The Way of the Master - Living Waters Skip to content

The Way of the Master

Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $13.99.

5.0 (2 reviews)

This book will put a great tool into your hand and will teach you how to share the message of the gospel simply, biblically, and without fear.

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“This is the book that changed my life in 2001. It produced a revival within my own heart and set me on fire to reach the lost with the gospel. I wrote the commentary in the book, have gushed about it for years, and could not give a stronger recommendation for someone who wants to learn how to share the gospel with a lost and dying world.”
– Kirk Cameron

The Way of the Master gives light to an almost forgotten biblical key that has the power to unlock the door of the human heart. This is the proven and effective way of making the gospel make sense to the unsaved. It is so rooted in the Scriptures that once you see it, you will forever wonder how you could have missed it. It is the biblical principle of bypassing the intellect (the place of argument) and speaking directly to the conscience (the place of the knowledge of right and wrong)—the way Jesus did.

Do you shy away from sharing the true gospel message with others, unsure of what to say, afraid of rejection and ridicule?

That’s not what Jesus did.

Jesus was not afraid to shake people up. He spoke openly of their sinful nature and the righteousness of God. He forced people to confront their sin head-on, and He brought them face-to-face with their need for salvation—because He loved them.

Who do you know who isn’t saved? If they died tonight, where would they spend eternity? Do you care? If so, what are you doing to help them?

The Way of the Master will put a great tool into your hand and will teach you how to share the message of the gospel simply, biblically, and without fear—the way Jesus did! You will become equipped to confidently lead anyone—friend, family member, coworker, neighbor, or stranger on the street—to a clear understanding of repentance and what it means to be a true and active follower of Jesus Christ.

Compelling and arresting book.
Dr. D. James Kennedy

A shattering publication!”
Leonard Ravenhill

Powerful, well-written, well-executed, and enormously thought-provoking. I wrestled with it, struggled over it, pondered it. I think you are absolutely right.
Ron Beers, Senior Vice President–Tyndale
House Publishers

I have over one thousand books on evangelism, soul-winning and revival in my personal library and none of them are worthy to be compared to this book.
R. W. Jones, President, Word of Truth Ministries

2 reviews for The Way of the Master

  1. Syd

    Absolutely LOVED this book! Ray’s unique & eye-opening take on the true goals of the Christian faith were both enlightening & encouraging! He & Kirk can really write a book when it comes to covering blindspots in the Christian’s knowledge.

  2. Daniel (verified owner)

    Way of the Master, Faith is for Weak People, or the Biblical School of Evangelism? Well, I just got them all on audible and am chewing through them right now.

    If I said if you have one you’d have’em all I’d be doing you a disservice because while they all have reoccurring themes they’re all distinctly different. It’d be like saying if you’ve eaten chicken you’ve eaten all meats.

    Living Waters has steak, pork, and chicken. Of course there are other books as well, these are just the ones I’ve gotten so far. The devotionals I find are really useful, think of them like Asparagus and Zucchini. You could live off of them, but you’d be better off gunning for one of these first instead if you had to pick. I struggle to read my bible everyday, but when I’m armed with the two devotionals I’m good.

    I keep my devotionals and a pack of Trump Trillions in a Pelican 1120, and it fits perfectly. In California you can’t conceal carry (EDC,) fixed blade knives concealed. What’s better than two Jay Fisher Knives? These books are, they convict, rebuke, and heal your heart, something sharp pieces of metal can’t do.

    If you find yourself watching tons of nutnfancy on YouTube instead of Ray Comfort laying the law of God down, or spending hours browsing on rather than this site then here’s your cure.

    If cash is tight get this book. It’s the chicken in the meat analogy. You can get by just eating that in a pinch all day long. It’ll arm you well, though for a side arm I’d opt for Faith is for Weak People. If you’ve struggled with pornography go for that one first then this book, get past chapter 7 then thank me later.

    Best Bible tract? Hard to pick, but I’d have to pick a booklet it’s “Why Christianity?” If I had gotten that last year things would’ve been very different, but I’m blessed to have survived my N.D.E.

    God is actually real FWI.

    – Daniel

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