little - Dicionário Inglês-Português (Brasil)


UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈlɪtəl/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/ˈlɪtəl/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(litl)

Inflections of 'little' (adv):
adv comparative (When talking about amount)
adv comparative (To modify an adjective—e.g. "That is a little-known work of art, but this is an even lesser-known one.")
adv superlative
Inflections of 'little' (adj):
adj comparative (For size or age—e.g."That tree is little, but the tree next to it is even littler.")
adj superlative (For size or age—e.g. "Theo is the littlest of my three little brothers.")
adj comparative (For amount—e.g. "I have little money. Certainly less money than him.")
adj comparative (For degree or intensity—e.g. "She has little love for him. Certainly, her love for him is lesser than her love for her mother.")
adj superlative (For amount—e.g. "I have little money, but Jim is the one who has least money out of all of us.")

WordReference English-Portuguese Dictionary © 2024:

Traduções principais
little adj (small in size) (pequeno em tamanho)pequeno adj
 This TV is big, but the one in our bedroom is little.
 Essa TV é grande, mas a do nosso quarto é pequena.
little adj (not much) (não muito)pouco adj
 She drinks little alcohol.
 Ela bebe pouco álcool.
little adv (small amount)pouco adv
 The child ate little at dinnertime.
 A criança comeu pouco no jantar.
little adj (sibling: younger) (mais novo)menor adj
  (mais novo de todos)caçula adj
 I have three little brothers and one big sister.
 Eu tenho três irmãos menores e uma irmã.
 Esta frase não é uma tradução da frase em inglês Eu sou o caçula da família.
  Está faltando alguma coisa importante ? Notifique-nos a respeito de erros ou sugestões para que possamos aprimorar o nosso sistema.
Traduções complementares
little adj (person: short) (pessoa de pequena estatura)baixo adj
  (estrangeirismo)mignon adj
 She is too little to date a basketball player, isn't she?
 Ela é muito baixa para namorar um jogador de basquete, não?
little adj (trivial) (trivial)banal, insignificante adj
 It is such a little thing. Why do they argue about it so much?
 É uma coisa tão banal. Por que eles brigam tanto por isto?
little adj (mind: narrow) (mente)estreito, limitado, pequeno adj
 As Emerson said, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."
 Como Emerson disse: "Uma consistência tola é o duende das pequenas mentes."
little adj (endearingly small)delicado adj
 Oh, what a beautiful little puppy!
 Ah, que filhote lindo e delicado!
little adv (almost not at all) (pequena quantidade)pouco adv
 She was very shy, and spoke little.
 Ela era muito tímida e falava pouco.
little adv formal (not very)meio adv
  pouco adv
 I am little inclined to accept such an offer.
 Estou meio inclinado a aceitar essa oferta.
  Está faltando alguma coisa importante ? Notifique-nos a respeito de erros ou sugestões para que possamos aprimorar o nosso sistema.

WordReference English-Portuguese Dictionary © 2024:

Formas compostas:
a little adj (small amount)pouco adj
 I just want a little salt on my potatoes.
 Eu quero só um pouco de sal na minha batata.
a little adv (slightly)um pouco loc adv
 She was a little angry with me. The doctor says your blood pressure is a little high.
 Ela estava um pouco brava comigo. O médico disse que sua pressão está um pouco alta.
a little adv (slightly) (ligeiramente)um pouco adv
 I am a little drunk, but in no way incapacitated.
 Eu estou um pouco bêbado, mas de maneira nenhuma incapacitado.
a little n (a small amount)pouco, bocado sm
 Chocolate? I'll just have a little.
a little n (short time)daqui a pouco loc adv
 I'll be there in a little.
 Vou chegar lá daqui a pouco.
a little bit n informal (small amount)um pouco loc adv
 There wasn't enough salt in the soup so I added a little bit. Could I please have a little bit of cheese?
 Não havia sal suficiente na sopa, então eu coloquei um pouco mais. Posso comer um pouco de queijo?
a little bit adv informal (slightly)um pouco loc adv
 I'm just a little bit dizzy. It was a little bit cheeky of me to ask … but I asked anyway.
 Eu só estou um pouco tonto. Foi um pouco atrevido da minha parte perguntar, mas eu o fiz assim mesmo.
a little more n (a small additional quantity)um pouco mais loc sm
 I already added salt to the potatoes, but I think they could use a little more.
 Eu já coloquei sal nas batatas, mas acho que dá pra colocar um pouco mais.
a little more adj (slightly more)um pouco mais loc adv
 May I have a little more tea, please?
 Posso tomar um pouco mais de chá?
a little more adv (for a short while longer)um pouco mais loc adv
 The girl asked her mother if she could continue playing outside a little more.
a little more adv (slightly more often)um pouco mais loc adv
 You need to exercise a little more if you want to get fit.
a little thing n informal ([sth] trivial) (informal)coisinha de nada loc sf
 I know it's just a little thing, but I find the constant tapping of your foot annoying.
a nice little earner n UK, slang ([sth] which generates income) (gíria)mina de ouro expres
 I'm setting up a website to sell my photos; it should be a nice little earner.
as little as expr (a quantity as small as)tão pouco quanto expres
 As little as 2 grammes of it is enough to kill you.
little bugger n UK, pejorative, vulgar, slang (annoying child) (gíria, pejorativo)pirralho sm
  (pejorativo)fedelho sm
 Did you see that little bugger who ran down the hall?
 Você viu aquele pirralho que correu pelo corredor?
little bugger n vulgar, slang (affectionate term: boy, animal) (figurado: animal, criança etc.)coisinha sf
  pestinha sf
 Look at this possum; he's a cute little bugger, isn't he?
 Olha esse gambá. Ele é uma coisa fofa, né?
cost little v expr (be inexpensive) (ser barato)custar pouco loc v
 A first aid kit costs little but can save lives.
cost little v expr figurative (require little effort) (requerer pouco esforço)custar pouco loc v
 It costs little to be polite.
do very little business v expr (have few commercial dealings)fazer poucos negócios expres v
for a little while,
a little while
(for a short time)por uns momentos, por pouco tempo loc adv
 I'll stay for a little while, if you don't mind.
 We'll have to wait for a little while before the train comes.
have little to say v expr (speak little)ter pouco a dizer expres v
 His teacher had little to say about the incident.
in a little bit adv informal (soon)daqui a pouco loc adv
 Please set the table because dinner will be ready in a little bit.
in a little while adv (soon) (brevemente)daqui a pouquinho
  em instantes, num momentinho
  (informal)já já
  brevemente adv
 Olivia said that she would be there in a little while.
just shy of,
a little shy of
(slightly under)pouca coisa abaixo de
 The price of oil is now just shy of $50 a barrel.
little angel n (child: well-behaved) (criança carinhosa)anjinho sm dim
 The children were little angels right through the ceremony.
 My daughter's been such a good girl today - she's a little angel.
little beggar n figurative, informal, euphemism (child: annoying) (gíria, ofensivo!)pentelho sm
  criança irritante smf + adj
 Kyle told the kid to leave him alone, but the little beggar wouldn't back off.
 Kyle disse ao garoto para deixá-lo em paz, mas o pentelho não recuou.
little bite n informal (snack, light meal)lanchinho sm dim
little boy n (young male child)menino, garoto sm
  menininho sm
 The little boy was playing with a toy horse.
 I've known you ever since you were a little boy!
little brother n (younger male sibling)irmão menor, irmão mais novo loc sm
  irmão caçula loc sm
 I have one big sister and two little brothers.
little by little adv (gradually, a bit at a time)pouco a pouco loc adv
 Add the sugar little by little and your meringue will be perfect. He became better at tennis little by little.
 Adicione o açúcar pouco a pouco e seu merengue ficará perfeito. Ele se tornou melhor no tênis pouco a pouco.
little chance n (hardly any possibility) (quase sem possibilidade)pouca chance loc sf
 There's little chance of our old car making such a long journey.
 The doctors said he was in a coma and had little chance of recovery.
little chance n (hardly any opportunity) (quase sem oportunidade)pouca chance loc sf
little darling n (sweet or well-behaved child) (criança carinhosa)queridinha sf dim
 Her three-year old's so cute – she's a little darling.
 Sua filha de três anos é tão fofa - ela é uma queridinha.
little darling n usually plural, ironic (child)meninas, filhas sfpl
 I wish your sister would take her little darlings home – they're driving me mad.
little devil n figurative, informal (naughty child) (criança mal-educada)diabinho, pestinha sm
 My brother was a little devil when he was young.
little did [sb] know,
little did [sb] know that
(the person did not know)mal sabia expres v
little extra n often plural, informal (bonus, additional feature)algo a mais expres
  bônus sm
that little extra,
that little bit extra
informal (additional effort)esforço a mais loc sm
  capricho especial sm
 He always puts in that little extra in order to make his projects a success.
little fellow n informal (small man)homem baixo, pequeno loc sm
 Who is that little fellow standing next to your mother?
little fellow n informal (boy)menino sm
little finger n (smallest digit of the hand)dedo mindinho sm + adj
