Deadbox: The Complete Series by Mark Russell | Goodreads
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Deadbox: The Complete Series

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The Ring meets Needful Things in DEADBOX, a supernatural horror tale where life in a small town is one of conformity and the only escape is cursed entertainment-in-a-box, where the viewer’s fate is reflected in film, and their darkest secrets unlocked.


A town where the main source of entertainment is a cursed DVD machine that seems to know more about the fate of its citizens than they do.

When a resident of Lost Turkey walks into the Stop n’Shop Convenience/Gas, they grab a bite and a gab with Penny, who keeps the business running while her father is fading away (literally). Trapped in the box of horrors that make up everyday existence, Penny and the other residents find escape in the only entertainment in town: a DVD rental box that holds the town’s darkest secrets hidden within its depths – and the movies the residents rent. Where their fates are framed within the films they choose, and where they may be able to find a way out - or not. Lost Turkey: a small town where opportunities, dreams, and entertainment are limited, but where secrets - nightmares – are limitless.

Collects the entire five-issue series!

For fans of Sweet Tooth, Essex County, Gideon Falls, Grass Kings, Stillwater, Revival, Ice Cream Man, The Silver Coin, The Ring, and Needful Things and social commentary wrapped in the supernatural.

128 pages, Paperback

First published October 17, 2023

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About the author

Mark Russell

6 books2 followers
Mark Russell's publications include Spearmint & Rescue, Shopping for Punks, (the book of gatherings), (the book of moose), (the book of seals), and Pursued by Well-being. Journals in which his poetry has appeared include Shearsman, The Rialto, Stand, Poetry Wales, The Manchester Review, Poetry Salzburg Review, Gutter, Blackbox Manifold, Tears in the Fence, The Interpreter's House, Butcher's Dog, Denver Quarterly, Wild Court, and bath magg. He teaches Drama and lives in Scotland.

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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 reviews
Profile Image for Matthew Ward.
815 reviews14 followers
February 8, 2024
3.5 stars. A pretty fun and interesting satire on the world and parody of various movies. Really interesting concept and a pretty successful and entertaining anthology.
255 reviews3 followers
March 25, 2024
"Deadbox" has a pretty twisted premise - think of "Something Wicked This Way Comes" stuffed into a Redbox machine.

It's an awesome premise, but the execution leaves something to be desired. The premise sees people taking cursed DVDs from box, only for their entertainment to wreck untold havoc on them and their lives. The comic does a great job mixing styles to tell a truly twisted story through several mockbuster movies, only for the reader to see the gut-wrenching impact on their lives.

The problem is the comic never lingers long enough for me to get attached to the characters, often undermining the horror in the process.

Still, it's an interesting premise for horror fans interested in what might lurk in the few remaining Redbox machines out there . . .
Profile Image for alexander shay.
Author 1 book19 followers
April 24, 2024
A connection of vaguely related stories based on what 'movie' a person pulls out of the cursed red box. I think what actually happened to the people was supposed to mirror the movies they chose in some way, but other than one story, I didn't see the correlations. Honestly I was more interested in the character running the store that had the box and kind of wish there was a more linear story and focus on her and her family.
Profile Image for Jill.
1,141 reviews25 followers
December 15, 2023
This was an interesting one. I love the idea of a cursed Redbox - renamed Deadbox - condemning a town to implode. The art style wasn't my favorite but that's just a me thing. I liked the story good enough but it was a little easy to figure out where it was going to end up.
Profile Image for Nick Pratt.
52 reviews3 followers
February 16, 2024
3.5/5 Wish it was longer, but it’s thought provoking enough for what we got. Enjoyed it, as I do almost everything Mark Russell has ever written. I’ll keep it on my shelf as a completist, but it doesn’t have the longevity of something like snagglepuss, billionaire island or not all robots.
97 reviews1 follower
April 1, 2024
All Russell’s work is overtly political, but this is the closest to an on the nose socialist rant as I’ve seen from him.
It’s still clever and well written, but veers to close to the heavy handed end of the spectrum for a writer who has the skill to do better
Profile Image for Chad.
8,868 reviews978 followers
December 14, 2023
An anthology of weird stories taking place in this small town. They revolve around a Redbox filled with unreleased movies. This was OK. But Mark Russell has done far better.
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 reviews

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