港鐵中環站 K 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
環境優雅舒適的中菜館。推介以蘋果木燒的北京片皮鴨,需要早一日預訂。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 00:00
*Lunch Last Order: 14:30 Dinner Last Order : 23:00
Visa Master 現金 AE 銀聯 JCB
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支持減塑 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (294)
等級4 2024-05-14
456 瀏覽
第一次黎試,片皮鴨要預約,果然好好食,啲皮入口即溶,好正。之後,叫咗避風塘銀鱈魚、蟹肉粉絲煲、燒賣同埋小籠包。避風塘銀鱈魚超好食,魚外脆內嫩,又唔容易散,好正。小籠包抵食,好多湯汁,好正。但係蟹肉粉絲煲同埋燒賣就比較一般,可以不叫。整體好食,但價格偏貴。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-04-30
908 瀏覽
We had an absolutely delightful Monday lunch at Mott 32! As one of the most renowned Chinese restaurant brands in the world, Mott 32 is consistently recognized for its exceptional interior design, signature cocktails, and cuisine. It's a true gem in the culinary scene.One aspect that sets Mott 32 apart is their dedication to sustainability. We were pleased to learn that they are one of the pioneers in offering plant-based alternatives in Chinese fine dining. It's refreshing to see a restaurant that not only excels in taste but also places importance on ethical dining choices.Now, let's get to the highlight of our experience—the food! We indulged in a variety of delectable dishes, including the daily double boiled soup, which was a comforting and flavorsome start to our meal. The deep-fried black cod with golden garlic and chili (避風塘銀雪魚) was a true standout, perfectly crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with a delightful balance of garlic and chili flavors.The crispy free-range chicken laced with Maotai (香脆茅台雞) was a culinary masterpiece. The chicken had a satisfying crunch, and the infusion of Maotai added a unique and aromatic touch. It was a dish that delighted our taste buds in every bite.We also savored the wok-fried kale with dried shrimp, minced pork, and belacam sauce (馬拉盞蝦乾黑豚肉碎芥蘭煲). The combination of flavors and textures was superb, with the dried shrimp and minced pork complementing the freshness of the kale. It was a perfect balance of savory and umami.Throughout our meal, the servers demonstrated attentiveness and a strong work ethic. Donna, in particular, stood out with her exceptional service. She went above and beyond to ensure our dining experience was memorable and enjoyable. It's heartening to see a young server like Donna who possesses such professionalism and dedication. She truly changed our perception of the younger generation of servers and exemplified the importance of proper training.Having Donna attend to our table was an absolute pleasure. We left Mott 32 feeling not only satisfied with the incredible food but also impressed by the overall experience. Thank you to the entire team at Mott 32 for creating a dining experience that exceeded our expectations. We look forward to returning soon! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Just forget about the whole place.  Rude, unattentive, disrespectful, forgetful staff with indifference. Food is great and faultless.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-04-22
764 瀏覽
环境暗黑,自动扶梯下到底层,还要从布满铁枝和铁链条的窄楼梯,旋转下去,一下可能有6米之高,如下地牢。服务员态度虽好,但都穿黑衣黑裤,大柱上的字画,好像狱中涂鸦。叉烧不错,菜和炒饭也不错,小笼包皮薄,但内馅味道一般。总之是价钱贵,份量少。以后大概不会再来这个地方。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
👨🏻‍🍳卅二公館 (中環)📍中環德輔道中4-4A號渣打銀行大廈地庫 「只靠環境營造貴價,食物略欠誠意」 位於中環渣打銀行大廈地庫,進入大廈後,前行往左看,就看到卅二公館的門面,高雅裝潢,絢麗燈飾,可以打卡。有一扶手電梯,下行,再看見貴麗環旋樓梯,就到入口。 餐廳微暗,有感浪漫,侍應們招待得宜,上茶斟水。 👍🏻🫖人參烏龍 $32精緻、大壺,正常發揮 👍🏻🍽️蜜汁頂級西班牙黑毛豬叉燒 $350肉質確是比平常食到的叉燒嫩,肉邊微焦,蜜汁獨特香醇。半肥半瘦,脂油扣齒,油而不膩👍🏻真的做得很出色!! 🍽️黑豚肉松露鵪鶉蛋燒賣 $80/2件松露味道不出,成個都無乜味,2粒真的純粹為營造餐廳高級,普通酒樓的燒賣也比這個好吃。 🍽️原味鮮肉小籠包 $95/4件無乜特別 👍🏻🍽️阿拉斯加蟹肉飛魚子炒飯 $260份量正常蟹肉、飛魚子鮮甜,飯粒粒分明不會太乾身,炒混一起,整個飯夠味不咸👍🏻 👎🏿🍽️松茸鮑魚燉珍珠肉湯 $290這個價錢真的是純粹只為營造高級。以碗上,而不是盅,燉湯但味淡,嚐不出肉汁。松茸只有手指頭大、花旗蔘薄,3片4片?珍珠肉榎,鮑魚不入味、也沒有鮮味。這碗真的把整間餐廳的質素都做低了😿Low貴價,精巧,沒關係,但最少要做得高質。客語的土豬肉燉湯(¥19),都比這碗高級,人家完全把肉汁燉出精粹來,嚐到那用時間燉熬出來的味道,土豬肉燉湯即使$1000一盅,我也願意品嚐,而非這碗只有貴價而不實的湯!! 整晚原本對菜式的評價還好,黑毛豬叉燒真的會想encore,直到這碗燉湯,真的「驚」艷了我,整個感覺瞬間變低級🥲 #卅二公館 #arigato不了 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)