The Meaning Behind The Song: 可 (Ke) by 張靚穎 & 薛之谦 (Jane Zhang & Joker Xue) - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: 可 (Ke) by 張靚穎 & 薛之谦 (Jane Zhang & Joker Xue)


The Meaning Behind The Song: 可 (Ke) by 張靚穎 & 薛之谦 (Jane Zhang & Joker Xue)

Title 可 (Ke)
Artist 張靚穎 (Jane Zhang) & 薛之谦 (Joker Xue)
Writer/Composer 薛之谦 (Joker Xue)
Album 无数 (Countless) (2022)
Release Date June 9, 2022
Genre Pop, C-Pop, Mandopop
Producer 张宝宇 (Zhang Baoyu) & 茶茶 (Cha Cha) (CHN)

The Meaning Behind the Lyrics

The song “可” by 張靚穎 (Jane Zhang) and 薛之谦 (Joker Xue) is a beautiful duet that explores the complexities of relationships and the struggles of letting go. The lyrics express a sense of longing for something better and a hint of resentment towards a past love.

In the chorus, they sing, “怎么样才算舍得,会有更好的选择” which translates to “What does it take to finally let go? There will be better options.” The lyrics suggest that sometimes we hold onto relationships even when we know they aren’t fulfilling, hoping that better opportunities will come along.

The song continues with, “我们还在犹豫什么,故事结尾要给一个” which means “What are we still hesitating for? We need to give this story an ending.” Here, the lyrics highlight the struggle of staying in a relationship that has reached its end, emphasizing the importance of making a decision and moving on.

Throughout the song, there is a sense of acceptance and empowerment. The chorus states, “可我还要生活,你应该放过我” which translates to “But I still want to live, you should let me go.” This line reflects a desire for personal growth and the courage to move forward despite the pain of letting go.

Personal Connection

As a listener, “可” resonates with me on a deep level. It explores the conflicting emotions that arise when faced with the end of a relationship. The lyrics capture the struggle of holding onto what is familiar and the longing for something better.

I have personally experienced the bittersweetness of letting go. Sometimes, it feels like the right decision to move on, but there is still a sense of sadness and nostalgia for what once was. “可” reminds me that it’s okay to feel conflicted and uncertain when faced with such a difficult choice.

Moreover, the empowering message in the song encourages me to prioritize my own happiness and well-being. It serves as a reminder that it’s important to let go of relationships that no longer serve us, even if it may be painful in the moment. The lyrics convey a sense of resilience and strength, reminding us that there is a brighter future ahead.

In conclusion, “可” by 張靚穎 (Jane Zhang) and 薛之谦 (Joker Xue) is a heartfelt and introspective song that explores the complexities of relationships and the struggles of letting go. Its meaningful lyrics resonate with listeners and encourage self-reflection and personal growth. Whether you’re going through a breakup or simply searching for a song that captures the emotional depth of human connections, “可” is a powerful and relatable choice.

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