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Matt is a main protagonist of Eddsworld and the animated counterpart of Matt Hargreaves.

Matt first appeared in an animation titled "Edd", but was not given a voice until "Zombeh Attack".


Matt has ginger hair and a square chin. Matt used to wear either a black t-shirt, then a black hoodie, as well as a green overcoat, blue jeans, and black shoes. In "Zanta Claws", Matt received a purple hoodie as a Christmas gift from Santa. Matt has worn the purple hoodie and a green overcoat since then. In the Eddsworld theme video, Matt wears a black "I ♥ M@" shirt. Matt is the second tallest compared to Edd, Tom, and Tord.


Matt is generally portrayed as narcissistic and picky about looks. Matt can be smart or stupid depending on the situation and likes to hoard stuff.

Portrayal throughout Eddsworld: Legacy[]

Matt appears to be slightly nicer but more dimwitted throughout Eddsworld: Legacy, such as really valuing Tom as a friend. In "Fun Dead", Matt went as far as to name a cymbal playing monkey earned from a claw machine "Little Tom", only for Tom to destroy the monkey shortly afterwards. In the same episode, Matt told Edd "If I don't make it, I want you to give my novelty toy collection to Tom.", only for Tom to reply "And if I don't make it either, please BURN my new novelty toy collection." In part two of "The End" Matt uses the control panel to make Tord's robot punch itself for 3 reasons; 1. Destroying Edd's house 2. "Killing" a friend (Tom) 3. Tord punching Matt in the face.
