Samuel Brown - Lawyer in Annapolis, MD - Avvo Skip to main content

Samuel J Brown

Divorce and separation Attorney at Annapolis, MD

5.0   24 reviews
  • State Years
    Maryland - MD 47 years
    Dist. of Columbia - DC 39 years
  • Licensed for 47 years
    State MD
    Acquired 1976
    Active No misconduct found
  • Licensed for 39 years
    State DC
    Acquired 1985
    Administratively Suspended - Non-Payment of Dues No misconduct found

We have not found any instances of professional misconduct for this lawyer.

About Samuel

Learn Samuel’s areas of practice.

Practice areas
  1. Child custody

  2. Divorce and separation
    Divorce, separation agreements, child support, custody and visitation, alimony, pre-nuptial agreements, adoptions including family adoptions and international adoptions Domestic violence Peace orders Emergency petitions

  3. Family

  4. Administrative law
    Liquor licenses representing Restaurants, Bars, liquor stores, hotelsm delis in the application for,violation of, and supporting of liquor licenses in Anne Arundel County Maryland

    47 years

  5. Criminal defense
    District Court DWI's, traffic cases Assaults, thefts, drug charges and some white collar crime in the circuit court

    47 years

  6. Personal injury
    Includes accident cases, wrongful termination, assaults, slips and falls

    47 years

  7. Real estate
    Settlements, enforcing contracts, drafting contracts, subdivision and zoning work with appearances before county and state agencies

    47 years

 I still enjoy getting up each day, spending time at home with my family and friends and practicing law.  About 50% of my work week is in court and the balance meeting with new clients and managing my office.  There is nothing too trivial for a client in need.  It is important to analyze the problem, find a solution and hopefully convey it quickly, efficiently and inexpensively to a client.

Our clients come from all walks of life as referrals from other clients and other attorneys. Our firm has grown to 10 attorneys and 10 administrative assistants. If our full service law firm can assist you please contact me. 

Photos and videos

Sam Brown has lived in Annapolis since 1962 and hjas been practicing law since 176.  He has been involved in the local community.  There are 9 attorneys in his firm and they emphasize being a full service law firm.


Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.
221 Duke Of Gloucester Street
PO Box 668
Annapolis, MD, 21404-0668