 I broke my little finger playing cricket last week.
 The ring's too small for my ring finger so I wear it on my little finger.
little game n (deceitful plan, scheme)conspiração, intriga sf
  complô sm
 I'm tired of all your little games – why can't you just be honest for once?
little girl n (young female child)menininha sf
 The little girl was jumping in puddles.
 When I was a little girl I loved to play with dolls.
little kid n informal (young child)criança sf
  garoto sm
 I used to play marbles a lot when I was a little kid.
little known,
(not very famous) (não famoso)pouco conhecido loc adj
Nota: A hyphen used when the term is an adjective before the noun
 We spent the summer in a cabin on a little-known island off the coast of Greece.
 She was a little-known actress before getting her big break.
little known,
(poorly realised or understood)pouco conhecido loc adj
Nota: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective before the noun.
 It's a little-known fact that I'm actually a very good cook.
little man n (term of affection: boy) (termo de afeto: menino)homenzinho sm
 Hey, little man! - let's have a talk.
little monkey n figurative (mischievous child) (criança mal-educada)pestinha sm, sf
 We often refer to our two-year old as "little monkey”.
little one n (affectionate term: small child) (criança pequena)pequenino sm
 Eight o'clock is bedtime for the little one.
little ones npl (small chlidren) (crianças pequenas)pequeninos sm pl
 Be quiet! The little ones are napping!
little opportunity n (hardly any chance) (quase sem oportunidade)pouca oportunidade loc sf
 In some places, there's little opportunity for work so unemployment is high.
 Em alguns lugares, há pouca oportunidade de trabalho, portanto o desemprego é alto.
little or no adj (hardly any)quase nenhum loc adj
 I haven't done any revising so there's little or no chance of me passing the exam.
little scamp n informal (mischievous child) (BRA: figurado, informal, animal pequeno)malandrinho sm
 My nephew is such a little scamp; I'm exhausted after babysitting him for an afternoon!
little scamp n informal (playful animal) (BRA: figurado, informal, animal pequeno)malandrinho sm
 Ramona named the little scamp Spot.
little sister n (younger female sibling)irmã mais nova sf
  irmãzinha dim
 My little sister was born three years after me.
 I have a big brother and a little sister.
little snot n slang, pejorative (brat, unpleasant child)criança mal-educada, criança levada loc sf
 The little snot was stealing the other children's things.
little talk n informal, euphemism (reprimand or caution) (informal, eufemismo - reprimenda)conversinha sm
 I think it's time we had a little talk about the way you've been acting lately.
little tart n slang, pejorative (immoral woman or girl) (pejorativo)vadia, prostituta sf
 If she's such a good girl, why does she dress like a little tart?
little theater (US),
little theatre (UK)
(small venue for amateur dramatics)pequeno teatro adj + sm
 The high school play will be performed this Friday in the school's little theatre.
little thing n (detail)detalhe sm
 The little things in life are important; take time to stop and smell the flowers.
 Just one little thing: your socks don't match.
little thing n ([sth] inconsequential)detalhe sm
 Don't focus on the little things; set a goal and work toward it.
little toe n (smallest digit of the foot)dedinho do pé loc sm
 She broke her little toe when a car ran over her foot.
a little while n informal (short time)um pouquinho loc adv
 It will only take me a little while to finish this book.
matter little v expr (be unimportant) (não ser importante)importar pouco, não importar loc v
 It matters little whether you come with me or not, I'm going anyway.
not a little adv (a lot, a great deal)muito, bastante adv
 I was not a little upset by his remarks.
of little consequence adj (barely significant)de poucas consequencias loc adj
 Some error messages require immediate intervention, but others are of little consequence.
of little importance adj (barely significant)de pouca importância loc adj
 Though his role is of little importance, he feels useful.
precious little adj (not much, hardly any) (não muito)pouquíssimo adj
  escasso adj
  (pouquíssimo)exíguo sm
 It's 5 o'clock - we've got precious little time to pack if we want to catch the 5:30 train!
Red Riding Hood,
Little Red Riding Hood
(fairytale character) (personagem de conto de fadas)Chapeuzinho Vermelho loc sf
 The wolf disguised itself as Red Riding Hood's grandmother.
little tinker
UK, informal (mischievous child)arteiro sm
 Give my glasses back, you cheeky tinker!
tiny little adj informal (minuscule, very small) (minúsculo, muito pequeno)diminuto adj
  ínfimo adj
 There was a tiny little kitten sitting on the doorstep.
too little adv (not enough) (não o bastante)muito pouco loc adv
 She was cold outside because she wore too little clothing.
too little adj (not enough) (não o bastante)muito pouco loc adj
too little n (an insufficient amount) (uma quantidade insuficiente)pouquinho sm
Ursa Minor,
Little Bear
(constellation) (constelação)Ursa Menor sf
very little adv (hardly anything) (quase nada)muito pouco loc adv
 We have very little in common.
very little n (a small quantity)muito pouco loc sm
very little adj (not much)muito pouco loc adj
 The news report provided very little useful information.
white lie,
little white lie
(fib) (mentira, gracejo)mentirinha sf
  mentira branca sf
 His baby was ugly, but I told a little white lie and said it was cute.
little woman
pejorative, informal (wife) (esposa)mulher sf
 I have to go home to the little woman.
 Eu tenho que ir para casa, para minha mulher.
wrap [sb] around your finger,
wrap [sb] around your little finger
v expr
figurative (be able to control [sb](manipulação)controlar completamente vt + adv
yappy little dog n informal (small noisy dog, terrier)cãozinho de latido estridente sm dim + loc adj
 Those Yorkshire terriers are yappy little dogs with a piercing bark.
  Está faltando alguma coisa importante ? Notifique-nos a respeito de erros ou sugestões para que possamos aprimorar o nosso sistema.
'little' também foi encontrado nestas entradas:
Na descrição em inglês:

Colocação: (the) little [girls, children], my little [brother, sister, boy, girl], poor little thing, mais...

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