Alyn Smith MP, Stirling Constituency

Parliament has now been dissolved until the General Election. Therefore there are currently no Members of Parliament.
Incoming emails to may be received and read, however this email address is only being used to respond to urgent constituency casework.
Alyn Smith can be contacted at: or via

Alyn Smith MP

SNP Member of Parliament for Stirling

SNP Europe and EU Accession Spokesperson

Stirling MP Backs Campaign to Protect Children from Smartphone Harms

Alyn Smith Outlines Case for Action in Westminster Debate Local Stirling MP Alyn Smith has urged the UK Government to take swift action to protect children and young people from the harmful impact of smartphones, …

Stirling MP Urges Closer Continental Ties Ahead of Europe Day

Thursday 9th May ‘Special Day for All Europeans’ Local MP Alyn Smith is calling for closer ties with our European neighbours, ahead of this year’s Europe Day – marking the 74th anniversary of the Schuman …

Alyn Smith Backs EURO 2028 Anti-Ticket Tout Protections

Public Consultation Now Live Local Stirling MP Alyn Smith has backed proposals aimed at protecting fans ahead of UEFA’s EURO 2028 tournament. The Scottish Government are seeking views on plans to tackle ticket touts, ahead …

Alyn smith mp

Get in touch and keep up to date.

If you’re a Stirling constituent and need to contact Alyn, you can find all contact details here.

If you’d like to keep up with Alyn’s work then please subscribe to his periodic newsletter below (previous editions can be viewed here).


Westminster Contributions

We try to feature as many Alyn’s appearances as possible and here you can find a representative example.

To see a full library of videos, categorised and fully searchable, please go here. You’ll also find other video clips regularly showing up on Alyn’s Twitter.


Join Alyn Smith Online

Alyn is very active across Social Media and it’s a great way to keep up with what is happening across the Stirling Constituency and at Westminster.

Below you’ll see links to the various channels and we’d ask you to like, follow and share as much as possible. Thank you.

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