Divorce lawyers nearby


5.0 / 5.0
  24 customer reviews
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2 Star
1 Star
Posted by Fred | August 15, 2023
This review is from a person who hired this attorney.
| Hired Attorney
Client first attorney
Sam was the third attorney which I hired in my very messy divorce. I should have hired him from the start. While this case has been ongoing for nearly 3 years, I have nothing but good things to say about his work thus far. Also, just to note, I was the husband, so Sam is not always representing women against men as was noted by another review.
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Posted by Aleshia | May 18, 2023
This review is from a person who hired this attorney.
| Hired Attorney
Great attorney
Sam Brown has been able to get outcomes that I never expected. His due diligence and perseverance are top notch. He listens to his clients and understands and appreciates the toll that this process takes on his clients.
Posted by Gloria | May 26, 2022
This review is from a person who hired this attorney.
| Hired Attorney
Excellent Attorney
I am extremely grateful for Sam Brown's professionalism and efficiency while representing me during my divorce. His compassion and advise guided me through a very difficult time in my life. His referrals were top notch. I never wish this on anyone, but if you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, I would highly recommend Sam Brown and his team.
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Posted by Julie | March 23, 2022
This review is from a person who hired this attorney.
| Hired Attorney
Sam is worth his weight in gold!
From the initial consultation through the contentious divorce, Sam and his excellent firm were on top of every detail. I am so happy that Sam has successfully steered me through this ordeal and fought for me every step of the way. He is dynamic and gets results - you definitely want Sam Brown on your side.
Posted by William | November 24, 2020
This review is from a person who hired this attorney.
| Hired Attorney
I had the opportunity to meet with Mr. Samuel Brown at his law office in 2016, concerning a, Judgment of Absolute Divorce, which included a Property Settlement Agreement that was date 2003, that I had foolishly entered into without proper legal counsel. I asked Mr. Brown to please review this Agreement and provide me with his honest opinion of the options available to me to modify and end this Agreement. Mr. Brown later provided me with an excellent detailed review of the legal issues of the agreement and what options were available to me. Mr. Brown then stated that the agreement was drafted in favor of my former ex-wife and not on my behalf, but that he could still help me, there was a possible light at the end of the tunnel. Mr. Brown attempted over the next several months to work with my ex-wife’s attorney to no avail and subsequently representative me in a one-day court hearing in March of 2017. I watched as Mr. Brown battled for me during this court hearing and felt that I was being represented by an outstanding attorney at law. Later that same month, I received a Memorandum Opinion and the Order from the Ann Arundel County Court, terminating the alimony and continuous child support. I truly feel that the decision of the court was solely due to the work and presentation of my case by Mr. Samuel Brown. I have waited to see if there would be any appeals concerning my case by my ex-wife, there has not. I was fortunate to have been directed to Mr. Samuel Brown, who took an interest in my case, that other attorneys had stated to me was hopeless and very little that they could do.
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Posted by Tamara | October 19, 2020
This review is from a person who hired this attorney.
| Hired Attorney
Excellent lawyer, excellent man, excellent results.
It was not just the proverbial 11th hour but about two minutes to midnight when Sam Brown stepped in and rescued my son's divorce and custody case. At trial he fought the other side into the ground in spite of Hell and high water. It was an epic battle. Since Sam Brown remembers everything he ever reads or hears, when he gets to trial all the large and small things are there in his head for him to draw upon and Oh Boy does he. Brilliant man.
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Posted by Timothy | May 26, 2020
This review is from a person who hired this attorney.
| Hired Attorney
Sam saved my family.
Sam saved my life. I was in a very bitter divorce with my then wife and although we had never completed the task in our three previous attempts Sam was able to get the job done in two weeks. Yes two weeks from the day I hired him to take over from three other law firms who had explained to me in no uncertain terms that I was definitely screwed being that I had four children, one still in diapers and a fairly decent income and assets. Sam was able to appraise the situation after our first consultation and set out a plan that left me financially intact with an immediate exit strategy. I literally had an agreement signed within two weeks from my spouse and a final divorce decree in two months. Sam was also able to restore my shared custody and get full custody of my son for me which has had major implications (all positive) with respect to my child support and home. I quite literally have the contact information of 10 different law firm’s that I’ve amassed over the last 10 years defending myself from my ex’s previous divorce attempts. As far back as 10 years I’d been read very grim appraisals as to my alimony, child support and property position. My ex was literally salivating at her prospects, then came Sam who flipped all that around and was able to save two of my waterfront homes, my yacht, my business and most importantly my children. I owe Sam my life for if I had continued with any of the other law firms I would’ve been broke and fighting to see my children just as the other law firms had spelled out. Two of these law firms are very well known, one of is actually advertised as the divorce attorneys for husbands and fathers, neither of which had imagination or genuine empathy to me or my family, only getting in and out of the process in what seemed like the most protracted and financially exhausting route possible. Not to mention leaving me broke, miserable and with very little time with my kids. Another very important part of the equation was the cost. Because SAM was able to complete this process in what seemed instantaneous, it cost me probably one fifth of the estimates from the other law firms. Sam read the situation instantly, had an escape strategy that he held me to and restored my Family, finances and sleep. Thank you very much Sam Brown, you literally saved my life.
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Posted by Miranda | July 11, 2018
This review is from a person who hired this attorney.
| Hired Attorney
The Best!
Sam is a phenomenal attorney and advisor. He grabbed my case by the horns and took charge of a complex high conflict divorce. His professionalism, patience, personal attention and experience make all the difference. He is a bulldog and will prevail. His reputation is superb and he deserves it. Im in the middle of an awful divorce with a criminal attorney and the only counsel I have confidence in us Sam. Tippy is on the ball and the office staff knows you by name. If it wasn’t for Sam and Tippy, I don’t know how I would keep going. He is a good person and provides a personal touch. I’m forever grateful for all he does. Thank you Mr. Brown!
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Posted by Kevin | March 26, 2018
This review is from a person who hired this attorney.
| Hired Attorney
client of Sam Brown
Sam is an extremely impressive attorney. The guy has a photographic memory and is very intelligent and well versed in his industry! I would highly recommend to any friends or family members.
Posted by Rob | December 20, 2017
This review is from a person who hired this attorney.
| Hired Attorney
None Better Than Sam Brown!
Sam represented me in a very high conflict divorce and I could not have had a better advocate and counselor in my corner. Sam is extremely intelligent and was well prepared for every facet of my case. His ability to keenly recall even the smallest detail was unparalleled. I am a retired trial attorney and spent 23 years litigating and have rarely come across another attorney with legal the acumen of Sam combined with an engaging personality and common sense approach to every difficult issue we faced. Sam presents a tough exterior but at the same time is one of the most sincere and compassionate individuals I have ever met. He is still helping me navigate some difficult post Divorce issues. He remains my most trusted adviser and I consider him a friend. Sam is truly one of the finest attorneys I have ever known and a true gentleman in every respect.
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Posted by Kay | January 21, 2016
This review is from a person who hired this attorney.
| Hired Attorney
Sam is the BEST!
Sam Brown is the most knowledgeable and professional attorney I know. He is honest, trustworthy and treated me with the utmost dignity and respect. With this being the most difficult time of my life, Sam was more than just an attorney, he was my ally and support system. He guided through every step of the process. I was going through a very difficult divorce after 21 years of marriage and Sam dedicated both his personal and professional time to my case. Sam was always just a phone call away, whether it was to talk me through a difficult decision or just to listen. Even at my lowest when I felt that there was no hope, Sam provided the counsel, guidance, support and the confidence I needed to help me get through all ( and there were many ) of the rough patches. Understanding my situation with my ex and the lack of any monetary support, Sam tried to save me money whenever he could by delegating work to appropriate associates and trying to avoid costs that were unnecessary. I can’t thank Sam and his practice enough for everything from divorce proceedings, emotional support, mental support and the empathy and compassion that is rare in this day. Thank you, Sam.
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Posted by anonymous | February 26, 2014
Divorce/ Child custody client
Sam and his firm are extremely professional, competent and responsive. With this being the most difficult time in my life, Sam provided a great deal of compassion balanced by reason. He has a comforting sense of humor as well as an innate ability to counsel both legally and emotionally. I always finished my meetings or phone conversations in a better state of mind than when I entered. My divorce was complex due to a complicated business and multiple assets. Sam's knowledge and resources allowed him to build a strong case for me as well as educate me in the process. He also represented me in my child custody case. Sam continues to work diligently with me through the divorce and custody appeals brought forth by my ex-husband. His staff was and continues to be wonderful as is his team of lawyers who also participated in and continue to participate my case. The communication is second to none. I always receive quick responses to all emails and voicemails and receive copies of all necessary documents. Sam is exceptional in the courtroom, quite honestly a master in his field. Yes, he is expensive but worth every penny, in my book, considering what I could have lost because I didn't know any better. I would also like to add that Sam is not one of those lawyers out to take your money. He tries to save for you where he can by delegating to his associates and tries to work real hard to settle cases before they get to court. I am absolutely grateful that Sam Brown was put in my path 2 years ago not only for my sake but for the sake of my three children. He continues to navigate this crazy course for me with patience, expertise, and resolve. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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Posted by anonymous | November 30, 2012
Review for Sam Brown
Sam represented me in a very contentious divorce; there were a lot of information and considerations for him to digest; he was able to sort through it and put together a legal strategy and an in-court narrative that was easy to digest. We were also dealing with some very complex assets and Sam was able to reduce it down to the relevant. During the long years leading up to the trial, Sam was supportive yet realistic. I always felt that he has my best interest in mind and is my absolute advocate; but most importantly, at the end of the day, Sam is EFFECTIVE. I am very happy with the outcome of the trial and I cannot be happier than I am with Sam’s representation.
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Posted by anonymous | March 10, 2011
Landlord/Tenant Lease Default (Complex)
I found myself in a challenging position in a lease default; my counsel at the time was challenged by defendants’ counsel of having a conflict of interest. While this was not the case, all involved felt it better for me to seek a new attorney. As always, personal referrals are a good source of information. The president of the bank I do business with recommended Sam Brown with out so much as a pause for a breath. Within a couple of days I met Mr. Brown in his office to review the claim I felt I had with the tenant. From that first meeting and during the entire process up to and including the trial, eighteen months, Mr. Brown kept me well informed and set appropriate expectations as to outcome. Each billable hour was of value. In my opinion time spent was minimized to my benefit. Quality work is a great replacement for hours and hours of time spent. I was fortunate to have Marietta Warren act as co-counsel with Mr. Brown, “Tippy” was with me every step of the way, she was masterful in document preparation, taking of depositions and filling in for Mr. Brown in pre-trial hearings when necessary. The case files prepared were complete and orderly enabling the case to be heard with full benefit going to me. Over the last eighteen months I have come to respect the work of Sam Brown and Marietta Warren, and like my banker there would be no hesitation in my voice to recommend this firm.
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Posted by Lena. | April 8, 2010
Great attorney.
Sam Brown is an incredibly knowledgeable, experienced and inherently wise attorney. His court demeanor rises to whole new level of professionalism and is absolutely outstanding. He was even complimented by the Judge at the end of the trial for his high standards and ethics. He was always well prepared whether it was a trial or simply a conference call. Sam has a terrific sense of humor and uses it appropriately. I knew he had my back all the way through a very painful and difficult divorce, which was the most difficult time of my life. He would always encourage me and would put a stop to my tears with one little joke and promised that he will not let anyone hurt me. He sure kept his promise and, I am very grateful to him and his entire staff at the firm. I would sincerely recommend Mr. Brown, you will never go wrong with him by your side. He is the best and most thoughtful and sincere attorney in this area.
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Posted by David | March 18, 2010
Outstanding Divorce Lawyer
Should you ever find yourself in a complicated divorce, Sam Brown is the man to have on your side. My divorce was more complicated than average, and after two previous lawyers who did not have the experience to effectively deal with all the issues, I decided to interview new lawyers. Sam came highly recommended by a high powered DC law firm that worked with him in the past on complex matters. While I did interview a few other attorneys, after meeting Sam and explaining the entire case to him I felt as if he had been working on this case for a year. Sam inspired confidence, and that was exactly what I was looking for. When other lawyers asked me who I decided to go with and I said Sam Brown, they all told me I would be in very good hands. Sam will look at the case from a number of different angles and will always be a step ahead of opposing counsel. Sam was extremely sensitive about the parental alienation issues that my ex spouse was promulgating with our child and he guided me through the steps to ensure my child would have counseling and I would receive more custody/visitation time. My relationship with my child has been restored. Worth noting, Sam does not come cheap. You can spend less with other attorneys, but you won’t get the attention he gives you, and quite honestly he works faster and more efficiently than other lawyers…you might actually end up spending less money with him. If your case needs your lawyer’s full attention then you need Sam. I must also say that I was very impressed with the entire staff at Hillman, Brown & Darrow. In order to help reduce my fees, Sam had one of his associates, Marietta Warren, assist on certain aspects of the case, and she did an outstanding job for me. The paralegals, and even the receptionist, all remembered who I was when I would call or stop by and they were very helpful and courteous. When my case was completed to my satisfaction, I turned to Sam and said, “I’m going to miss you Sam.” I won’t forget the fine work he and his firm did on my behalf.
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Posted by lina | February 23, 2009
former client
Excellent Attorney. Mr. Brown is an effective, highly skilled, and knowledgeable trial attorney. I was very satisfied with his ability and representation.
Posted by anonymous | January 17, 2009
Sam Brown is a very capable lawyer. He is very knowledgeable of the law, very intelligent and well known and respected
I am extremely impressed with Sam Brown and his staff. In my case the Court did not allow me to see my 11 year old son at all for 3 years, without any good cause. The judge, who was permanently assigned to my case, was biased against me, did not like me and was determined not to let me see my son ever again (even though all professionals recommended that he taken away from his mother instead). Sam Brown was new to my (extremely) long and complex case. He learned the very the case history very quickly and, within weeks, was able to have the judge taken off my case (the new judge was shocked at what the previous judge had done). From there, Sam Brown fought against an very aggressive lawyer and a misguided "best interest" attorney for my son and, within a few months, he won the case for me and I was allowed to see my son again, for the first time in 3 years! A short time later Sam Brown won joint custody for me and my son! The job Sam Brown did for me was phenomenal! with 3-5 l
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Posted by anonymous | January 14, 2009
If you want the BEST to handle your case, Sam Brown is your attorney!
Sam Brown has been our corportate attorney for approaching 15years now. He is always extremely professional and reliable. He is very knowlegeable about everything in his field. In addition his entire firm has a diverse array of talent and knowledge, they are an excellent law firm.
Posted by anonymous | January 13, 2009
I was very fortunate to have Sam as my attorney. He is confident, very respected and has a great rapport with other legal professionals. He is fair, attentive to detail, organized, timely, and is always three steps ahead. On a personal level, he is funny, warm, and friendly. His demeanor always put me at ease during times of stress. I always felt completely taken care of with him by my side. Definetely the person you want in your corner when you have a fight on your hands. He is fearless!!
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AVVO RATING 8.9 (Excellent)

