nice. Think of it being like how you'd have cream on cake.

I love these, everyone assumes everyone is American

is that guy actually american? or is the next guy just lazily guessing?

To be fair most of my diet consists of Mexican peasant food.

Lol’d and then my American parents lol’d too. The shade of it all...

u/PisCovered avatar


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Responding to a like hearted joke about differences in food by bringing up a serious political issue that effects people’s lives. How classy

u/dannydizzlo avatar

Your comments works as proof of Americans shit banter compared to UKs


Oh please do tell me how light hearted banter is inferior to insensitive banter.

u/Papi__Stalin avatar

Us Brits like to absolutely roast our friends and it's hilarious. There is rarely a line that doesn't get crossed in British humour, go watch Frankie Boyle or Jimmy Carr and you will see that they are wildly offensive but funny as fuck.


You guys arrested someone for making an offensive joke.

u/Papi__Stalin avatar

I think you are referring to Count Dankula - he taught his dog to Hitler salute when he said 'heil'. Personally I thought that was pretty funny but the Scottish police didn't, neither did the Scottish courts. His trial was an absolute joke and the courts determined that his intent was to incite hate, despite him saying otherwise - this set a dangerous precedent. Last time I checked he was taking his case to a higher court, I can't imagine he will lose that. I think most people were on Count Dankula's side and wanted to defend his right to make jokes, including most of the UK's comedians.

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Also Monty Python

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laughs at them both in italian

u/the_fuckkk avatar

need ice for that burn


Yeah well at least American food tastes good. It’s easy to not be fat when you’re eating blood sausage and everything is served with these shitty cold beans.

u/Rainbow-spirit19 avatar

Well I eat because well I’m obsessed with the flavors of food


The British don't have free health care either? They pay for it with taxes. NO country has free health care, just better health care than us.

u/Papi__Stalin avatar

You could literally never pay taxes in the UK and still get treated at no cost to you.


Very true, and we have something similar, medicare and medicaid. But they are not free, someone somewhere is paying for it. The proper term is Universal Healthcare.

u/Papi__Stalin avatar

I like the phrase we use over here, 'free at the pint of use'. But yeah you are right but I don't mind paying for someone else because when I need to use the NHS, for a big treatment, other people will be paying for me.


That's great, that's how it should be. I just wanted to clarify to people reading this that the UK doesn't have free healthcare like many in the U.S. are led to believe. Like all of a sudden, Bernie wins, and every American no longer has to pay healthcare. Doesn't work that way.

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u/tomekkplk avatar

Can we bring teeth in to this?


British people spend more on dentistry than any other European nation.

The stereotype regarding British teeth really stems not from our teeth being bad but by comparison American teeth being particularly good... about 50 years ago.

You're holding onto a stereotype that your grandparents started. So I guess... Well done, boomer.

u/bunchanums618 avatar

Well Americans spend easily the most on healthcare. I guess we're the healthiest country.

u/elcuoco avatar

Mostly true. The British spend more than ever as a probable reaction to the old stereotype but from a health level aren't any worse than Americans overall according to studies. Americans do have straighter and whiter teeth in part because they spend more on it as a country and individually than most.

That said, perceptually British people have bad looking teeth. Still true today in British actors and celebrities especially when compared to their American counterparts. See John Oliver.

The only potentially very true thing here that is also funny to me: one of the first signs of inbreeding is bad teeth. Particularly crooked or cramped teeth which is more what people seem to reference more so than hygiene when they say bad teeth. Happens a lot on islands. Here is a study:

Oh you're in for a treat: we have (*had) a show called Jeremy Kyle in the UK which is basically your Jerry Springer. "The DNA test says you're not the father" format. You would definitely get the most inbred little islanders.

So if you wanna see some awful British teeth Google "jeremy kyle contestant teeth".

  • Had a show called Jeremy Kyle because after a person was on the show they took their own life cos they couldn't deal with the shame of whatever was discovered on the show.

u/elcuoco avatar

Oh my god. While your set up is great and accurate I was not at all prepared for the teeth. It looks like they gave a bunch of austin powers prosthetics to saruman and he turned them into orc teeth. Truly on another level if they are all real.

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u/try_____another avatar

Also because NHS coverage for dentistry only covers necessary treatment, so while you can get braces if your teeth are bad enough to be a problem you have to go private if it’s only cosmetic, and it doesn’t cover whitening or cosmetic veneers. That tends to deter people from using those extra services even if they’d otherwise be happy to pay the price charged.

u/tomekkplk avatar

Not a boomer but nice try

Then why you repeating a boomer-made stereotype? You like 1950s mentality?

... you know people of colour can drink from the same water fountain as you right?

u/tomekkplk avatar

50 years ago was 1970 not the 50’s. Why so sensitive? You the internet police? Maybe a Karen? Oooh maybe a British boomer.

Lol. The picture poked some fun, you poked some fun, then you got called a racist. Talk about escalating quickly.

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u/EnragedTroglodyte avatar

God forbid I pay for health insurance... it literally cost me 20 bucks a month 😂 sure healthcare is expensive in the US. But only if you're paying out of pocket like a dumbass, which I've done.. got charged 2k for some flu medication and immediately bought insurance and learned from the mistake. Is it not normal to be paying so little for this insurance in the US? Or are people really out here without insurance expecting to pay medical bills out of pocket? I'm never going to understand the frustration with the US healthcare system, it's been there and saved me anytime I needed it. Only fucked me over once, and that's when I was being an idiot.

That's the issue right there. Your healthcare system fucked you over once. You're not an idiot for getting a flu.

Saying a system that cost you 2 grand works fine is silly though. A lot of people can not recover from needing to fork out 2 grand on something unexpected.

u/EnragedTroglodyte avatar

I think you're missing my point, I'm not saying I'm an idiot for getting the flu. I didn't use the system the way it was meant to and had to pay out of pocket. Im saying that makes me an idiot because I knew I needed insurance but never got around to actually getting it. Until that kicked me in the right direction. And I'm also not saying 2k wasnt a lot. I had to sell my car. Sure it's not perfect but what is? And it's not like I didn't know before hand that I didnt have insurance..

u/Papi__Stalin avatar

I've heard that most medical insurance (even the expensive ones) only covers 80% of the cost, so if you needed heart surgery or you get cancer you would have to pay $20,000 out of pocket for the treatment. Is this true, genuinely asking?

u/EnragedTroglodyte avatar

With my insurance provider I pay $20/month. Medications are free and majority of the cost is covered but theres an out-of-pocket maximum to $200-$2000 for hospital visits depending on the tier of plan you pay for. There are 3 tiers (across 4 different plans, so 12 options total) ranging from $3-$30/month. It depends on your income level to a certain extent, but mostly you just get to pick what you want to pay for, and if you're wrong about the level of coverage you pay difference. Ive heard about people getting charged insane amounts for procedures that they need to live, but ive never actually met someone in that position, so I really couldn't say how common it really is. If it makes a difference I live in New York state.

u/Papi__Stalin avatar

I'm a bit confused, so if you were on one of the cheap plans and needed an expensive surgery you would have to pay the difference?

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