Muro Lucano, Province of Potenza, Basilicata, Italy

Muro Lucano, Province of Potenza, Basilicata

The small town rises on a slope over the Forra di Muro ravine, with picturesque houses built on terraces, and is named from the medieval wall (=muro) that surrounded the medieval center, still partly extant.


  • Altitude: 600 m a.s.l
  • Population: about 5500 inhabitants
  • Zip/postal code: 85054
  • Dialing Area Code: +39 0976
  • Patron Saint: St. Gerardo Majella, celebrated on September 2
  • Frazioni: Capodigiano, Casale San Giuliano, Le Marze, Pontegiacoia, Raitiello.

What to see

  • The Norman castle, where Giovanna I queen of Naples was killed at the end of the 14th c.

Where to stay

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