Work Experience

  • Managing Partner
  • Hillman Brown and Darrow
  • 1976 - Present


  • American University, Washington College of Law
  • JD - Juris Doctor
  • 1976
  • University of Virginia
  • BA - Bachelor of Arts
  • 1973

Sample of Legal Cases

  • Signing Bonuses for Financial institution
  • Monetary Awards for clients
  • Merrill v United States of America
  • Verdict of $1,050,000.00
  • A $720,000.00 Verdict for a Long Standing Client
  • Verdict of $720,000.00


  • Maryland State Bar Association
  • Member
  • 1976 - 2018
  • American Bar Association
  • Member
  • 1976 - 2018
  • Maryland Trial Lawyers Association
  • Member
  • 1976 - 2014
  • American Trial Lawyers Association
  • Member
  • 1976 - 2014
  • Anne Arundel County Bar Association
  • Member
  • 1976 - 2018
View all associations

Languages Spoken

  • Spanish

Honors and Awards

  • Leading Lawyer
  • What's Up Annapolis
  • 2015
  • Power PLayer
  • Washington CEO Magazine
  • 2013
  • Super Lawyer
  • Super Lawyers Magazine
  • 2012
  • Best Attorney in Annapolis, Finalist
  • Capital Newspaper Readers poll
  • 2010
  • Leading Lawyers
  • What's Up Magazine
  • 2010
  • Leading Lawyer in Baltimore Area
  • Smart CEO Magazine
  • 2010
  • Leading Lawyers
  • What's Up? Magazine
  • 2009
  • Award of Excellence in Education
  • Anne Arundel County Chamber of Commerce
  • 2006
  • Oustanding Service Award
  • Anne Arundel County Circuit Court
  • 2005
  • Judicial Nominating Comission for Anne Arundel County
  • Governor of State of Maryland
  • 2003
View all awards

Speaking Engagements

  • Keynote Alumni Speaker at 2005 Anne Arundel Community College Graduation
  • What Graduates can expect
  • 2005
  • McCrone Annual Corporate Meeting
  • Contract Litigation and collections
  • 1990
  • Domestic Violence
  • Rights of a VBictim
  • 1985

Attorney endorsements

Received (4)
Given (2)
Endorse Samuel
Divorce and separation Attorney | Feb 23
Relationship: Worked for lawyer
"Sam Brown is smart and honest. He practices law with integrity. No one is going to out work or out think Sam. Be assured that Sam will guide you through the tumultuous times of a divorce."
Litigation Attorney | Jan 20
Relationship: Co-worker
"Sam Brown is an exceptional advocate and one of the most well respected domestic attorney's in the State. I have been lucky enough to begin my career in domestic practice working with Sam. His trial presence and insight on everything from complex domestic cases to city and county administrative actions to business matters is unmatched."
Divorce and separation Attorney | Jan 19
Relationship: Co-worker
"Sam Brown is the best divorce/custody attorney in Anne Arundel County Maryland. He is tenacious and hard working. He represents each client as if they are his only client. If you need some one to fight for you, you need to hire Sam Brown."
State, local, and municipal law Attorney | Jan 19
Relationship: Co-worker
"Sam Brown is an unparalleled advocate for his clients, overall. In particular, I've had the privilege of watching him practice and in assisting him in many matters involving local and administrative law, here in Anne Arundel County and Annapolis. His representation of clients in the local administrative agencies, hearings and boards of appeal is savvy and precisely calculated to maximize results for his clients."
Personal injury
Contracts and agreements