Latest Official OS: 8520 - BlackBerry Forums at
  1. Vladabg's Avatar
    Official OS For The BlackBerry Curve 8520 From TIM Italy

    Software For BlackBerry� Curve(TM) 8520 Smartphone
    BlackBerry Handheld Software v5.0.0.1385 (Multilanguage)

    Package Version:
    Consisting of:

    * Applications:
    * Software Platform:
    * File name: 8520wifiM_PBr5.0.0_rel1385_PL5.2.0.76_A5.0.0.822_T IM_Italy.exe
    * File size: 125.05MB

    Note: The Software Platform and Applications version numbers can be found under Options-About screen on the handheld.

    * Download: OS for the BlackBerry Curve 8520 from TIM Italy

    REMEMBER: It is recommended that you make a backup before attempting to upgrade your BlackBerry just in case something goes wrong during the upgrade process. *
    08-14-10 01:10 PM
  2. Ahmed G.'s Avatar
    08-14-10 01:41 PM
  3. etniesgirl1's Avatar
    can I use it when i have slovak sim card there and phone is unlocked? can it change my unlocked settings?
    08-14-10 03:11 PM
  4. Ahmed G.'s Avatar
    can I use it when i have slovak sim card there and phone is unlocked? can it change my unlocked settings?
    Nope . . . . once a BB is unlocked, it can't be ''re-locked''. Plus, you can use it on any BB 8520 and any sim card as long as you delete the ''vendor'' file

    Upgrade and enjoy
    Last edited by Ahmed G.; 08-14-10 at 03:36 PM.
    08-14-10 03:34 PM
  5. JRF_1986's Avatar
    I was just gonna see if this was posted
    So, anybody find any bugs/glitches? Or any diferrences between this and .681?

    Posted from my CrackBerry at
    08-14-10 05:24 PM
  6. diegonei's Avatar
    Let me download this so I can add to the "deposit".
    08-14-10 09:20 PM
  7. M_rk's Avatar
    so anybody got an update on this new update? Been running on .681 for couple of months now, so far so good. But if there's any improvement worthy I'd go for this.

    Posted from my CrackBerry at
    08-15-10 10:59 AM
  8. hdizzle's Avatar
    Yeah drop us some feedback in this thread for those that have upgraded
    08-15-10 11:49 AM
  9. mikeyinid's Avatar
    I just upgraded to the .681 from a previous 5.0 version. The ONLY difference that I noticed was my phone actually reboots itself now, where I had to actually pull the battery to get it to before. So I'm pretty sure this latest update won't be a HUGE difference from the last official. But, you guys that are gonna update, keep us posted on any differences

    Posted from my CrackBerry at
    08-15-10 01:26 PM
  10. Bozo42UK's Avatar
    No noticeable difference so far.
    08-16-10 04:08 AM
  11. cumibahagia's Avatar
    is there any difference with .681? i want to upgrade to this one
    08-16-10 08:03 AM
  12. RWWackostu's Avatar
    If this runs as good as the leak, go ahead and get this. In fact the leak runs so good, Im not even going to convert.

    As always, to answer questions before they come:

    Yes you can put this on your phone. When one GSM carrier releases an OS it's like they all did.

    This will not void your waranty from the death star or TMO in any way.

    Follow the instructions to the letter. Delete the Vendor.xml file.

    If your upgrading via DM, after you install the os on your computer unplug your internet before starting the process. This will help your DM find the update and not get errors.

    As always, ask questions if you get stuck but do a search first as this is a widely discussed topic.

    Good luck and have fun!
    08-16-10 09:54 AM
  13. mikeyinid's Avatar
    If this runs as good as the leak, go ahead and get this. In fact the leak runs so good, Im not even going to convert.

    As always, to answer questions before they come:

    Yes you can put this on your phone. When one GSM carrier releases an OS it's like they all did.

    This will not void your waranty from the death star or TMO in any way.

    Follow the instructions to the letter. Delete the Vendor.xml file.

    If your upgrading via DM, after you install the os on your computer unplug your internet before starting the process. This will help your DM find the update and not get errors.

    As always, ask questions if you get stuck but do a search first as this is a widely discussed topic.

    Good luck and have fun!
    And... If for any reason you do have problems installing os on BB, you can always use BBSAK to install. It always works no matter what carrier. I'm with tmobile and BBSAK is the only way I've ever been able to install the 5.0 os.

