40 Facts about the movie A New Leaf - Facts.net
Valentia Byron

Written by Valentia Byron

Modified & Updated: 18 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Cinematerial.com

Are you a fan of classic comedy movies? If so, you’ve probably heard of the hilarious film “A New Leaf.” Released in 1971, this movie is a hidden gem in the comedy genre, starring Walter Matthau and Elaine May. “A New Leaf” follows the story of Henry Graham, a wealthy playboy who squanders his fortune and concocts a murderous plan to marry a rich woman and inherit her wealth.

In this article, we will dive into the world of “A New Leaf” and explore 40 fascinating facts about this iconic film. From the behind-the-scenes anecdotes to the impact it had on Walter Matthau’s career, there’s something for every movie enthusiast to enjoy. So, grab your popcorn, sit back, and let’s discover some intriguing details about “A New Leaf.

Key Takeaways:

  • “A New Leaf” is a classic comedy film from 1971, loved for its quirky humor and stellar performances. It’s a must-watch for fans of timeless comedy and continues to inspire filmmakers today.
  • The movie follows the hilarious journey of a wealthy playboy who must marry a rich woman to solve his financial troubles. It’s a delightful blend of romance, comedy, and personal growth, with a heartwarming ending.
Table of Contents

A New Leaf is a 1971 comedy film directed by Elaine May.

A New Leaf is a classic comedy film that was released in Directed by the talented Elaine May, it stars Walter Matthau and Elaine May herself in the lead roles.

The movie revolves around the story of Henry Graham, a wealthy playboy who must marry a rich woman to replenish his depleted finances.

The plot of A New Leaf follows the journey of Henry Graham, a playboy who squanders his fortune and must find a wealthy woman to marry in order to maintain his lavish lifestyle.

A New Leaf is known for its quirky and satirical humor.

The film is celebrated for its unique blend of humor, combining elements of satire and quirkiness to create a truly distinct comedic style.

The movie received critical acclaim for its screenplay and performances.

A New Leaf was widely praised by critics for its cleverly written screenplay and the brilliant performances delivered by the cast.

A New Leaf was a commercial success, grossing over $6 million at the box office.

The movie was not just critically acclaimed, but also a hit at the box office, earning over $6 million in ticket sales.

The film explores themes of love, money, and redemption.

A New Leaf delves into profound themes of love, wealth, and the possibility of finding redemption, adding depth and substance to its comedic elements.

Walter Matthau’s portrayal of Henry Graham is considered one of his finest performances.

Walter Matthau’s performance as the self-absorbed protagonist, Henry Graham, is widely regarded as one of his most remarkable acting achievements.

The movie showcases the talented comedic timing of Elaine May.

In addition to directing the film, Elaine May’s comedic timing and delivery shine through in her portrayal of Henrietta Lowell, Henry Graham’s love interest.

A New Leaf was inspired by the short story “The Green Heart” by Jack Ritchie.

The screenplay for A New Leaf drew inspiration from the short story “The Green Heart” written by Jack Ritchie.

The film was initially intended to be directed by Robert Evans, but Elaine May took over as director.

Originally, Robert Evans was supposed to direct A New Leaf, but due to creative differences, Elaine May took over the directorial reins. Her unique vision brought the film to life.

A New Leaf features stunning cinematography by Gayne Rescher.

The film showcases beautiful cinematography by Gayne Rescher, creating visually captivating scenes that enhance the overall viewing experience.

The movie’s screenplay was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay.

The cleverly written screenplay of A New Leaf earned a nomination for an Academy Award in the category of Best Adapted Screenplay.

The film’s soundtrack features a delightful mix of jazz and classical music.

A New Leaf’s soundtrack perfectly complements the whimsical nature of the film, blending jazz and classical music to create a delightful auditory experience.

A New Leaf was a departure from Elaine May’s previous directorial work.

Prior to A New Leaf, Elaine May had established herself as a successful director in the realm of off-Broadway theater. This film marked her transition to the world of feature films.

The movie was praised for its exceptional production design and costumes.

A New Leaf received accolades for its exquisite production design and meticulously crafted costumes, which transported audiences to the decadent world of the characters.

The film strikes a balance between hilarity and poignant moments.

One of the greatest strengths of A New Leaf is its ability to seamlessly integrate moments of humor with poignant scenes that touch the audience’s emotions.

The movie’s screenplay underwent several rewrites before production.

The screenplay for A New Leaf underwent multiple revisions and refinements to ensure that it captured the essence of the story and characters.

A New Leaf has gained a cult following over the years.

Though it may not have achieved widespread fame upon its original release, A New Leaf has gained a dedicated cult following, with fans appreciating its unique blend of humor and storytelling.

The film’s black comedy elements add a darker edge to the story.

A New Leaf incorporates elements of black comedy, infusing the story with a darker edge that adds depth and complexity to the overall narrative.

A New Leaf tackles themes of materialism and the pursuit of happiness.

Underneath its comedic exterior, A New Leaf explores themes of materialism and the quest for happiness, urging viewers to re-evaluate the true source of fulfillment in life.

The movie’s dialogue is sharp and witty.

A New Leaf boasts sharp and witty dialogue that adds to the overall comedic brilliance of the film. The characters’ exchanges are filled with clever one-liners and memorable quotes.

