The Flash 2014 S 9 E 5 The Mask Of The Red Death Part 2 / Recap - TV Tropes

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Recap / The Flash 2014 S 9 E 5 The Mask Of The Red Death Part 2

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As the Red Death carries out her plan to bring about her own sense of justice to the world, it's revealed that an unknown failure of Barry's is revealed. Now Barry must overcome his doubts of himself and see the good in others if he's to save the city.


  • Anti-Villain: Grodd knows that what Red Death is doing is wrong, he is just desperate due to being alone for three years and has been promised by her to get his tribe back.
  • Astral Projection: With Grodd's help, Red Death is able to spawn countless psychic sentinels.
  • Batman Gambit: Turns out the reason Red Death left Mark alive was because she fully expected Flash to go back for him, allowing her to ambush him and take away what was left of his speed.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Just before Red Death can unleash an energy wave on the Flash and the Rogues (who pulled their own moment for Barry before), a batarang suddenly strikes her in the chest plate. Cue Batwoman jumping into the scene through the fog.
  • Brought Down to Badass: After being deprived of her speed, Red Death still gives Ryan a good hand-to-hand fight.
  • Call-Back: The piece of the Speed Force that Barry gave to Grodd 3 years ago is now being returned to him.
  • Conflict Ball: Barry and the Rogues get into a fight about whether to strike at Red Death or rescue Mark, apparently not considering that if they take down Red Death immediately, they could then rescue Mark at their leisure (alternatively, there's nothing stopping them from using multiple teleports to rescue him then have a non-combatant bring him back to STAR Labs while the others immediately go after her [Goldface actually suggests this, but nobody listens], but either way, it doesn't have to be an either-or decision).
  • Easily Forgiven: Mark is immediately taken back by the others. Even he is surprised at this, not sure if he belongs there after what he had done. Barry explains that it's because he's one of them.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Goldface hopes that Amunet can forgive him before Central City is destroyed, and heads to Iron Heights to see her.
  • Eye Beams: Red Death's sentinels shoot them.
  • Fanboy: Chester is extremely giddy to meet Batwoman. The latter on the other hand is very excited to meet Iris.
  • Happy Ending Override: Poor Grodd had one, as his entire tribe lost their intelligence following the Crisis. At the end of the episode, there is hope for him again, as Chester is working tirelessly to help him.
  • Internal Reveal: The team learns of Joe's desire to move away.
  • Is It Always Like This?: After defeating Red Death, Batwoman asks Flash if Central City is always so crazy. The Rogues reply "It's a Wednesday!".
  • Kiss of Life: Khione wakes up Mark by giving him a frost-powered kiss.
  • Leitmotif: Earth Prime Ryan's entrance is heralded by the Batwoman theme.
  • Mirror Match: After Batwoman depowers Red Death, the two get in a fight, with Red Death pointing out how due to formerly being the Batwoman of her world, they have the same skills.
  • New Era Speech: Red Death, when her psychic copies appear all over the city.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Red Death has another ally who boosts her own telepathic abilities: Grodd, who, after Barry helped him redeem himself, was sent on his way to Gorilla City, only to find every sapient gorilla there had lost their intelligence and scattered.
  • No-Sell: When Kramer uses her Power Copying abilities on Bivolo to make the Rogues fearful, Red Death gets the yellow eyes only to shrug off the fear and cuff Kramer.
  • Not Quite Dead: Mark is not dead.
  • Put on a Bus: Joe leaves Central City for the countryside with Jenna, wanting her to grow up normally.
  • Relationship Upgrade: Chester and Allegra, sealing it with a Big Damn Kiss.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: The Rogues, briefly, when it seems like Red Death has won. They opt to spend their remaining times with their loved ones. They end up coming back to help Barry in the end.
  • Sensory Overload: The amount of hate Cecile is feeling from Red Death and Mark's pain put her in a lot of distress.
  • Shout-Out: Ryan invites Iris to join her monthly brunch with Alex, Kara and Nia.
  • Superman Stays Out of Gotham: Having problems with a telepathic speedster? Gosh, it's such a shame there's no one like that on the heroes' side, or anyone whose physiology makes them naturally immune to telepathy.
    • The trope is partially averted, however, in that Ryan Wilder does show up to help Barry.
  • Tempting Fate: Kramer tells Red Death that it is pointless to hack their satellites, as they got an upgrade by A.R.G.U.S. She proves her wrong the very next moment.
  • Time Skip: After defeating Red Death, time jumps ahead two weeks to Joe's goodbye party.
  • The Unreveal: Turns out the regular Ryan Wilder is just fine, as she shows up at the climax to help take down her Evil Counterpart. Why she disappeared in the first place is never explained, or even questioned. We can presume that the story Red Death, pretending to be Ryan-Prime, told Iris last episode about being ambushed by Red Death and left for dead in the Palisades was close to the truth.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Red Death has two, the first when Grodd turns on her, the second when she is beaten.
    Red Death: No, no, no, no, no! This can't be happening! Flash… you ruined it all. I will bring justice to this world! Where are you, Flash? Come and face me! Or are you just like the others… afraid to face final justice?
  • Wham Line: During Joe's goodbye party, Iris starts to feel woozy. Khione then somehow confirms that Iris is pregnant about three months early.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?:
    • Red Death's Rogues just disappear after the final fight.
    • As to be expected, there is no mention of Sophie, Luke, Mary, or anything pertaining to Gotham post-Batwoman cancellation.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Allegra is not happy about the Rogues leaving Mark behind.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are:
    • When Joe laments feeling useless, Barry reminds him that his superpower is being The Heart to the team.
    • Barry also manages to make Grodd reconsider, reminding him of the good person he became.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: Goldface says this verbatum when Barry and Khione manage to convince Jaco and Hartley to rescue Mark, reluctantly agreeing as well.
  • Your Mind Makes It Real: Red Death says that her sentinels are just as lethal as she is, directly citing Bashir almost killing Barry with a hallucination of Savitar.
