Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Dandelions

All your questions about dandelions, answered—and then some!

Most every Southerner we know has memories of blowing the billowing tufts of dandelion seedheads to make wishes and clear all the wispy seeds in one strong breath. The plants make for strong childhood memories, though many grown-up gardeners find the common lawn weed an annoyance. What's the deal with these plants? Are they weeds or welcome visitors? Turns out, they're something different to everyone. Read on to get the lowdown on dandelions.

Sanka Vidanagama/NurPhoto via Getty Images

What Are Dandelions?

The Garden Book describes dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) as a "deep-rooted perennial [that forms a rosette of sharply tooth-edged leaves 6-12-in. long," and "blossoms appear from late winter through fall, carried atop hollow stems 4-15 inches high; they're followed by the familiar puffball seed heads." Some say the yellow blossoms resemble lions' teeth, which is the association that gives this Eurasian wildflower its name. The French dent de lion, or lion's tooth, became the "dandelion" of today. The airy tufts that follow the blossoms are responsible for sending the seeds out with the wind to be carried every which way.

How Did Dandelions Come To The U.S.?

According to The New Southern Living Garden Book, "If the sight of bright yellow dandelions dotting your otherwise perfect lawn drives you nuts, blame it on the Pilgrims. It was they who reportedly brought the plant to America from its homeland in northern Europe in the early 1600s." They're extremely invasive plants, and once dandelions' aerodynamic seed heads are picked up by the winds, they drift widely and spread everywhere.

Are Dandelions Just Weeds?

However, they're not only weeds. Dandelions are also edible. According to The Garden Book, "The common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is among the most nutritious and useful of herbs, with a long history of culinary and medicinal use." In fact, dandelion leaves are high in nutrients, including potassium, iron, and vitamins A, C, B1, and B2. However, some people may have an allergic response to dandelions, resulting in rash or other reactions.

Culinary Uses For Dandelions

If you'd like to grow them for culinary use, The Garden Book recommends, "Culinary selections such as 'Pissenlit' and 'Ameliore' give best yield with full sun and fertile, moist, well-drained soil. Pick only young leaves for salads; old ones can be bitter. Culinary dandelions are just as invasive as the common ones, so remove and dispose of the seed heads before they mature." For culinary uses, the leaves can be boiled or eaten fresh; the roots can be dried or roasted to make a sort of coffee/tea hybrid; and the flowers can be fermented into dandelion wine or beer.

However, most of us won't need to intentionally garden dandelions—they grow in our yards on their own. If you'd like to forage and pick leaves for your dandelion salad, avoid any areas where you've used pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers.

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  1. Plants for a Future. Taraxacum officinale - Webb.