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Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute

CRUK 4 Year PhD Studentships 2024

We are pleased to announce these two exciting postgraduate opportunities within the Leukaemia
Immunology and Transplantation group and Leukaemia Biology group


Application Deadline:      FRIDAY 17 MAY 2024, 1700hrs (GMT)

Interview:                             MONDAY 17 JUNE 2024, NEW PATERSON BUILDING, MANCHESTER, M20 4BX, UK              



Project Title: "T Cell Responses in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia"
Group Leader: Mark Williams

Recent advances in cancer immunotherapy have yet to benefit patients with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML), despite allogeneic stem cell transplantation demonstrating the curative potential of leukaemia-reactive T cells. Whilst there is evidence that autologous T-cell responses occur in patients with AML, we do not know whether these are common or robust enough to allow therapeutic manipulation. Overall, the immunology of AML remains understudied and poorly understood. Contributing factors include the complexity of bone marrow, where large numbers of developing, circulating and resting T cells complicate identification of those relevant to disease pathogenesis. Additionally, contemporary approaches such as single-cell sequencing are expensive and generally not powered to identify rare populations that may constitute <1% of T cells.  Full project details can also be found here.

Project Title: "Making use of protein degraders as a novel approach to treat blood cancer"

Group Leader: Tim Somervaille

While there has been substantial progress in the treatment of blood cancers, there remains so much more to do. Many of our patients continue to present with incurable disease and so there is a substantial unmet need for better and less toxic therapies. This PhD project, based in Manchester at the Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute, will run jointly with colleagues at Dark Blue Therapeutics, a biotech company based in Oxford. The goal will be to evaluate the functional consequences and mechanistic basis of a new drug currently in development which blocks a critical protein involved in the transformation of normal stem and progenitor cells into leukaemia cells.  Full project details can also be found here.

We would welcome applications from individuals with a strong academic track record and Masters-level and/or other laboratory research experience in leukaemia, cancer biology or immunology.  Applicants should hold or expected to graduate with a first or minimum upper-second class undergraduate honours degree (or equivalent from a non-UK university) as part of a university degree course.  

Successful applicants will receive a non-taxable annual stipend (living allowance) of £21,000 GBP per annum, bench and tuition fees (home and international) covering the full 4 years.  Registration and graduation will be affiliated to the University of Manchester, UK.  PhD University registration entry 1-30 September 2024, PhD Commencement 1 October 2024.

The Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute is proud to be a diverse, open, and global Institute.  Our priority, and that of the University of Manchester, is to support our current students and welcome new ones from Europe and other continents, we therefore encourage students of all nationalities to apply for the programme.  All applications will be considered equally irrespective of ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender, religion/belief, age and nationality.  To help the CRUK Manchester Institute monitor equality, diversity and inclusion, you will be asked to complete and submit an EDI monitoring form during the application process.  Equal opportunities information will not be shared and will not form any part of the selection process or divulged to members of the selecting, recruiting or interview panels.

Studentships will be based in the Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute, New Paterson Building, Withington, Manchester, UK

The CRUK Manchester Institute is located over two adjacent sites; the Oglesby Cancer Research Building, Manchester Cancer Research Centre and our new research facilities in the Paterson Building, Withington, South Manchester next to the The Christie NHS Foundation Trust

 We plan to hold in-person interviews on site; however, we will take into consideration any change in circumstances at the time to ensure the safety of all concerned and in amending the interview format to virtual if deemed appropriate.

Brexit & EU Students

Guidance on the University of Manchester's position on Brexit and how this affects student fee status can be found here.

For further information on your residency and tuition fee status, please visit the following UK CISA page here.

Our funded PhD studentships are inclusive of home/international tuition fees and stipend for the duration of the 4-year programme.  If you are successful and offered a PhD studentship at the Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute, you are not expected to fund any part of the programme.

Informal enquiries should be addressed to the Postgraduate Tutor at: