金鴨子 Tasty Duck 》LA County Peking Duck | 北京烤鴨

Last Updated on 2024-05-02 by Foodelicious

(Closed Down ) 金鴨子 ( Tasty Duck ) 位於洛杉磯郡的聖蓋博市, 這家餐廳的平價北京烤鴨三吃為招牌料理.
(Closed Down) Tasty Duck Restaurant is located at San Gabriel, California. This restaurant’s Peking Duck is quite popular in LA County.

金鴨子裝潢屬於古色古香, 用餐氛圍有家的感覺, 許多大圓桌顯得稍微擁擠, 四人小家庭的座位在窗邊, 兩人座位在牆邊, 可想用餐時間的音貝應該會破表. 金鴨子除了需要一小時前預約的北京烤鴨外, 也有少見的鰻魚米糕,紅燒刺參, 松鼠全魚和四喜拼盤, 建議六人以上直接點合菜較為划算.
The dining environment is similar like home instead of Chinese palace. There are many large round tables, which are a bit crowded. Besides Peking duck, there are many other rare dishes – eel sticky rice, flavorful sea cucumber..etc. If there are more than 6 people, I would suggest to order set.



Peking Duck
Price: USD $51.95
Promotion Price: USD $41.95



Peking Duck
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

北京烤鴨分為”掛爐烤鴨” (例如全聚德) 和 ”燜爐烤鴨” (例如便宜坊). 金鴨子的北京烤鴨是類似便宜坊. 這裡並沒有像 “頤宮”有桌邊服務, 而是在廚房預先切好, 因此第一吃的片鴨與12 片荷葉餅皮大約入座後 15 分鐘後即上桌. 無骨片鴨刀工細膩, 只是顏色較淡. 我將基本配置(青蔥,小黃瓜絲) 放到溫熱薄餅皮上, 夾了片鴨與鴨肉, 抹了一些甜麵醬, 口感可感受到酥脆鴨皮, 也許鴨皮沒有過度調味, 因此甜麵醬風味稍微蓋過鴨肉, 這是較為可惜的地方.
There isn’t table service like “Le Palais”. Since customers would need to reserve the ducks prior, I assumed that they already sliced the duck before our arrival. Our duck dish and wrappers are served around 15 minutes after seating. The sliced duck skin is not as dark as expected, but it is still crispy. I placed the basic (green onion and sliced cucumber) on the wrapper. However, the sweet fermented flour paste flavor is quite strong. Sadly, it covers the duck meaty flavor.




Duck Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

湯頭是鴨骨長時間熬煮, 湯頭濃郁程度類似“重熙老麵”, 但並不會過度黏口, 不僅有鴨香風味, 豆腐配置也相當吸汁, 我已經很久一口接著一口是始料未及.
The duck broth is stewed long time with duck bone. The texture is as thick as “Chongxi Ramen Restaurant”, but not oily. The soup broth is full of meaty flavor. And the tofu is perfect for absorbing the broth. I personally recommend this dish.



Duck with bean sprouts
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

美國的北京烤鴨第三吃通常都是自由發揮, 有些餐廳是加了孜然香料轉變成為特別辛辣料理, 金鴨子的第三吃較為中規中矩, 並沒有多做調味且不油膩, 脆豆芽爽口, 鴨肉並不會過乾, 相當不錯.
The third dish of Peking duck is different restaurant by restaurant in USA. Some restaurants added cumin and transfer the dish into spicy dish. However, Tasty Duck restaurant dish is to stir-fried with bean sprouts. The bean sprouts is crispy and perfect. The duck meat remains its moist texture as well.



Shrimps with Walnut
Promotion Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

幾乎所有美國中式餐廳 (例如“三和餐廳” )皆有販售核桃蝦仁, 也許是因為美乃滋過多, 口感稍微膩.
Almost every American Chinese restaurant (for example, “Sam Woo Restaurant”) offers Shrimps with Walnut Dish. However, the mayo is a bit too much to cause oily. It doesn’t taste as good as expected.





店名: 金鴨子
地址: 1039 E Valley Blvd, San Gabriel, CA 91776, USA
電話: 626-572-3885
營業時間: 打電話確認
Facebook: N/A
Restaurant Name: Tasty Duck
Address: 1039 E Valley Blvd, San Gabriel, CA 91776, USA
Tel: 626-572-3885
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm



