The Best Breakfast And Brunch Spots In Lima

The Best Breakfast and Brunch Spots in Lima

Breakfast brunch
Breakfast brunch | Photo by Rachel Park on Unsplash
Brandon Dupre

Peruvians aren’t known for their breakfast appetite, which is why you’ll see most of them skipping the meal altogether or grabbing a sandwich from a street vendor. Most restaurants in Peru don’t open until 12 p.m., so it can be tricky to find a place to get breakfast, but have no fear. Here is a list of the best places to have breakfast and brunch in Lima.

Central Central

A world-renowned restaurant in Lima that offers an extraordinary dining experience. Chef Virgilio Martínez takes guests on a culinary journey through Peru’s diverse ecosystems, with each dish showcasing local ingredients and flavors. The tasting menu is a work of art, and the attention to detail in presentation and taste is exceptional. Central is a must-visit for food enthusiasts looking to explore the depths of Peruvian cuisine.


Rustica is a restaurant with a huge number of food options, located a few feet from the Pacific Ocean in Barranco. You can enjoy all the Peruvian dishes such as ceviche and chifa laid out in front of you, buffet-style. Grab your food and find a seat close to the ocean.

Mangos restaurante

This is another restaurant with a spectacular view of the ocean. Mangos is located in Miraflore’s mall Lacomar, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. On a good day you can watch people surfing below the restaurant while you’re eating a buffet-style breakfast.

La Panetteria

This coffee shop is so small you can easily miss it, but it’s so charming it’s worth looking for. Located off of Barranco’s Street Grau, a block away from the main plaza, this is Lima‘s best bakery and a great place to enjoy a breakfast cake and a coffee before starting your day.

Crepes & Waffles

While it may be part of a chain, this place delivers some of the best breakfast in Lima. Limeños aren’t too fond of their breakfast, but when they do go, they go here. There’s a great choice of classic breakfast options for a decent price.

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