General Intercessions - St. Benedict Church - Horace, ND

General Intercessions

  • June 2, 2024: The Most holy Body and Blood of Christ

    CELEBRANT: Knowing that our Lord is always close to us in the Eucharist, with confidence let us turn to him in our need:

    † That the Church, which draws her life from the Eucharist, may worship this mystery with ever deeper faith and devotion.......We pray to the Lord.
    R: Lord, Hear our Prayer.

    † For world leaders: that their priorities and policies may value the needs and rights of the poor, hungry and vulnerable......We pray to the Lord.
    R: Lord, Hear our Prayer.

    † For God’s abundant blessings on Father Seth Skjervheim and Deacon Timothy Kraemer, who were newly ordained to the priesthood and diaconate of the Diocese of Fargo this weekend.......We pray to the Lord.
    R: Lord, Hear our Prayer.

    † That families and vocations in our parish may continue to flourish with the spirit of courage and love.......We pray to the Lord.
    R: Lord, Hear our Prayer.

    † For the sick and their caregivers: that they may find strength and endurance in the love of Christ.......We pray to the Lord.
    R: Lord, Hear our Prayer.

    † For our own personal intentions (pause briefly) and for whom this Mass is offered:
    5:00            For repose of the soul of Rachel Sauvageau
    8:00            For repose of the soul of Edward Zetocha
    10:30          For all Parishioners
    .……We pray to the Lord.     
    R: Lord, Hear our Prayer.

    † For all who have died: that they may share the banquet of Christ eternally.......We pray to the Lord.                                                                                                             
    R: Lord, Hear our Prayer.

    CELEBRANT:  Loving Father, hear our prayers and grant what we truly need. May we grow in our deep appreciation of the Eucharist and be more open to sharing the presence of Christ with one another. We ask this in the name of your Son Jesus Christ.  R. Amen. 

St. Benedict Catholic Church
8547 Front Street
P.O. Box 61
Horace, ND 58047-0061

Office Phone: (701) 588-4288

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