Admission requirements for Juilliard? | CollegeVine
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Admission requirements for Juilliard?

Hey fellow students! I've always dreamed of studying at Juilliard, and now that I have to start planning my applications, I'm getting nervous. Can anyone help me understand their admission requirements, such as auditions, portfolios, or other criteria? I'd be very grateful!

a month ago

Hey there! Juilliard is indeed a prestigious institution, and preparing well for your application is essential. As an arts-focused school, their admission requirements differ from traditional colleges and universities. Here's an overview of the requirements for various programs:

1. Music: For the music programs, including classical, jazz, and historical performance, you'll have to submit a pre-screening recording to showcase your skills. If you pass the pre-screening round, they will invite you for a live audition. Each program has specific audition requirements, which you can find on their website. Additionally, you'll need to submit transcripts, a résumé, letters of recommendation, and, in some cases, a repertoire list.

2. Dance: For the dance program, you'll need to submit an online application, an application fee, a pre-screening video, and the required supporting materials, such as transcripts and letters of recommendation. Pre-screening video requirements vary for ballet and modern dance. Selected candidates will be invited for live auditions that consist of various dance classes (ballet, modern, and improvisation) and an individual interview.

3. Drama: Drama applicants must submit a pre-screening video that includes two monologues, one contemporary and one classical. Selected candidates will be invited for a live audition, which consists of performing the monologues, additional scene work, and interviews. In addition, you must submit transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a résumé.

4. Pre-College: Juilliard's pre-college division offers programs for students below college age who demonstrate exceptional talent. Application requirements include live auditions/scripts review for all areas of study, transcripts of high school/other schooling grade records, and recommendations from previous teachers/coaches.

Keep in mind that Juilliard is a highly competitive school, so it's essential to present yourself in the best possible light and showcase your artistic talent and passion. Make sure to carefully review the detailed application requirements on Juilliard's website and follow them closely. Good luck with your application, and I hope you get a chance to study at your dream institution!

a month ago

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