walking with sunshine: My Birthing Story - The 2017 Edition

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

My Birthing Story - The 2017 Edition

Baby Boy
My target date to give birth was March 13 thru CS section. But fate had a different plan for me when the bundle that I've been carrying in my tummy decided to make an appearance on March 4, 2017 at 3:12 in the afternoon. Weighing in at 7 lbs and 6 oz and measuring 59 cm in length, he made quite an entrance.

The Waiting Game

I've been on maternity leave since February 21 when I was having irregular contractions. I was supposed to start my maternity after March 3 but it was becoming difficult to go to the office due to the heaviness of my tummy.

My due date as per my first ultrasound was March 19 but as per my last menstrual period, it's March 11. My OB, Dr. Regina Manahan (who was also my OB during my first pregnancy), opted to be conservative and used the first ultrasound instead. So my 39th week should fall on March 12. She refused to do a CS earlier than the 39th week or if I suddenly contract. 

I didn't know if it was a good idea to go on maternity so early as I was able to finish so many things in my to-do list that I became so bored waiting for my baby to arrive. I took to walking at the mall daily and finish some puzzles to help me cope.

Unlike my previous birthing, we opted for Asian Hospital this time around as we had to take into consideration the horrendous traffic at the Skyway unlike before where taking the Skyway meant faster travel. Moreover, we don't have a nanny yet so we have to stick close to home.

This Is the Day!

Early afternoon of  March 4, my OB called me and asked if I was having any contractions and if I could come over so she could check. So my husband and I brought our things to Asian Hospital and had me checked in at the Genesis center.

We arrived sometime after 1PM where I was immediately hooked to a machine which monitored my contractions as well as the heart rate of the baby. Amazingly, I was already contracting (which I've forgotten hurt like hell. And I've also forgotten the breathing exercises that helped me cope during my first pregnancy) and as per the resident's IE, I was already 1cm dilated. My OB then decided to perform my CS on that day which definitely sounded good for me.

They called in the resident anesthesiologist,  Dr. Cristina Tiongson, who delivered spinal anesthesia in preparation for my CS. This was different from the epidural that was given to me during my first delivery. Instead of sitting down, I was made to lie down on my side. It worked fast because it was less than a minute that I couldn't feel anything below my waist.

They wheeled me in the CS room and prepared me for the operation. However, I began to panic in a sense that I was telling the anes that I couldn't breathe. She mentioned that I have oxygen and I remember trying to move my hands which was secured on the side. Next thing I knew, I was asleep.

I recall waking up just in time to hear everyone call out, "Baby Out!" and I heard my baby cry out LOUD! Boy, was he loud. He was a direct contradiction from his older brother who barely whimpered when he was taken out of my womb 8 years ago.

They immediately brought him to me where he instinctively latched on my breast. Good thing my husband was in the room and took the necessary pictures.

From there, it was another wait for them to sew me back up and brought me over to my own recovery room.

One thing I like Asian over Makati Med, was that the former is more peaceful and quiet. Makati Med was just so noisy and quite a lot of people who will ask you the same questions over and over again. Not surprising considering they are a teaching hospital. At Asian, I had my own recovery room and I liked the care that my son and I got.

My baby and I were brought together to my room at 8 in the evening, 7 hours after I was admitted. I was exhausted and feeling was beginning to return to my legs.And with it, the PAIN.

Pain with a capital P! P%$&*^ I^!

Painless IV insertion FTW!

Since my last operation was 8 years ago, somehow the pain was forgotten. I don't know if it was age or I deliberately forgot the feeling but this time around, everything hurt like hell. My OB gave me three kinds of medication to manage the pain. But when I started breastfeeding, the contractions brought about by the release of oxytoxin hurt a lot. All I could do was whimper every time I would feed my son.

My catheter was removed Sunday evening and I tried sitting and standing up after then. The binder that I was wearing somehow gave me the assurance that everything that should be kept inside is still inside. I walked to the rest room and tried to move around as I wanted to get used to walking immediately.

Sleep was already forgotten as my son would feed almost every hour. As he was purely breastfed, I had to be available all the time whenever he wanted milk. And he can be quite vocal over his demands.

Breastfeeding Friendly

I liked it that the hospital is breastfeeding friendly. They had specialists teaching me to breastfeed and the nurses even know how to make the baby latch. Quite a different experience from MMC 8 years ago (sorry, I just had to make that comparison. I hope that they have improved the last few years).

Breastfeeding is not easy and I envy mothers who are pros at this. I'm glad that Asian has a good support system to ensure that the new mother is equipped with the knowledge as simple as having the baby latch.

Prepubescent Milestone - Done!

Like his older brother, we opted to have our son circumcised immediately after birth. We were pleasantly surprised to know that the pediatric surgeon, Dr. Rodolfo Tuazon, who worked on my older son, also has a clinic at Asian. We contacted him and scheduled the operation when Bennet was 48 hours old.

Actually, some pediatricians and obstetricians can also do the circumcision but his pedia, Dr. Victor Morada nor my OB can do the procedure. Nevertheless, we prefer the surgeon as the process can be quite delicate considering how tiny he is.

We were taught how to clean the small organ (which only involves Betadine) and I cringed when I saw how swollen it became a couple of days after. But afterwards, it cleaned up pretty good.

Price Tag


At Makati Med, I remember our bill reaching P180K including all the PFs and the 4 day stay (excluding the horrendous parking fee. Boo MMC for not offering free parking for your in-patients. Another plus for Asian as we had free parking the whole time I was confined). Eight years after considering inflation and additional tax of the doctors, my total bill (including that of my son's and his circumcision procedure) reached P230K. I had a small private room and all the professional fees of the doctors were paid directly to the hospital. Another wonderful thing because the last time, I had to go to the doctor's offices and pay there.

I think the price increase is relatively small and I'm happy about it. My OB's fee doubled from the last time and we somehow expected it. However, it's still relatively modest compared to that of other doctors. She's worth it though as she took really good care of me and according to my husband, my CS scar is unnoticeable until I pointed it out to him.

There are also additional perks for giving birth at Asian:
- Steak and ribs dinner for two
- Baby bag with free diapers

I don't know if there are others but the dinner was wonderful and delicious.

Oh, and they send text messages for reminders (about my son's birth certificate) and even messaged me asking me if my wound has healed.


Hospital: Asian Hospital
Date of Confinement: March 4, Saturday; Discharged on March 7, Tuesday morning. Was only charged for three days.
Procedures Involved: Cesarean for me; Circumcision for baby including the following tests and vaccines -- Hepa B (given immediately after birth), BCG; Newborn hearing screening, cardiovascular test, Newborn Screening, blood typing
Obstetrician and Gynecologist: Dr. Regina Manahan
Anesthesiologist: Dr. Cristina Tiongson
Pediatrician: Dr. Victor Morada
Pediatric Surgeon: Dr. Rodolfo Tuazon
Total Hospital Bill + PF: P230K


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing your story! I will be giving birth at asian this december and just wanted to ask about what they include in the free diaper bag and what free things does the hospital give you? I dont wan't to bring too many things in my hospital bag. Thank you!

Sunshine said...

The diaper bag does not have much--though it does include a small diaper pack and baby bath wash.