Lionsgate just announced the details for the upcoming home release of Power Rangers. The much-anticipated reboot brought a fresh perspective and updated look to Saban's instantly recognizable heroes, and not to mention a bigger budget and more eye-popping action and special effects. Nearly a month after the release of the trailer for the movie's impending release on Blu-ray, DVD, 4K, and Digital HD, fans can finally count the days to getting the full Power Rangers experience in their homes.

A big-budget, high-concept production like the Power Rangers reboot is surely a movie that would be rife with special features once it got released. Lionsgate has officially announced what to expect on Power Rangers' upcoming home release, and fans of the movie will not be disappointed.

Lionsgate announced that Power Rangers will premiere on Digital HD on June 13. The Blu-ray, DVD, 4K, and On-Demand versions of the movie will be released two weeks later on June 27. You can view the cover art for the Blu-ray/DVD release below. The DVD special features include audio commentary by director Dean Israelite and writer John Gatins, as well as deleted/alternate/extended scenes and outtakes.

The Digital HD, Blu-ray, and 4K special features are even more expansive. In addition to the aforementioned audio commentary for the movie, they also include the theatrical trailer with commentary by Israelite. There is also a nine-part documentary about the making of the movie called "The Power of the Present," which will include commentary from the cast and crew in addition to Power Rangers creator Haim Saban. The documentary includes chapters called "Rangers Then To Now," "Suiting Up," and "Power Ballad: Music and Sound," among others.

Based on the titles from the making-of documentary, the chapters will focus on production aspects like the casting process, costume design, and Brian Tyler's musical score. The chapters "Rangers, Welcome to Training" and "Rangers in the Wild" suggest that part of the documentary will cover how the cast was physically prepared to handle their roles. Fans of the reboot and longtime fans of the franchise should be excited to see how in-depth the behind-the-scenes content appears to be.

Despite the plentiful special features, Lionsgate may be depending on the upcoming home release of Power Rangers more than they would have liked. The reboot, while not an outright flop, was far from the smash box office hit that Lionsgate and Saban had hoped for, which leaves sequel hopes in doubt. However, the movie's strong merchandise sales alone could push a sequel into production, so those who enjoyed the reboot can still be confident that they'll get more Power Rangers -- and in turn, more special features.

Next: Power Rangers 2 May Yet Happen, Thanks to Toy Sales

Source: Lionsgate