Solar Panels for Homes | Solar Home Installers | All Seasons Energy

Solar Panels for Your Home

Join 1,000s who are saving up to 70% on home energy bills after installing solar panels.

Multi-award-winning solar panel installer
Reduce bills and increase your home's value
Store energy with solar battery storage
Pay 0% VAT plus finance available
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Why choose All Seasons Energy to install solar panels for your home?

All Seasons Energy are recognised as one of the UK’s most trusted home solar panel installers. We are fully MCS accredited, TrustMark approved and a proud HIES member (HIES is a consumer protection organisation that regulates and guarantees that all of our work and customer service is carried out to the highest standard). This means that all projects are fully protected and completed by our accredited tradesmen.
award winning installer

Award-winning energy efficiency company

Accredited installer

Accredited by leading regulatory organisations

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Excellent reputation with 400+ customer reviews

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A team of over 90 energy saving specialists

Power your home with solar panels - find out more here

Solar PV Panels

What are Solar PV Panels and why would you install them on your home?

Solar panels, also known as solar photovoltaics or solar PV, have been a popular renewable energy choice in homes for over two decades. There has been various funding and schemes over the years to encourage and support home owners who install solar panels. But even without these incentives, solar PV panels still remain an excellent choice for reducing your carbon footprint and saving money on your electricity bills.

The first question we are normally asked is ‘do they work on homes in the UK as we don’t get much sun?’ The answer is yes, solar panels do work on cloudy days. The stronger the sunshine the more electricity is produced, but even on overcast days the cloud is still penetrated by a sufficient amount of solar radiation, enough to generate electricity.

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How do Solar PV Panels work?

Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels are made up using photovoltaic cells that capture solar radiation (energy) from the sun and covert it into electricity. The cells are set between semi-conducting materials, usually silicon. When light shines on the material it becomes energised and creates a flow of electricity. The solar cells don’t need direct sunlight to generate electricity as they react to visible light therefore allowing them to work even on cloudy days.

The electricity must then pass through an inverter to make it suitable for use in the home. The solar cells initially generate a DC current (direct current) which must be converted to an AC current (alternating current) before being useable. The inverter is normally positioned inside your home and as close to the solar panels as possible, such as the loft or garage. Micro inverters are also available and tuck beneath each solar panel.

solar panels for homeowners

There are certain requirements to consider before installing Solar PV Panels on your home:

  • The position of your home’s roof should face between east and west for maximum exposure to the sun.
  • The roof of your home should be free from shadows for most of the day. Shadows can be cast from other buildings or trees, this will reduce the amount of electricity that is produced. When fitted with micro-inverters low amounts of shade can be overcome.
  • Your home, and more importantly, your roof needs to be free from structural issues as it will be required to accommodate the extra weight of the solar panels and fixings.
  • Government grants are available to homeowners in relation to the energy the solar system generates. It is worth contacting us and we can let you know what is available at the time.
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What are the benefits of home Solar PV Panels?

If you’re interested in solar PV panels on your home, but unsure if it’s the right thing for you, here are a few reasons to choose solar panels.

  • Solar power is a renewable energy source.
  • Home energy bills will be reduced as you’re generating your own electricity.
  • It’s possible to receive payments for the electricity that you generate and don’t use.
  • Solar panels protect you against future energy price rises.
  • Reduced energy bills appeal to buyers and will increase the value of your home.
  • Most solar panel installations don’t require any planning permission and can be installed in 1-2 days (depending on the project).
  • Once installed, solar panels require very little maintenance.
  • When used with solar battery storage, you can store energy and use the generated power at night.
  • Solar panels generate electricity silently – no noise for you or your neighbours.
plant a tree with more trees

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An offer cannot be combined with other promotions, discounts, offers, or incentives (such as recommend a friend), unless explicitly mentioned. The offer is valid until the specified expiration date if applicable, after which it will no longer be accepted. We reserve the right to modify or terminate the offer at any time without prior notice. The availability of products or services may be subject to change without notice.

Looking for a solar PV installer, arrange a free no-obligation quote today

01909 771 838

With over 50 years of experience in the renewable energy and energy saving industry, All Seasons Energy is a solar panel installer in Sheffield and widely recognised as one of the UK’s most trusted installers of home and business efficiency improvements. We are fully MCS accredited, TrustMark approved and a proud HIES member (HIES is a consumer protection organisation that regulates and guarantees that all of our work and customer service is carried out to the highest standard). This means that all projects are fully protected and completed by our accredited tradesmen.

If you would like to understand how our products could improve the energy efficiency in your home, please book an appointment to visit our showroom, alternatively video demonstrations and video showroom tours are available. Our head office, based in Sheffield, has been designed and fitted-out to showcase the latest eco-energy technologies. Please follow this link if you are looking for commercial solar panels for your business.