    Posted from my CrackBerry at
    08-16-10 02:15 PM
  14. hdizzle's Avatar
    If this runs as good as the leak, go ahead and get this. In fact the leak runs so good, Im not even going to convert.

    As always, to answer questions before they come:

    Yes you can put this on your phone. When one GSM carrier releases an OS it's like they all did.

    This will not void your waranty from the death star or TMO in any way.

    Follow the instructions to the letter. Delete the Vendor.xml file.

    If your upgrading via DM, after you install the os on your computer unplug your internet before starting the process. This will help your DM find the update and not get errors.

    As always, ask questions if you get stuck but do a search first as this is a widely discussed topic.

    Good luck and have fun!
    Mind if I ask what advantages this offers over the previous version?
    08-16-10 04:12 PM
  15. solamnus's Avatar
    I got swedish on my current OS(OS 5.6 something something:P). If i upgrade to this, would thisgrant me swedish as well? if not itwouldnt be worth it for me i guess^^
    08-16-10 06:33 PM
  16. mikeyinid's Avatar
    So i decided to go ahead and "update". No, apploader said it was a downgrade to the software i already had-.681 official. So thats my first issue. Second, my phone is really f'd up. Freezin and takin forever. Some serious white screens goin on. I would have to advise against this version, of course thats my opinion... I am goin back to .681 right now though
    08-16-10 11:05 PM
  17. mikeyinid's Avatar
    Yup. BB wont do anything. Im gonna try a reload, but probly goin back...
    08-16-10 11:07 PM
  18. mikeyinid's Avatar
    Reloaded and its fine...but its not .822. Its .509. Double checked, re-downloaded from link in thread, still .509. Says .822 on too. Not really sure whats goin on but...not .822
    08-16-10 11:28 PM
  19. mikeyinid's Avatar
    When you go to the page to pick the download, the second one down is v. Application v. is .822. I downloaded and installed the first one and its .509
    08-16-10 11:54 PM
  20. solamnus's Avatar
    hmm that sounds scary^^i will wait and see what others say then before upgrading
    08-17-10 06:20 AM
  21. im4v's Avatar
    I have updated to .822 and so far there is no big difference with the .681, but I found a little problem. Sometimes, either when you reboot or randomly occurred, the device clock changed by itself and I must set it to the correct time manually.

    does anyone experience this to ??
    08-17-10 08:16 AM
  22. shyarsha's Avatar
    i am currently on os v5.0.0.509 shild i go for it..wats the diff between .509,.681 and .822 and i am frm India is it safe for me to download it coz its the os frm italy.whats the feature on .822 does it solve the reboot and pixel problem??please reply
    08-17-10 10:06 AM
  23. xmen81's Avatar
    i am currently on os v5.0.0.509 shild i go for it..wats the diff between .509,.681 and .822 and i am frm India is it safe for me to download it coz its the os frm italy.whats the feature on .822 does it solve the reboot and pixel problem??please reply
    I would suggest you to go for .681 not for .822 as my friends and I faced lots of issues in .822 build like - sound profile malfunctioning, BBM missing etc.

    .681 is anyday better and more stable.

    Regarding safety, If you download an unofficial OS, your device warranty becomes void, so in case of any hardware issue, they might not entertain you. So do it at your own risk.
    08-17-10 01:42 PM
  24. topix's Avatar
    I would suggest you to go for .681 not for .822 as my friends and I faced lots of issues in .822 build like - sound profile malfunctioning, BBM missing etc.

    .681 is anyday better and more stable.

    Regarding safety, If you download an unofficial OS, your device warranty becomes void, so in case of any hardware issue, they might not entertain you. So do it at your own risk.
    I am currently downgrading back to .681 which ran perfectly with no freezes at all.
    With this release I had some freezes while browsing in the pictures folder and one crash while writing an sms.
    And the software is much slower I think.

    So I would not recommend you to upgrade.
    08-17-10 01:48 PM
  25. RWWackostu's Avatar

    Regarding safety, If you download an unofficial OS, your device warranty becomes void, so in case of any hardware issue, they might not entertain you. So do it at your own risk.
    This is a steaming pantload. Just because it is not a release from your carrier does not make it a "unofficial" OS. If one GSM carrier releases a OS it's like they all did. They wont support it, and wont troubleshoot it, but it DOES NOT void your waranty. The first thing they will tell you is to put their version of OS on it.
    08-17-10 03:38 PM
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