MUGABE’s REMAINS: Grace Agrees To Hand Mnangagwa At Least Memorabilia
15 May 2024
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Former First Lady Grace Mugabe Commits to Preserving Legacy of Robert Mugabe at Museum of African Liberation, Announces Handover to Emmerson Mnangagwa

By Fred Jukwa | ZimEye | Former First Lady Grace Mugabe, widow of the late Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, has pledged her commitment to preserving her husband’s legacy at the Museum of African Liberation. Speaking at the museum, Grace Mugabe emphasized the importance of correcting distorted history for future generations to understand their roots and identity.

Grace Mugabe

She stated, “…for the future generations we have an opportunity to come and understand where we came from and where we are now and where we are hoping to go in the future…if we don’t correct the distorted history in this manner they would not know exactly who they are.”

Acknowledging her husband’s significant role in shaping Zimbabwe and the continent, she expressed skepticism about her own contributions compared to his, but recognized the importance of preserving his memory.

Accompanied by family members, including Innocent Matibiri, brother of her late husband, Grace Mugabe conveyed their determination to assess and contribute memorabilia significant to President Mugabe’s life and work. In a significant development, she announced her decision to hand over her husband’s belongings to President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Grace Mugabe affirmed their gratitude for the opportunity to participate in preserving President Mugabe’s memory. She concluded by reaffirming their commitment to assembling and contributing artifacts that reflect the late president’s profound impact on Zimbabwe and Africa as a whole.

The decision to hand over President Mugabe’s belongings to President Mnangagwa signifies a significant step towards reconciliation and cooperation between the Mugabe family and the current Zimbabwean government. It marks a momentous occasion in the effort to honor and preserve the legacy of one of Africa’s most prominent leaders.