A New Leaf is a delightful blend of romance and comedy.

Romance intertwines with comedy in A New Leaf, creating a delightful concoction that keeps audiences entertained from start to finish.

The film highlights the importance of personal growth and self-discovery.

As the story progresses, A New Leaf showcases the transformation of its characters, emphasizing the significance of personal growth and the journey of self-discovery.

A New Leaf’s plot takes unexpected twists and turns.

The movie surprises viewers with its unpredictable plot twists, keeping them engaged and on the edge of their seats throughout the entire film.

The film’s supporting cast delivers standout performances.

Besides the exceptional acting by Walter Matthau and Elaine May, the supporting cast of A New Leaf delivers standout performances that enhance the overall quality of the film.

The movie offers a unique blend of slapstick humor and intellectual comedy.

A New Leaf manages to seamlessly blend slapstick humor with intellectual comedy, catering to a wide range of comedic tastes.

A New Leaf captures the essence of 1970s fashion and style.

The film serves as a time capsule of 1970s fashion and style, showcasing the trends and aesthetics of that era in all their glory.

The movie’s title, A New Leaf, is a metaphor for a fresh start.

The title of the film, A New Leaf, symbolizes the opportunity for a fresh start and the possibility of embracing change and personal growth.

A New Leaf features memorable comedic set pieces.

The film contains memorable comedic set pieces that keep the audience entertained and leave a lasting impression.

The movie’s cinematography beautifully captures the lush green landscapes of the story.

The cinematography in A New Leaf showcases the lush green landscapes that serve as the backdrop for the story, adding visual beauty to the film.

A New Leaf showcases the complexities of human relationships.

The movie explores the intricate dynamics of relationships, shedding light on the complexities and challenges faced by individuals in their interactions with others.

The film’s comedic timing is impeccable.

A New Leaf excels in its comedic timing, delivering punchlines and humorous moments with precision, eliciting laughter from viewers.

A New Leaf’s screenplay is filled with hilarious and memorable moments.

The screenplay is packed with hilarious and memorable scenes that have become iconic within the realm of comedy.

The movie’s theme of personal transformation resonates with audiences.

A New Leaf’s underlying theme of personal transformation strikes a chord with viewers, prompting them to reflect on their own journeys of self-discovery.

The film’s opening sequence sets the tone for the comedic adventure that unfolds.

The opening sequence of A New Leaf sets the tone for the comedic adventure that awaits the audience, captivating them from the very beginning.

A New Leaf features a memorable and heartwarming ending.

The film concludes with a heartwarming ending that leaves viewers with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

The movie’s humor transcends time and continues to entertain audiences today.

A New Leaf’s timeless humor ensures that it remains enjoyable for audiences even decades after its initial release.

The film’s success paved the way for Elaine May’s subsequent directorial projects.

A New Leaf’s critical and commercial success solidified Elaine May’s position as a talented director, leading to future opportunities in the film industry.

A New Leaf is a must-watch for fans of classic comedy.

For fans of classic comedy, A New Leaf is a must-watch film that exemplifies the genre at its finest, providing endless laughs and an engaging story.

A New Leaf continues to inspire and influence comedic filmmakers.

A New Leaf’s impact extends beyond its initial release, inspiring and influencing comedic filmmakers who strive to create works that capture its unique charm and wit.


In conclusion, “A New Leaf” is a captivating and timeless movie that has left a lasting impact on audiences. With its unique blend of humor, drama, and romance, this film showcases the incredible talents of the cast and crew involved. The intricate plot, witty dialogue, and exceptional performances by Walter Matthau and Elaine May make it a must-watch for any movie lover. From its brilliant screenplay to its beautiful cinematography, “A New Leaf” continues to stand the test of time as a cinematic masterpiece. Whether you’re a fan of classic movies or simply seeking a captivating story, “A New Leaf” is sure to leave you entertained and enamored.


1. What is the plot of “A New Leaf”?

The movie follows the story of Henry Graham, a wealthy playboy who is forced to find a rich wife after squandering his fortune. He sets his sights on Henrietta Lowell, an introverted botanist, but soon finds himself falling in love with her instead.

2. Who are the main actors in “A New Leaf”?

Walter Matthau portrays the charming yet selfish Henry Graham, while Elaine May stars as the bookish and endearing Henrietta Lowell.

3. When was “A New Leaf” released?

The film was released in 1971.

4. Who directed “A New Leaf”?

Elaine May served as both the director and writer of the movie.

5. Is “A New Leaf” a comedy or a drama?

“A New Leaf” is a perfect blend of both comedy and drama, with its witty humor and heartfelt moments.

6. Is “A New Leaf” based on a book?

No, the movie is not based on a book. It was an original screenplay written by Elaine May.

7. Has “A New Leaf” won any awards?

While it didn’t receive any major awards, “A New Leaf” has gained a cult following over the years and is highly regarded by film enthusiasts.

8. Is “A New Leaf” suitable for all audiences?

The movie is generally suitable for all audiences, but it is recommended for older teens and adults due to some mature themes and language.

9. Where can I watch “A New Leaf”?

A New Leaf” is available on various streaming platforms or can be purchased on DVD or Blu-ray.

10. Is there a sequel to “A New Leaf”?

No, there is no sequel to “A New Leaf.”

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